Sunday, January 15, 2017

Beginner's Guide to Sanctiflyer

This post is now outdated.  For more information on how Santiflyer now runs, please follow this link to the latest guide available here.

May 2017 Changes:

Santiflyer raids now run in the same manner as exodawn, with 4 hour raids that each can be completed at a time of your troops choosing before you move onto the next difficulty level. (For those who remember Sancti from back in January 2017, there is no limb regeneration or requirement to finish all three raids within a certain time frame from each other).

Event special farming is random, like when Sancti was held in January, 2017. There is no correlation between the element of the common you choose to battle and the event special that has a chance of dropping.

Leader/vice troop positions only provide bonus trophies when they are running while a raid finishes.  The bonus trophies will be added to all damage done during any raid that completes while these positions have their bonus running. (This was reported as a glitch below but has since been confirmed to be intentional for Sancti and Exodawn).  Many troops try to time all three raids to finish within the same 15 minutes while both leader and vice bonuses are running. This tends to only work while the raids are easy to complete and your troop has the discipline to finish raids at very specific times.

The actives of the three raids are as follows, with left and right corresponding to the left and right of your screen (not the actual left/right arms of the boss as the boss would consider it).

Left Arm: Pound (stuns your team for 1 turn each activation)
Head: Shield (reduces damage from your team)
Right Arm: Surge (attacks your team)(Left refers to the left side of your screen)

The screenshot below is a pinned post from 11th May, 2017 on Battle Camp Global on Facebook.

May 11, 2017 - Battle Camp Global


Note: The first ever Sactiflyer event from January, 2017, is explained below. Please see the very bottom of the post for an update that Yulan (BC Global admin) has made about future Sanctiflyer events running differently to January's!


Sanctiflyer is a new event introduced by Battle Camp in January, 2017.  Previously Santiflyer had run as a global boss, and like the Exodawn global boss, it's been converted into a new five day event.  While these two events are similar, there are also marked differences. (It's not possible to tell yet whether they will remain different, or if santiflyer is showing changes that may yet be introduced into Exodawn).

Sanctiflyer can be found at the very top of your game map screen, above Celestial Towers.

Location of Sanctiflyer event

Around the Event Screen

Within the event screen you'll notice a giant boss that has a central body and two limbs (left and right).  Each of these is labelled with the word "boss" and indicate that there are three possible raids that you can run.  Each raid is 8 hours long (however see the Event Rules section for very important information!) Raids will allow you to earn trophies to win prizes.  Farming commons in the event screen does not award you with trophies, however farming elsewhere in the game seems to give you 60-100 trophies per energy.

Look to the top of these screens to locate the three "Boss" 
indicators on the body and two limbs.

Elsewhere on the event screen you'll find three common monsters that you can battle with 1-10 energy.  Each time you fight a common battle, there will be a chance for an event special to drop. There are three types of event specials, and collecting and donating 10 identical specials will let your troop begin one of the raid components.

Coal - Donate to left arm
Devil - Donate to body
Light - Donate to right arm
(Left refers to the left side of your screen)

If you used one energy, there's a chance for 1 special to drop. If you used 10 energy, there's a chance for 10 identical specials to drop. 

Use the energy slider to adjust how many specials may drop

While these specials seem like regular specials in that they come in the same formats of being "potent", "charged" or "energized", be aware that regular specials come with a feeding value of 800 and these event specials have a feeding value of 100.  This is unfortunately the same feeding value as commons (100) in the game and this makes these specials very weak for feeding up your monsters. Their purpose is only to be donated the the boss.  (Some players like to keep them for trading after the event or to use in pvp teams to reduce their power rating too).

 Fighting a common battle with a chance to win an event special

Note that unlike exodawn, there is no correlation between the element of the common you battle and the type of event special that may appear. It's completely random which special you will see in battle.

Once your troop has started a raid (or ideally all 3 raids together - see below!), you'll be able to use energy to start a one minute battle against that component of the raid boss.  The raid boss is wind.  Rock event monsters can be spun that will give you an attack bonus against the raid boss in both sanctiflyer and exodawn events.

Event Rules

There has been a lot of confusion about the event rules, often resulting in troops receiving 0 trophies for completing a raid.

A very special thank you to Jenn W. for very patiently explaining to me (multiple times) how this event works!

The game will let you start raiding against any limb anytime your troop has donated the required 10 event specials.  Do not start these raids individually, even thought the game will allow you to!

Rule 3 is the essential rule to the event is that all three raids must finish within 3 hours of each other, otherwise they will regenerate at the same health. When you then battle that same limb again, you will receive ZERO TROPHIES!  In order to move to the next level boss, and avoid needing to raid again for no trophies, all three raids must finish within 3 hours of each other!

Note: For the first set of raids, the regeneration timer will only be 1 hour. For the second set of raids, the regeneration timer is 2 hours. For the third set of raids and beyond, the regeneration timer caps at 3 hours. (Thank you Jenn W., Brittany C. and Kat C.)

Rules can be seen by clicking on the blue event "E" 
in the top left corner of your screen.

Unfortunately there is a game glitch that does not allow iOS users to see the message about the 3 hour timer until a limb regenerates. (Nothing happens if an ios user clicks on a completed limb). This has caused a lot of confusion about how the event runs.

Screenshot stolen from a facebook player with android.
Thank you!

The key to receiving trophies is to start all three raids at a similar time.  This will give you the full 8 hours to work on each raid. Then you'll need to make sure that your troop finishes all three raids within 3 hours of each other.

Our troop has three raids running together at similar percentages with similar finishing times.

