Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to Defeat Mad Tweety in Lost Temple

Mad Tweety is a battle that takes place soon after you begin the quests in the Lost Temple map area.  Depending on the health of the monsters in your team, this will either be an easy battle (high health) or a challenging one (low health).  This is also usually the first time players come across a boss that uses lacerate, which prevents your monsters from healing.

The reward for defeating Mad Tweety is 200 stones and 200 XP.

In order to be able to battle Mad Tweety, you will first be told to put a Burnybaby onto your team.  A burnybaby is the fire uncommon that you can obtain with battles against uncommons in the lost temple area, as shown in the left screenshot below. The chances are that you may already have one in your inventory from the previous quest where you had to battle uncommons to collect 5 Sillikids (rock uncommons).

Without a burnybaby on your team, you will be unable to battle against Mad Tweety and will see the messages shown in the left screenshot below.  Once a burnybaby is on your team, you'll be able to battle Mad Tweety with 5 energy.  Note that the recommended power rating for this battle is 173k.  (For help raising your power rating, please see this post).

The battle against Mad Tweety is an untimed battle against one wind boss.

After your first turn, Mad Tweety will activate lacerate onto all of your monsters. (Note that lacerate only usually is applied to 3 monsters if you use this active on your team yourself).  Lacerate does your monsters damage, but then also prevents your monsters from healing for 3 turns. Do not match hearts during this time as they will not heal your monsters! 

The symbol for monsters affected by lacerate is three wavy vertical lines, as shown in the upper right corners of the monsters in the cropped screenshot below. The number shown in white next to the lacerate symbol shows how many turns these monsters will be unable to heal for.  (Note that the lacerate symbol is the same as the wound symbol, and can be thought of as "this monster cannot heal for x turns" whenever you see it).

Mad Tweety's lacerate and its attack during its first turn did a total of 9815 damage to my team.  I have two rock monsters in my team and Mad Tweety gets a 30% element advantage against them (and they get a 30% element advantage against Mad Tweety).  This element advantage means that the attack to my team would be higher than a player who was playing without rock monsters, but is less than a player who used all rock monsters.  To reduce the strength of the lacerate, consider removing rock monsters from your team.  

Mad Tweety will continue to attack you each turn with approximately 2300 damage. (Note that this will be less if you don't use rock monsters, and more if you use more than the 2 rock monsters in my team).  A team with total health of more than 20k should be able to survive Mad Tweety. (Total health is shown below your monsters during battle. In the cropped screenshot above, my monsters have 17k health remaining out of 26.9k health).

During these next 3 turns while your monsters cannot heal, do not match heart gems as they will not heal your monsters.  Once the lacerate symbol disappears, match as many hearts as you can to heal your team. To defeat Mad Tweety, you need to ensure that your team has enough health to survive the first four turns of this battle.  You can increase the health of your team by feeding up your burnybaby and any other monsters on your team that aren't at their maximum level, using a health booster to add 50% health for 30 minutes, or using monsters with naturally high health.  If your team is zodiac matched, try using monsters with passives such as bulwark or protector to increase their health.  If you are using a monster that heals, try turning its autocast off so that you can manually trigger the healing as soon as the lacerate disappears.  (For a worked example of how to turn autocast on and off, please see this guide for ScurvyJones).

Lacerate will not hit your team again, and you can finish it as a normal battle once the effects of lacerate disappear.


  1. You could always use a wind crush, worked for me perfectly well

  2. There's a mistake in this guide: Lacerate will hit your team again a few turns after it wears off.
