Sunday, August 13, 2017

Beginner's Guide to Sanctiflyer - August 2017 Update

November update:  Limbs definitely will not regenerate this Santiflyier, unlike the bug that occurred back in August. This was confirmed on the livestream on 11/14/17.  Sanctiflyer will run as per the blog post below, but with a better leaderboard and new promotions. :)

(August Note: There is a major error in this post.  There does seem to be a regeneration of limbs. The exact timer is unknown but appears to either be 4 hours from when you start the first raid of each round, or 3 hours after you finish the first raid.  If you don't complete all three raids within this time, the limbs regenerate and will require you to donate specials again.  When you next attempted these repeated raids, you unfortunately won't receive trophies for them.  Make sure to complete all three limbs within the 3-4 hours so that you can get to a fresh round of raids that will give trophies.  For more information on how regeneration ran back in January, please see this post.  This will NOT happen in the Novemeber event, so please ignore this paragraph!)

Sanctiflyer was a new event that was introduced by Battle Camp in January, 2017.  Previously Santiflyer had run as a global boss, and like the Exodawn global boss, it's since been converted into a five day event.

When Santiflyer first ran as a five day event in January, it had a conditional raid system: all three raids of the boss needed to be finishing within a particular amount of time after the first raid had finished. Without meeting this condition, the boss reset itself.  When your troop attempted the three raids again, any raid that had previously given trophies no longer did until you met the condition and could move to a fresh round of raids.  A significant catch was that iOS users couldn't see the regeneration timer and many troops missed out on receiving trophies without knowing why.  This system is luckily no longer in place and the event runs in the same manner as Exodawn.

Sanctiflyer can be found at the very top of your game map screen, above Celestial Towers.

Location of Sanctiflyer event

Around the Event Screen

Within the event screen you'll notice a giant boss that has a central body and two limbs (left and right).  Each of these is labelled with the word "boss" and indicate that there are three possible raids that you can run.  Each raid is 4 hours long against a wind boss. Raids will allow you to earn trophies to win prizes.  

Note that unlike exodawn, there is no correlation between the element of the common you battle and the type of event special that may appear. It's completely random which special you will see in battle.

Look to the top of these screens to locate the three "Boss" 
indicators on the body and two limbs.

Around the event screen you'll find three common monsters that you can battle with 1-10 energy.  Each time you fight a common battle, there will be a chance for an event special to drop. There are three types of event specials, and collecting and donating 10 identical specials will let your troop begin one of the raid components.  During Exodawn, the type of common that you play determines which element special you'll receive. However, in Sanctiflyer there is no correlation between elements and the special you may find in a battle is completely random.

Coal - Donate to left arm
Devil - Donate to body
Light - Donate to right arm
(Left refers to the left side of your screen)

Click to Enlarge

If you used one energy, there's a chance for 1 special to drop. If you used 10 energy, there's a chance for 10 identical specials to drop. 

Use the energy slider to adjust how many specials may drop

While these specials seem like regular specials in that they come in the same formats of being "potent", "charged" or "energized", be aware that regular specials come with a feeding value of 800 and these event specials have a feeding value of 100.  This is unfortunately the same feeding value as commons (100) in the game and this makes these specials very weak for feeding up your monsters. Their purpose is only to be donated the the boss.  (Some players like to keep them for trading after the event or to use in pvp teams to reduce their power rating too).

 Fighting a common battle with a chance to win an event special

Once your troop has started a raid, you'll be able to use energy to start a one minute battle against that component of the raid boss.  Your troop has 4 hours to finish a raid once it's engaged.  The raid boss is wind and each limb now has surge as it's ability. (Previously each limb/head had a different active).

Both wind and rock event monsters can be spun that will give you an attack bonus against the raid boss in both Sanctiflyer and Exodawn events.  Keep in mind that when you use a rock monster against the wind boss in Santiflyer, it will receive a 30% element bonus on every attack.  For this reason some players are still creating both wind and rock event monster teams for Exodawn and Sanctiflyer respectively.

A table of the Exodawn and Santiflyer event monsters is shown below.  This link will take you to the search I ran on to take these screenshots.  On their website you will be able to click any of these monsters to see their statistics and their evolved versions.  BCrank currently doesn't list any event bonus for the wind monsters, but they are identical to the rock monster of the same rarity.  For example, both the Psychoiron and Garishgoyle have the same 1200% attack bonus during Exodawn and Santiflyer.

