Friday, January 8, 2016

BC Rank 1/5 - Signing Up, Ranger/Troop Search & Prizes

BC Rank Website:

What is BC Rank?

BC Rank is an incredible website that has been created and maintained by Battle Camp player, Daniel Lydiard.  This is an amazing resource that Daniel's provided for us, and it's completely independent from Pennypop.  Feedback and appreciation(!) for Daniel's work can be given by sending a message on the official BC Rank Facebook page.  This series of posts about BC Rank have been written with permission by Daniel.

This series of posts will cover all of the other features of BC Rank:
Part 1: Signing up, information about BC players and troops, weekly prizes
Part 2: Information about the current and past events run by Battle Camp
Part 3: A catalog of all monsters within BC
Part 4: A team simulator so you can see how different teams perform
(Yet to be written)
Part 5: Saving the best for last - using BC Rank to negotiate trades
(Yet to be written!)

Signing up for BC Rank

Most of the features described here today (other than trading) can be used without signing up for BC Rank.  Signing up now will make it simpler when you're ready for trading, and will give you the opportunity to enter the Weekly Monster Giveaway.

BC Rank is very careful to make sure that you are truly the person who owns your Battle Camp account.  The first step in signing up is to provide your facebook username and password.  This will be used to log you into your BC Rank account when you visit the website. With that verification, people who you agree to trade with through BC Rank will be able to find your facebook page to contact you about your trades.

Authenticate your Facebook account and password
(Screenshot by Patrick Adams)

To verify that you own the Battle Camp account associated with your facebook account, you will then be asked to change your game status to a unique code of letters.  To change your status in game, click on the "Me" button at the bottom of your game screen. Then click on the space between your username and the "achievement" banner.  This will open up a space for you to type in a message that other players can see.  For now though, change the message to the required BC Rank code and return to the website to finish the process.  You can later change your status to any message you choose and other players will be able to see it when they click on your avatar in game.

Pop-up appears when you click the "Me" button

Clicking on my status brings up this box to enter a new status message.
Enter the verification code here that BC Rank provided you.

Later you can return to change your status so something more interesting.

Ranger or Troop Search

The search bar at the top of the main page on BC Rank allows you to look up any player or troop within the game.  Troop admins can look you up to see what your highest PR is and what your past event performance has been.  At the same time, if you're looking for a new troop, you can look up their past performance here too.  The search bar has a handy feature of giving you some predicted usernames or troop names as you begin to type the player/troop name. You can click on the correct name when it appears to save you from typing it out in full.

Autocomplete options appear as I begin typing in "MiriamRowan"

I'll be using my player name "MiriamRowan" and troop name "CG Raiders" in the examples below.

My player information on BC Rank

 In the screenshot above, any player can find out the following information about me:

I have played in 72 events and my top rank was 573.
I have a PVP (player vs player) rating of 1137, with 499 wins and 280 losses.
My troop name is CG Raiders. (Click on the troop name for more information)
My displayed achievement in game is "Millionaire".
The leader of my current team is a Grillsickle (pictured).
My highest power rating has been 460k (shown below the grillsickle).
I'm currently level 70.
My status message in game is then shown.
My ranking, trophy counts, my individual tier and it's prize are then listed for every event that I've taken part in.  (Clicking on any event will bring up more information as per the event section below).

Above this collection of information are two buttons named "team" and "trades". Clicking on either of these will bring up more information about either my current team or trades I have available.  Note that if I haven't used BC Rank for trading, the "trades" button won't appear.

If you click on the "team" button, you'll be able to see the current team I'm playing with, as well as some information about each monster and their collective statistics.  Note that BC Rank can't automatically access the active/passive ability of your monsters, nor whether they are zodiac matched. (You can manually enter this information and run damage simulations within the "Team" section detailed later in this post).

