Monday, February 6, 2017

Battle Camp Language (understanding abbreviations)


- Battle Camp

BCG / BC Global - The official facebook page "Battle Camp Global".

BC Global Trading - The official facebook page "Battle Camp Global Trading".

BCRank - website that many players use for negotiating trades, looking up monsters in their catalog, looking up players or troops, and event rankings.

FB - Facebook

IGN - In Game Name (the player name you use in the game)

Line - an app called Line that many troops use to communicate

LF - Looking For (used in many trading posts)

PDT/PST - Pacific Daylight-Saving/Standard Time, GMT-7/GMT-8, the timezone sometimes used in official game notifications as this is the timezone of the game creators, WRKSHP.

PM - Private Message

SS - Screen Shot (an image captured in game)

TOS - Terms of Service, detailing what is legal and what is not allowed. BC's TOS can be viewed here.

up - A message that you may see on Facebook posts. Commenting on a message usually raises it to the top of the posts in a group, allowing more people to see it.  This isn't allowed in Battle Camp Global, as they would prefer that you add information/value to your comment instead of just writing the word "up".

UTC - Universal Coordinated Time, same timezone as GMT, often used in official game notifications.


- Battle Royale
CS - Crystal Siege
CT - Celestial Towers
Dom - Dominion
Exo - Exodawn
PvP - Player versus Player
Sancti - Sanctiflyer
TW - Troop Wars


- evolution (usually referring to a first evolution)

sevo - second evolution, where you take two perfectly evolved monsters and evolve them once more using crystals.

PE - Perfect Evolution, where all monsters and specials were at their maximum feeding level when the evolution was performed. This creates a monster with the best possible statistics. (It's very hard to trade a monster that hasn't been perfectly evolved, and the advantage to the monster statistics make it worthwhile).

Other Battle Camp Terms

2:1 / 3:1 / 4:1
- An offer of someone giving you 2, 3, or 4 monsters in exchange for your 1 monster (or vise versa).  (Note that you will need to each give up an equal number of monsters during the trade, but the other monsters can be feeders that you don't want)

alt - An alternative account.  Players are allowed to have multiple accounts within the game, provided that they don't use it to breach the game's terms of service. Each alt will need to be connected to a different facebook account.  Some players play actively on both accounts, others use one account to save up daily energy gifts, and others use it to speed up extra tasks like maxing specials.

Official BC response to having alt accounts (Dec 2016)

ATK - Attack statistic of a monster

bad trader - Someone who hasn't followed through with an agreed upon trade.

boss - Any monster or waves of monsters found in the game. Usually refers to the monsters in raids or crystals, or even the troop hall dungeons.

DMG - Damage (equivalent to attack statistic)

E - Usually refers to event monsters that can be spun during events in the game.  These monsters have a bonus in the event they were spun in, and some may have their bonus repeat in future events.

farming - collecting resources. This can be doing regular monster battles to collect uncommons/commons for feeding up monsters, rares for passive leveling or hoping to find specials. In some events (CT, Arena and raid events) there are items to collect in order to start the main raids - the process of collecting these can also be referred to as farming

feeder - A monster that most players would use as a feeder in an evolution (the extra monster that disappears) or to feed to a better monster to increase its passive level. Feeder can also refer to a tier 1 reward monster that has a defensive active as these tend to be unpopular.  
Click here to read more about what makes a monster good or bad on this post.

 - Something used to indicate on that a trader has not followed through on an agreed upon trade.

HP -  Health Points, health statistic of a monster, refers to how much damage a monster can withstand during a battle.

leecher - Someone in a troop who isn't doing their share of the work and is trying to get easy prizes from the work of others.

LT - Lost Temple, which usually means the crystal raids that take place in the hall on the Lost Temple map at the end of the story line quests.

LV - Level. Used in the game to indicate the level of the passive of a monster.

mob(s) - monster(s)

mono team - A team of monsters that all have the same element.

mutant - A mutant monster is one that has an active ability that does damage in a different element to the monster's element.  These only occur with the old passive monsters, and are considered to be feeders.

Mutant - A water monster who's active leech does leaf damage
(Thank you Emily R. for this screenshot and question)

old passive - In the early days of Battle Camps there was a different collection of active and passive abilities in the game to those you usually see now.  If your monster's passive is on the chart below, it's one of the old passives.

