Sunday, October 18, 2015

Event Spins Questions

From Husin: If u have gold. Which event mob would you spend to get it first? TW mob, Dom Mob or BR mob?

Dominion (Dom) monsters (mobs) have the best trading value currently.

Battle Royale (BR) offensive monsters have a slightly reduced value but the defensive monsters have minimal value.

Troop Wars (TW) monsters have even less value than that - they're only used every second event and only have their bonus against one element troop pet. (They have no bonus against the flag). The "old set" have especially low attacks.

The decision between Dominion and BR for spins is rather personal. If you work best individually, then BR may get you into a higher tier. If you have a good troop who can help gain double trophies in Dominion through teamwork, then Dominion monsters would be better. It would be relatively easy to trade dominion monsters for BR ones if you change your mind (the opposite scenario would be challenging to find trades for).

Good luck :)

Note to beginners: Other events have non-recurring event monsters. They have bonuses for single events only. Spinning during these events can give you a big advantage as everyone starts the event without event monsters. These can help you gain a high tier, but only for that single event. Subsequently many advanced players won't spin during these events unless there is a particular reward monster as an event tier  prize.

From Frodo: Are there any tricks to spins? Spin all at once or separate?

No one really knows how the spin engine works within the game with any certainty. There are people who have done over 200 consecutive spins (at 50 gold each!) without winning an epic, there are others who have won an epic in a single spin. Playing the spins is very much a form of gambling, and there are no easy ways to guarantee you'll be lucky.

The following is my own personal system, and it's very easy to find a multitude of people who have their own spin methodologies and superstitions... that's all we're really working with here: guess work!

I prefer to wait for lucky spin opportunities within the event environment. (Others say that the event spin has a better chance). As I have a collection of event monsters already, I wait for the special promotions - increased epic drop rates or free energy with spins. The latter tends to work as a form of "compensation" for bad spins within my thinking. ;)

18 months ago, as a relative beginner player, someone once told me in the game that they only ever spin four times in a row and that gave them good results. That stayed with me and I've tested it out and it feels like a good fit to my personal gambling risk-taking. If those four spins are bad, I stop spinning. (The times when I've chosen to keep spinning tends to lead me into a bigger collection of bad spins). If I receive something good, I'll add an extra two spins to my original four. Good luck with spins tends to come in groups, and often an ultra/epic is soon followed by something else good and I'll make sure to spin a couple of times more.

Again, this is all merely superstition... none of us know the tricks to these spins!