Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to trade

1. Use facebook login at

2. Select Trading from top menu

3. Find the username of the person you're trading with on your friends list (chronological order) and click the select button next to their name.

4. The monsters in their current inventory (not in storage and not with equipment wielded) will be listed. Click the Info button of the monster you're interested in.

5. The details of that monster will appear. If it's the one you want to trade for, click select.

6. The listing of available monsters (of the same rarity) in your directory will be displayed. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to select the monster you're offering to trade.

7. A summary of both monsters for trading will appear. Click submit if you're happy with it.

8. Contact the person you're trading with to let them know that the trade has been submitted. That person will need to go to the trading page where your offer will be listed. They then have the choice of accepting or rejecting it. If they accept, as soon as you each move to a new map location, your new monster will be in your inventory.

9. You can make 2 trades per BC day. Each trade must be for the same rarity: supers for supers, specials for specials, etc. (Note: candy's count as specials for trading and crystals cannot be traded at all)

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