Old Passive Tier Chart - Click to Enlarge

pandi - Pandiamonium, the final battle against the Architect after the crystal raids in Lost Temple.  Defeating Pandi with your troop will earn you your Architect Badge and complete the story line of the game.

pet - Troop pet found in your troop hall, or on the event screen during Troop Wars.

PR - Power Rating

PvP - Player vs Player, refers to both the map area and the 24 hour PvP event that occurs each week.

R - usually refers to Reward monsters, given as prizes from events in the game.

raid - a big battle that your troop has to defeat together. They usually run over a period of 8 hours (for events, but the times for Crystal raids vary). If your combined individual attacks from your troop haven't defeated the raid by then, you're considered to have lost it. There are sometimes "waves" of monsters, but always leading to a final "boss" - that's the difficult one to defeat, and sometimes has danger bars.

rainbow team - A team of monsters using multiple different elements, usually one of each element.

RCV - Recovery statistic of a monster, refers to how quickly a monster will heal when you match hearts.

spender / non-spender - A spender is a player who has used real money in the game to buy gold. A non-spender is someone who does not use real money in the game.  There are various subjective levels of what players consider a spender to be.  For example, some non-spenders have never made an in game purchase, other non-spenders only occasionally spend.  Likewise, in top troops, a spender may be someone who puts hundreds or thousand of dollars into the game regularly and a non-spender may be considered to be someone who spends less than this.

super troop - A troop that reaches super tier in all events.  This means that they do well enough as a troop that each of their players will receive a reward super at the end of each event.  In troop recruitment posts, it's common to specify if a troop is in super tier for only a few events: "Super troop/tier in Dominion and Battle Royale". The implication is that the troop will be in the rare tier for other events.

tier 1/2/3/4, also t1/t2/t3/t4 - Tiers are a basis of comparison that many players use to reference how well a monster's passive ability effects the active ability. A tier 1 monster is considered to be the best, and it's passive increases the statistic that the active uses by at least 55%.  A tier 4 monster, also called a "feeder", has a passive that increases different statistics than the one that the active needs.  Click here to read more about tiers and what makes a monster good or bad on this post.

tier chart - As shown in the diagram below. See the link listed under "tier" above for more information.

Tier Chart - Click to Enlarge

tower bonus - a term used for the Dominion event.  You'll find five towers in Dominion, one for each element.  Aside from the rock tower, the other 4 elements have a zodiac "tower bonus" that gives an additional 25% increase to your base attack statistic if you play with one of the three zodiacs indicated for that tower. Note that the tower bonus does not increase the extra attack bonus provided by your monster's passive, or the event bonus if you're using event monsters.  For more information, click here to read about the Dominion event and discover which elemental towers have the tower bonus for the zodiac you used.

The leaf tower gives a 25% tower bonus if your monsters have

either Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius as their zodiac.

TvT - Troop vs Troop.  Within 10 day raid and Arena events, you will find a dark wolf Ranger on the event screen. Twice a day, clicking on this Ranger will allow you to battle against a medium-difficulty raid boss.  Your troop will be matched against another troop during this time, and which ever troop does the most damage will receive a 1.5x trophy bonus, and the other receives a 1.25x trophy bonus.  TvT is often seen as the easiest way to earn trophies in these types of events.

ultra troop - A troop that reaches ultra tier in all events.  This means that they do well enough as a troop that each of their players will receive a reward ultra at the end of each event.  In troop recruitment posts, it's common to specify if a troop is in ultra tier for only a few events: "Ultra troop/tier in Dominion and Battle Royale". The implication is that the troop will be in the super tier for other events.

zodiac / zod - Each of the monsters you win in the game will have its own randomly allocated zodiac.  By matching 4+ monsters of the same zodiac on your team, their passive abilities turn on and they become much stronger.

zodiac swap - A trade that takes place between identical monsters in order to change their zodiacs into the ones the players each need.  If you're asking someone to do this and you don't have their zodiac in return, it's often expected that you "add" to the trade.  This means that you give them something extra in appreciation of the 12 day delay they will encounter before trading with you before they can find their own zodiac.  Commonly this can be as small as a maxed special, or as large as a r ultra for trades that are challenging to find.

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