Friday, January 8, 2016

BC Rank 3/5: Catalog of Monsters

BC Rank Website:

What is BC Rank?

BC Rank is an incredible website that has been created and maintained by Battle Camp player, Daniel Lydiard.  This is an amazing resource that Daniel's provided for us, and it's completely independent from Pennypop.  Feedback and appreciation(!) for Daniel's work can be given by sending a message on the official BC Rank Facebook page. This series of posts about BC Rank have been written with permission by Daniel.

This series of posts will cover all of the other features of BC Rank:
Part 1: Signing up, information about all BC players and troops, weekly prizes
Part 2: Information about the current and past events run by Battle Camp
Part 3: A catalog of all monsters within BC
Part 4: A team simulator so you can see how different teams perform
(Yet to be written)
Part 5: Saving the best for last - using BC Rank to negotiate trades
(Yet to be written!)


BC Rank provides accurate and searchable information about all of the monsters within the Battle Camp game.

A screenshot of the Catalog screen is shown below.  At the top of the screen there is a search bar with an additional drop down menu on the right.  The total number of monsters in the Catalog is currently 1041 (displayed above the passive section).  Below this are two clickable sections labeled "Passives" and "Actives".  The remainder of the screen will list all 1041 monsters from the highest rarity down to the lowest.  You can click on any of these monsters for more information.

Catalog Main Screen

If you click on the "Passives" link at the top of the monster listing, a page will open detailing the amount each statistic will change if a monster has this passive activated.  As you can level up these passives in the game, you can change this listing from the "Base Level" in the top drop-down menu to another level (up to the maximum of 15).  All of the percentage changes in the table will be adjusted accordingly.  Both old and new passives are covered on this page.

Passives page of the Catalog

 If you instead clicked on the "Actives" link at the top of the monster listing, a page will open that lists the effect of every active in the game.  The top drop-down menu will let you change your monster rarity as some actives may change accordingly.  The "initial cooldown" listed is the number of turns it takes at the start of a battle for your active to activate.  The "cooldown" listed is the number of turns it will take before it will next activate.  For example, Barrier will activate initially after your second turn, and will then reactivate every 4 turns after that.

 Returning now to the Search bar of the main Catalog page.  Clicking on "legend" will bring up some suggested search words.  Also searchable are the names of specific monsters.  The "reset" link will clear your search bar and all of the settings in the drop down menu on the right of the search bar.

The legend of the Catalog search bar

The drop down menu on the right of the search bar provides you with four ways to refine your search even further: evolution; the sort order the searched monsters are displayed in; how the monsters are obtained; and which version of Battle Camp the monsters were available in.  Clicking on either of these four buttons will allow you to modify your search criteria through further drop down menus.

Drop down menu on the search bar provides 4 search refinements

 The evolution button will allow you to select either all evolutions, monsters that are not evolved, first evolution monsters, and second evolution monsters.

Evolution drop down menu of the Catalog search bar

 The sort button will allow you to change the display ordering of your search results.  Options include using the default sort, sorting by highest power rating (PR) first, sorting alphabetically by the monster's name, sorting by the highest attack, health (HP) or recovery statistics, or sorting by the monster's feed value (crystals and specials will appear first).

Sort drop down menu of the Catalog search bar

 The third button will allow you to sort by how/where the monsters are obtained in the game (location).  You can choose to search all monsters, or only event reward monsters, monsters from event/ultimate/legendary grabs, monsters won from epic dungeons ("cave"), monsters obtained through gifts or referrals, or finally monsters obtained in different areas of the camp maps (e.g. Mt Magma).

Location down menu of the Catalog search bar

 The last search refinement allows you to search monsters that were released with a particular version of Battle Camp.  This can be useful after an update to discover the new monsters that will become available in the game soon (e.g. upcoming event monsters or new prize monsters).

Version drop down menu of the Catalog search bar

Let's try entering a search now for unevolved wind supers.  As you type, the search bar will make clickable suggestions for the word/name you are looking for.

The search bar below shows that I've chosen to search for wind supers that are not evolved.  The scrollable list of unevolved wind supers within the game are then listed for me.  Clicking on any of these monsters will bring up futher information as detailed later in this section.

The second monster in the search results is a Fuzzbat.  If I had wanted to search this monster specifically, I could have entered "Fuzzbat" into the search bar and I'd be taken directly to the information page about Fuzzbats.

Entering Fuzzbat into the search bar

 Both methods will bring me to the same information page about Fuzzbats, as shown in the screenshots below.  The name and avatar are shown at the top of the page.  Two buttons are below this - "trade" to find Fuzzbats currently listed for trade, and "catalog" to return you to the main catalog page for a new search.

Below this you'll find the base statistics of a Fuzzbat.  You can adjust the zodiac boost that you've achieved through leveling up your zodiac in the Arena (select the percentage, not the level here) and select the active and passive of your monster (if you own a Fuzzbat) to see it's specific statistics too.  The amount by which the base stats have been modified by these selections is shown to the right of each statistic with green numbers indicating a rise and red numbers a reduction. At the bottom of these statistics you can see that a Fuzzbat evolves into a Fuzzbunny, and you can click on the Fuzzbunny to be shown those statistics (also leading you to the second evolution of a Fuzzbrute by the same method).  The events from which Fuzzbats have been won in the past is listed at the very bottom.

Fuzzbat's base stats (left) and a specific combination of attributes on the right


  1. I've been using the stats tool for months to decide what mobs to evolve but have noticed EXTREME inconsistencies. For example, I have a perfectly evolved maxed Kappachameleon, scorpio, venom/rogue (passive level 6), zodiac boost level 23 aka 6.5% (yes I entered 6). With NO boosts but accurate active and passive, the stats for a PE Kappachameleon show PR 48K, attack 1772. My actual PE'd Kap has 44k PR and 1074 attack (Not even close!) and when I put in my zodiac and passive levels it goes to 54K PR, 2373 attack. That's no where NEAR the actual stats on my mob and it would have made me reconsider spending time evolving him. Do you know the reason for the discrepancies?

  2. I happen to have a PE kappa with rogue 6 to be able to check all the numbers myself. Put the kappa in your team and add the blue attack number (base stat) to the green number (all your bonuses) and your kappa should have just about 2370 attack. :)

    1074 is its base stat (blue number) and doesn't include any bonuses (no passive, no troop attack bonus and not the zodiac bonus)

    Rogue 6 gives 115% attack. (1074 x 215% = 2300 roughly). If you include the zodiac bonus, 1074 x 221.5 = 2378 roughly.

    BCrank shows you the total final bonus only. In game you will have to add the blue and green attack numbers. They should end up equal (or close to it).

    1772 is rogue level 1, increasing the base stat by 65% (1075 x 165% = 1772)

    Hope this all helps :) Please let me know if it doesn't though!

    1. GOD BLESS YOU!!! You're exactly right, and yes, they add up exactly as you said. Thank you so so much, this has been driving me crazy for weeks!!