Our troop starts all three raids together and asks our players to hit whichever raid is at the lowest percentage. This ensures that all raids approach the finish around the same time.

Our raids both starting and finishing within 10 minutes of each other

Other troops start all three raids together, but they work through one raid until it's at 90-95% and then abandon that raid to work on another until its at a similar percentage. Once all three raids are almost finish, they ask everyone to finish them at the same time.

Extra advice from Dinesh (reworded): If you are close to your troop's ability to finish the raids, you can increase the total time to complete the raids to 11 hours.  Start the first raid and you will have 8 hours to finish it. Start the second raid within 3 hours at a time of your choosing. Start the third raid almost 3 hours after the first raid.  This will allow you to continue raiding for 8 hours (first raid) plus the 3 hour regeneration timer by offsetting the start time of your last raid by 3 hours.

When you have completed the three raids without a limb regenerating, you will move onto the next round of raid bosses.  These bosses will require another 10 event specials to be donated to each raid component.  The first raid starts at a set health of 1 million, and increases exponentially by a factor of around 1.6x each completed round of raids.    (Note that the boss active only increases linearly, avoiding the problem of Exodawn where the increased active prevented troops from finishing raids).  

Graphs and table created by Nick W. showing the exponentially increasing boss health (top) and the linearly increasing damage of the boss active (middle). Thank you!

There will come a time when your troop can no longer finish event bosses within 3 hours of each other. Beyond that point, your troop will need to either increase participation, the number of event monsters you have, or change to farming in the general map areas to earn a small amount to trophies per energy (60-100). When you have reached your troop's limit, you can always run the previously unfinished raids individually for the trophies they'll give for their first defeat. This will give you the full 8 hours to work on a single raid at a time, and will be easier than completing all three raids at the same time. (Note: you will not progress to the next difficulty of raids and each raid can only be finished once for trophies at each level. This is something to try only when you're aware that you're at the end of your troop's ability to play the event).

What happens when a limb regenerates?

Thank you to Brittany C. for this advice: "If you haven't beaten all parts of the boss in the 3 hours, everything resets. Say you have 1 limb open and have hit it to 40%, if the 3 hour reset timer runs out everything resets to the special donation, including the open arm even if you have 7 hours left on that limbs individual timer."

Other Known Event Glitches

Note that there is another glitch regarding the troop position bonuses.  It seems that these only work if they are active when a raid finishes. This then applies the bonus to the entire damage done within that raid. Clever troops are able to time their leader, vice bonuses to the finishing of all three raids. (Note: Attack bonus does not seem to work in this way)

11% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position was active as the raid ended.

16.5% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position (11%) and vice leader position (5.5%) were active as the raid ended.  Note: Attack position was also active here but had no effect on trophies.

If you are in a troop that is experiencing the 0 trophies problem from regenerated limbs (see previous section for more information), try starting all raids at the same time and finish them within 3 hours of each other. It's likely you'll receive 0 trophies as these limbs previously regenerated.  The next time you complete all three limbs together, you will start receiving trophies again.

Again, a very special thank you to Jenn W. for sharing this information!

A final game glitch is that there is currently a damage cap that is affecting many players. If you hit a raid with the same amount of energy and receive the exact same damage multiple times, you're likely to be experiencing the damage cap.  Reduce the amount of energy you're using and this should eliminate the problem. (This problem occurs for some players using 10 energy, and other players for using more than 2 energy. Other players are completely unaffected.) BC is apparently working on this problem currently.

KitKatniss is experiencing the damage cap here, 

receiving identical damage each time she hits.

Battle Camp Support Ticket Response for the Event:

"Hello my lovely campers! I heard this event has been a huge challenge, I do apologize for any confusion. We just wanted to give you a new type of event to change things up. Let me explain rule 3 of the event a bit more “ Attack the boss limbs, as well as his main body to defeat it! Sanctiflyer’s limbs will RESPAWN and give ZERO trophies if you don’t defeat him fast enough! “ You should never let any limb respawn, if it does then you will not get any trophies for it. The best strategy for this is attacking all the pieces at the same time, you want to defeat all the limbs simultaneously to avoid this penalty. We’ve received reports that the rules translation on other languages weren’t so great, we’ll work with our translators to improve this moving forward. When in doubt please check the English version or ask our moderators on BCG for a screenshot. At the start of the event we did run into an issue with the limbs selection, we were able to deploy a fix for this the next day. There was also some confusion caused by players not seeing their WB defeated pop-up, we did verify that trophies were being added correctly and updating on their individual leaderboard. We investigated into Troop Position not working, our team verified this issue and deployed a fix on Saturday. Players were experiencing some lag and not seeing updated information on their newsfeed, rankings,etc. but this reflected correctly on our end. No server issues verified on our end causing a lag. There will be disconnection issues during events that create energy loss, these should not be confused with the 0 trophies for respawning. At the start there was also difficulty understanding that the WB increases in a set amount of HP/Damage possible, all WB start on Easy. We did have to reset the difficulty on the WB to easy on Friday in order to deploy our selection fix, for players that donated during the reset we provided a code for specials. For some players there is a damage cap they aren’t used to, this concern has shared with the design team to take into consideration. The best solution is to use smaller amounts of energy. Our team has investigated into all reports and fixed all verified bugs asap. We greatly appreciate your patience and feedback with this new event. We’ll continue to monitor things on our end. Thank you! Have a great day!"

Future Changes for Sanctiflyer

Yulan posted the following message in response to some politely asked questions on Battle Camp Global on Facebook after the event ended in January.  Within her response, it can be seen that future sanctiflyer events will likely run differently from this one. 

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