Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to Help your Troop

Easy ways to help your troop...

1. Pet your pet as often as possible (resets every 6 hours or when 100 pets are reached)

2. Send a monster on a mission at the dig site each day to earn Troop XP. Raising your troop level will give you all attack bonuses, more missions and more selection in the troop shop.

3. Participate actively on event raids, troop hall raids and crystal raids.

4. Add new troop members as friends in game to start the 12 day trade delay window.

5. Add troop members as Facebook friends to enable daily mystery eggs and energy gifts.

6. Gift energy daily if possible. (There is no advantage in gifting more often than this)

7. Let everyone know if you need a particular monster/special/zodiac for your team, evolving or passive feeding. The more the troop can help you to raise your PR, the stronger our troop will become.

8. If awarded a troop position through event participation, it's useful to announce in channel when you activate your bonus. During event raids, activate at a time that suits you. During Troop Wars and Battle Royale, it's considered best to activate in either the first or last 15 minutes when most members are active.

9. Work on a defensive team. This will help your troop during Battle Royale, and you personally as a submitted Arena defense team during normal game times.  (It can also be used for PvP)

10. Let an admin know if you will be unable to play for a few days. (May be a shorter time window depending on your troop's rules).

11. Like other troop member's achievements on your troop newsfeed to help them earn prizes.
12. Contribute information/tips/strategies/announcements in troop chat, or on your troop's facebook page if it has one.

13. Feed your pet specials to help level it up. (No advantage to using anything more than a Level 1 Potent)

14. Donate stone on your troop home screen to help level your troop up. 1 Troop XP is earned per 10 stone donated.

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