Saturday, August 1, 2015

How to use Rerolls

What is a reroll?
A reroll is saved into your account after you claim the code. At a future time of your choosing, you will be able to "reroll" the active and passive abilities of one monster. e.g. Snipe/Lethal => Barrier/Gladiator. All other attributes of your monster remain the same, including the passive leveling. Note: Due to the random nature, it's advised only to use this on a monster with such bad active/passives that you don't mind a random change. (Last year a reroll code was released and many people used them on average monsters, only to have them made worse... there is no "undo" function to this and reroll codes are rarely given).

How to use a reroll?
1. Move the monster you want to use the reroll on into your inventory.
2. Use the facebook login at
3. Select Reroll from the top menu
4. Find the monster you wish to reroll from those displayed from your inventory and press the button below it.
5. Double check this is really the monster you wish to change.
6. Click Reroll.

Which monster should I reroll?
It's generally best to use your rerolls on your highest rarity monsters, as you'll likely be playing with these for the longest period of time.  Epics and Ultras are the usual targets, although evolved supers are another option.  If you're still playing with rares and supers, it may be worth saving your reroll for a later point in the game, as they never expire.

It's common to reroll monsters with the old active/passive abilities (listed in the chart below) as they're difficult to level up the passives and their active abilities tend to be weaker than newer ones. The tier 1 passives can be worth keeping though. 
To determine whether your monster is "good" or not, consider looking them up on the new active/passive chart below. A feeder (tier 4) monster generally can't become worse during a reroll, and so they're the safest to reroll. Be prepared that you may receive any other combination on this tier chart through rerolling.

Good luck with your reroll. :)

Frequently Asked Questions (June 2016)

Q: If I reroll a reward monster, will the active still have a "+"?
A: No, the possible reroll combinations don't include the reward actives.

Q: Is it possible to get old active/passive combinations from a reroll?
A: No, only the new actives/passives are available (see chart directly above)

Q: Should I reroll dominion or troop wars monsters?
A: If you're planning on using these monsters again in their future events, it's usually best to keep the active as snipe for the best damage possible.  Some players do choose to reroll these monsters until they can turn one into a swap active, and that's considered the exception.  As an example, a dominion monster that is rerolled into something defensive or that spreads its offensive ability onto multiple targets (like blast/lacerate) will have a reduced damage against a single tower.

Q: I used my reroll but was given the same active/passive combination?
A: Unfortunately all combinations are equally likely and this has been known to happen.

Q: Can I trade my reroll?
A: Not directly.  Some players may offer to gift you a good monster if you'll reroll a monster for them.  In this case, they'll trade you their monster, you'll use your reroll on it, and then you'll trade it back to them.  Please make sure to take a screenshot of the reroll in case the same active/passive is given to the monster - you may need to prove that you did in fact reroll it.  The value of reroll trading increases when it's been a really long time since rerolls were given out.


  1. What about passives 'medic' and 'panzer'. They're not on this list. What tier are they considered? Are they new or old?

    1. Medic, panzer and cavalry have only been introduced with the last Bc update. They're so new that there aren't any tier charts that include them yet... but they're easy to work out by looking at what the passive does.

      A tier 1 monster has a passive that increases it's active by 55/65%. An example of this would be cavalry (+65% attack) paired with an offensive active. If it was instead paired with an active that heals (uses recovery) then it would be considered a feeder.

      Here's some more information on working out if you have a good monster. (It doesn't include the passives you're asking about but will walk you through the steps to find out)

  2. I want to ask something
    I have a mob blublast with snip/shaman

    Can i change her active/passive using rerolls
    Like snip/shaman. To. Eswap+/lethal
