If anyone can think of more acronymns or abbreviations from the game, or Battle Camp Global, please add them in the comments below.
LT = Lost Temple, usually referring to Crystal raids
BR = Battle Royale event
TW = Troop Wars event
CT = Celestial Towers event
Dom/Domi = Dominion event
evo = evolution
sevo = second evolution
PE = perfect evolution (everything was maxed prior to evolving)
"Feeder" = a monster not considered to be good by most. Usually used for passive leveling or as a "feeder monster" within an evolution (the one that doesn't exist afterwards)
T1/T2/T3/T4 - a representation of the tier trading chart. (Tier 1 being the best type of monsters in the game)
LF = "looking for", used in trading posts
PM = private message
Lots of the monsters have shortened nicknames as well
Mono team = team made up of monsters of only one element (e.g. A fire team)
Rainbow team = team with one monster from each element
IGN = in game name (your username)
PR = power rating
R - usually relates to a reward monster (given as a prize during events)
E - usually relates to an event monster (can be spun during events and has an extra bonus in an event)
E - usually relates to an event monster (can be spun during events and has an extra bonus in an event)
Leecher - someone in a troop who isn't doing their share of the work and is trying to get easy prizes from the work of others
Farming - collecting resources. This can be doing regular monster battles to collect uncommons/commons for feeding up monsters, rares for passive leveling or hoping to find specials. In some events (CT, Arena and raid events) there are items to collect in order to start the main raids - the process of collecting these can also be referred to as farming
Mobs - monsters
BC - Battle Camp
BCrank - website used for offering and negotiating trades, or checking on a player's event history
PvP - player vs player
TvT - troop vs troop (a feature of some events)
PvE - player vs event. Used to refer to monsters that are best used during events, in contrast to the more defensive monsters used for player vs player. (Thank you Julio C. for this contribution!)
PvE - player vs event. Used to refer to monsters that are best used during events, in contrast to the more defensive monsters used for player vs player. (Thank you Julio C. for this contribution!)
Alt - alternative account. Some people have more than one account, a main strong one and an "alt" that does a lot of the farming
dmg - damage
FB - Facebook
Line - a chat app used by many troops for easier communication
Pet - referring to the troop pet
Spender - someone who buys things in the game (energy, spins, etc).
SS - screenshot
PDT/PST - timezone of battle camp offices, and the standard when discussing times in the game
Pandi - short for Pandiamondium, the last battle within the Crystal sequence
Potent/charged/energized - a way of referring to specials by their feeding boost (2x, 3x, 5x)
Up - a very short message of the word "up" with the intent of boosting a post *up* to the top of the facebook page so that it gets seen by more people. (Something BC Global has asked us to stop doing - try posting a message with slightly more content instead)
Raid - a big battle that your troop has to defeat together. They usually run over a period of 8 hours (for events, but the times for Crystal raids vary). If your combined individual attacks from your troop haven't defeated the raid by then, you're considered to have lost it. There are sometimes "waves" of monsters, but always leading to a main "boss" - that's the difficult one to defeat, and sometimes has danger bars to worry about.
From Steven9853:
2:1, 3:1, 4:1, X:1 (X representing any number) - used in trades, it describes how many monsters from one person are being traded to another person. For example, trading multiple supers for 1 ultra monster, and vice versa, is very common practice
From Steven9853:
2:1, 3:1, 4:1, X:1 (X representing any number) - used in trades, it describes how many monsters from one person are being traded to another person. For example, trading multiple supers for 1 ultra monster, and vice versa, is very common practice
What is paste it lol I am dumb sorry