Thursday, January 19, 2017

Known PVP Visual Bugs Explained

PVP (Player versus Player) is a 24 hour event that now takes place midweek in between regular events. At the end of battling another player in real time, a result screen is shown announcing your Victory or Defeat, and shows a health percentage for both you and your enemy.

There are a couple of visual bugs in this result screen that cause frustration to players, as at first glance it looks like the game stole a victory away from you, or gave you a victory you didn't deserve.  Hopefully the explanations below will help reduce this confusion.

Visual bug 1: "I have the higher percentage health but PVP says I lost"

In this visual bug, the victory/defeat screen shows up and gives a contradictory announcement compared to the displayed remaining health percentages. In the screenshot below, it appears that the player lost the battle but still had 23% health compared to their opponent's 17%.  The percentages shown are the visual bug, and the end result of the match is correct.

Image stolen from facebook - thank you!

I'll replace it with one of my own next time I experience the bug firsthand

During the battle, to the right hand side of your team is the word "queue" with a number below. This number keeps track of how many moves are sitting in a queue waiting for their turn to be animated.  You can just see this in the background of the above screenshot - there is one move still in the queue here.

As soon as a player adds a move to the queue that will win the match, the animations are halted and the result screen is shown.  

Unfortunately the health percentages shown are from the last move animated, and don't represent the health when the winning move was entered into the queue.

The result of the match is always correct, however it does require a little trust in Battle Camp without being able to see the final animations play out.

Visual Bug 2: "PVP says I lost but we both have 0%"

In this scenario, the PVP result screen declares a win/loss when both players are shown to equally be at 0% health.

Yenilgi (Turkish) translates to Defeat (English)

Screenshot stolen from facebook as this is such a rare occurrence!

The final percentages shown are always rounded down to the nearest whole integer.  While the first player has definitely lost with 0% health, the other player is likely to have health between 0.1-0.4%. With rounding, this displays as 0% but is still enough to secure the win.

1 comment:

  1. Do you get more trophies at silver than at Bronze level? Whats the trophy difference between the different PVP leagues.