My current team

If you instead chose to click on the "trades" button, you'd be brought to my trading page.  The information at the top of this page gives you the extra information that my real name on Facebook is "Cloudia Spinner" and clicking on this will bring you to my Facebook page if you needed to contact me about a trade.  My Facebook profile picture is shown on the left.  I last logged onto BC Rank 34 minutes ago (useful to see if I'm an active BC Rank user or if I may have noticed your trade offer).  It also tells you my player name and that I have VIP3 (so I'll be able to do 10 day trades).

When you complete a trade through BC Rank, you have the option of "thanking" the other player to show everyone that the trade went well.  I have 114 thanks as shown in orange font under my game status message.  If I had made a bad trade, you'd see a red flag on the right hand side of this line with the number of players who had reported me for being a bad trader.  Also shown here would normally be an option to thank the player, flag the player or block them from trading with you - these aren't shown as this is my own profile.  The three green stars below my profile picture give you a quick representation of me as a trader.  At 10 thanks you'll receive one orange star, at 25 thanks you'll receive two orange stars and at 50 thanks you'll receive three orange stars.  At higher levels of thanks, the colour of the stars change like the green stars I have.

You'll then see three sections below showing you my "posts" (monsters available for trade), "trades" that have been completed, and other monsters that I've "offered" on other people's trading posts.  These sections will be covered in more detail on my BC Rank Trading post at a later date.

Returning now to the main page with the Player/Troop search bar, you can also enter the name of a troop here.  In the screenshot below, I've searched for my own troop "CG Raiders".

The information provided here tells you that our troop has competed in 80 events and our highest troop rank was 324th.  The collective power rating of our troop is 6.4m and our average player power rating (PR) is 254k.  We are currently full with 25 players and you can click on this to see more information about our players (names, PR's, last online, past 3 event tiers).  Below this the name of one troop admin will appear so you can look them up in the game to contact them about joining their troop.  On the right hand side of this section you can see that we have Heatra as our troop pet, it's evolved and has 26 million health points.  The "level 7" at the far right shows you that our troop level (through donating stone or sending monsters on missions) is level 7.

Below this you'll see our current troop description from inside the game.  Click on the blue down arrow on the lower right to expand this section so you can read all of it if you're interested.

Lastly you'll see a listing of our troop performance in all of the events we've ever participated in.  Using the top line as an example, Dominion is running at the time I'm writing this post - indicated by  the word "LIVE", otherwise the time since that event will be shown.  Our troop is ranked 532nd. We have 5.6 million troop trophies and we're currently in the 17th troop tier.  If you were to scroll down the listing, you'd noticed that our troop usually wins supers in Dominion and rares in other events.  This can be useful to know if you want to find a troop with a specific event focus, or a typical troop tier standard (e.g. super/ultra tier troops).

Weekly Monster Giveaway

Each week BC Rank holds a monster giveaway.  These are usually reward supers, and are always donated by either Daniel himself, another generous player or on behalf of a troop.  The monster currently available is always shown on the main screen of BC Rank, along with the name of the generous sponsor.

In the screenshot above from the main page, a chillerpillar is the current prize.  This has been donated by Jrock79149 and the winner will be announced on January 7th.  

Click on the "enter to win" button to find out more information about the chillerpillar - this one is Taurus with Swap+/Lethal.  The rules for entry are shown below this and are really easy.  All you need to do to be automatically entered is to sign up for a BC Rank account, verify your account (see above section) and then login to the BC Rank website daily.  Winners are announced on the BC Rank Facebook Page, and are also reposted on the Battle Camp Global and Battle Camp Global Trading facebook groups.  Note that if you win this prize, you'll need to be able to trade a (bad) super for the reward prize super.  Finally, a list of past winners is shown at the bottom of this page.


This section will be covered in a future post as there's too much information to be conveyed about it!  Almost 100000 monsters are posted within this section by players wanting to find a matching trade.  These can be easily searched and sorted to meet your needs.  You can also post your own monsters and see what offers are made for yours. Once a trade has been offered and accepted, both players then make contact through the game and/or facebook and the trading process will take place on just like any other trade.

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