Event Monsters for Exodawn and Sanctiflyer
Click to enlarge

At the beginning of the event, the boss for each of the three available raids will have only 1 million health.  There is no way to change this or to increase the difficulty of these raids.  After you've completed all three raids, the next round of raid bosses will become available.  These bosses will now have 1.5 million health and require 10 specials to be donated before you can begin to raid.  This pattern continues with each round of raids having a boss with 1.5x the health of the previous boss.  There is a maximum boss health of 2 billion, once you reach the 20th round of raids.  Beyond this the boss health no longer increases, but the strength of the surge of the boss will.

All raids show only an Engage button. 

There is no way to adjust the difficulty or health of the boss.

Wave Number Boss Health Wave Number Boss Health
1 1,000,000 11 57,665,039
2 1,500,000 12 86,497,559
3 2,250,000 13 129,746,338
4 3,375,000 14 194,619,507
5 5,062,500 15 291,929,260
6 7,593,750 16 437,893,890
7 11,390,625 17 656,840,836
8 17,085,938 18 985,261,253
9 25,628,906 19 1,477,891,880
10 38,443,359 20 2,000,000,000 (MAX)

When the health of the boss becomes too difficult for your troop, there is no way to continue forwards in the event.  Changing to farming in the map areas (not the sanctiflyer event area) can still earn you about 100 trophies per energy used.

Leader/Vice Position Bonus

The leader and vice leader positions work differently in Santiflyer and Exodawn compared to every other event.  To receive the benefits of the positions, the bonus must be active when a raid is finished.  The bonus then applies to every hit that was made throughout the raid.  (Attack, defense and support positions work in the regular way in that they only affect hits made during the 15 minutes that their bonus is active).

It's also possible to bring all three limbs close to being finished before activating the positions, and then send a player with an event team in to finish each raid while the bonuses are running. This way all three raids can benefit from a single activation of the position(s).

11% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position (11%) was active as the raid ended.

16.5% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position (11%) and vice leader position (5.5%) were active as the raid ended.  Note: Attack position was also active here but had no effect on trophies.

The bonus trophies from any positions during sanctiflyer affect only your individual trophies, and are not added onto your troop's trophies.  The screenshot below shows troops who have reached the maximum health level of the boss, and they are receiving exactly 2 million trophies for each raid.  The troops with identical troop trophies have completed the exact same number of raids.  For these troops, the first troop to reach that trophy level will be higher up in the tiers than those who reach that trophy level by completing the same number of raids at a later time.  If you have a choice between running a raid sooner or later, it's advisable to run it at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure the highest tier placing for tied troops.

In the screenshot above, my troop is listed as number 85, CG Raiders. We've completed the same number of raids as Invictus, but they finished their last raid before we did and so they are one place higher than us on the troop tier chart.  The four troops at 80-83 have completed one more raid that us as their trophies are 2 million higher than ours. (Maximum boss health is 2 billion, giving 2 million trophies each raid).

Known Glitches

There does seem to be a glitch where some raids are not receiving any trophies at completion. Make sure to send a support ticket in at if your troop experiences this.  It may help to include the time (and timezone) that the raid completed and ideally a screenshot of your troop event log showing the raid reaching 100% but without a raid/trophy breakdown.


  1. Did you get this info from penny? If not, it's just irresponsible. My toop.has killed all in less than 3 hours leaving 0 limbs hanging and 0 teophies.

    1. After the hacking incident, this event seemed to change to the way that sancti worked the first time in January. My troop monitored the resetting of the limbs and whether or not they gave trophies to be sure of this before I posted the information here.

      When a round of limbs wasn't completed correctly, the limbs reset. When you attempt to complete them within the regeneration time limit, only the limbs that hadn't previously given trophies will still give trophies. However, completing the three within that time limit, brings each troop to the next round of raids which will all give out trophies. To get to the following round though, they all needed to complete within the regeneration time.

      Unfortunately BC gave no indication of the regeneration time. My troop worked it out to be either 3 hours from when the first raid finished, or 4 hours from when the first raid started. We're not quite sure which. After this time, completed limbs reliably returned to needing specials to be donated.
