Thursday, February 9, 2017

What can get me banned? What is safe?

This week Battle Camp has implemented a new wave of bans.  Last month they seemed to target players who were piloting (allowing other people to log into their account). No one seems certain what this current wave has targeted, but many questions are starting to be asked by players wanting to check what is permissible and what isn't.

(WRKSHP is the new name for PennyPop)

The best way to know what is allowed in the game is to take the time to read through the Battle Camp Terms of Service.  

Warning Message received by some players prior to their ban
(Screenshot taken from Facebook)

If you have received the announcement shown in the screenshot above, then a consequence of violating the TOS will soon follow. In this wave, some players have been banned and others have lost all of their monsters, gold, energy backpack items and inbox gifts. If you have experienced this, you can try sending a message to support to ask them how you violated the TOS, however it says in the TOS that Battle Camp is under no obligation to explain their reasoning to you.

There have been many posts on the official Facebook group "Battle Camp Global" to clarify what is meant by some parts of the Terms of Service.  As these posts tend to disappear over time, this post aims to collate together some of the clarifications officially provided by Battle Camp (Yulan G.) or BC's player representative (Ricky H.).

Disclaimer: This list does not cover everything that could cause you to be banned. It's simply a compilation of examples that have been provided to players.  Please refer to the actual T.O.S. and the screenshots at the end of this post to form your own opinions before trying something you're uncertain of!!

Can I have multiple/alt accounts?


"Having alt accounts are fine. It's only when you use those accounts to try and exploit the game or use them unfairly will that get support to investigate your account. Also using them to sell mobs or purposefully perform bad trades will get them banned". ~ Yulan G. (Screenshot directly below)

Can I stack/accumulate energy?

Yes. (See screenshots 1 and 5 below)

Can I swap my team over to my alt account?

Yes. (See screenshot 5 below)

Can I stack/accumulate energy on my alt account and then transfer my main team over to that account for an event?

Yes. (See screenshot 11 below).

Can I log into my main account and my alt account from the same device?

Yes. (See screenshot 9 below)

Can I log into my account from different devices?


"I can confirm you are allowed to use android and iPhone as long as it's you using them and there are certain ways to find out without going into details." ~ Ricky H (see screenshot 10 below).

Can I let someone else log into my account? Is piloting allowed?

No. Sharing your login information is violating the T.O.S. (See screenshots 1, 4, 6, 10 and 12 below)

"You can not get anyone to log in to your account for any reason. No exceptions." ~ Ricky H. (See screenshot 12 below)

"2.3.1: You shall not share the Account Information, let anyone else access your Account, or do anything else that might compromise the security of your Account;"

Can I lend monsters to my friends or alt accounts?

Yes.  (See screenshot 5 below)

Can I buy gold outside of the game? Someone is offering cheap gold on facebook, can I buy it?

No. Only buying gold from inside the game, or legitimate gold through Amazon, is permitted. (See screenshot 1, 6 and 7 below)

Can I use third party apps with Battle Camp?

No. (see screenshots 1, 2 and 8 below)

"Using third party are things like apps to change your game play, jailbreaking your phone etc" ~ Ricky H. (see screenshot 2 below)

Can I use an app to record my game play?


"Recording a screen is fine unless it effects your game play" ~ Ricky H. (see screenshot 3 below)

Do I need to be careful with what I say in the game?

Yes. (see screenshot 1 below)

  1. You shall not post any information that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, libelous, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable or offensive;
  2. You shall not post any information that contains nudity, excessive violence, or offensive subject matter or that contains a link to such content;
  3. You shall not attempt to harass, abuse, or harm, or advocate or incite harassment, abuse, or harm of another person or group, including PennyPop employees and customer service representatives; "

I found a glitch/bug/cheat in the game, or an event. Can I use it?


"... don't use any exploits/bugs in the game in a way that makes the game unfair to others" ~ Ricky H. (See screenshot 1 and 8 below)

I've see a website/video showing how to increase my damage by exploiting a glitch or using an app or detailing a method to cheat. Can I use it?

No. (See screenshots 6 and 8 below)

Can I apply to Apple/Google to get refunds on all, or some of, the money I've spent in BC?

A purchase made by accident can sometimes be refunded by contacting Apple/Google.

If you are seeking to simply regain the money you've spent (especially after using the gold in game), then this isn't permitted.

(See screenshots 6 and 8 below)

Can I buy or sell an account/monster?



6. You shall not sublicense, rent, lease, sell, trade, gift, or otherwise transfer your Account or any data associated with your Account to anyone without PennyPop’s written permission; and
7. You shall not access or use an Account or related data that have been sublicensed, rented, leased, sold, traded, gifted, or otherwise transferred from the original Account creator without PennyPop’s permission;"

Screenshots from BC Global on these issues.(Click to Enlarge an Image)

Screenshot 1

 Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7

Screenshot 8

Screenshot 9

 Screenshot 10

Screenshot 11

Screenshot 12


  1. Can your alternative accounts be on the same team as your main account?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
