Wednesday, June 17, 2015

General Strategies for Battle Royale

Official Battle Royale Rules from Pennypop (as at 17th June, 2015)

General Advice/Strategy:

1. Start of the Event

An approximate start time is usually provided on the official Battle Camp page.  The event will officially start about an hour before the first match.  Troop admins will need to schedule their troop for matches in the same manner as Troop Wars during this time.  In order to have a defensive team in place for the first match, it must be submitted within this same window of time.

2. Submitting a Defensive Team

To submit a defensive team, click on the new Ranger who will appear in the troop hall next to the throne.  All monsters that you wish to submit must be in your inventory, not in storage or in a team.  Without submitting a defensive team, yours will be allocated to be a team of commons with a power rating of 8.9k - virtually any team will be better than this! Note: You will not have access to these five monsters until the end of the event, unless you pay 10 gold to retrieve them.

When Battle Royale was first run as an event, Pennypop officially recommended that defensive teams consist of a combination these abilities: sacrifice; healers; counter; and barrier.  (Note however that within a 60 second battle sacrifice may not actually be triggered in time, but causes significant damage if it does).   Using multiple barriers (preferably of different elements) appears to be a solid strategy when combined with a healer.  If you don't have many monsters to spare, consider retrieving your Arena team for the duration of Battle Royale.  An increasingly common alternative approach is to place a highly offensive team as your defensive team.  This team will have high attack combined with the double health boost for defensive teams.

If you have Battle Royale defensive monsters, they will need to be included in your initial team in order to win bonus trophies from the first match. If you win a BR defensive monster during the event and wish to add it to your defensive team, you can change your team at the Ranger in troop hall (where you first submitted your team) at a cost of 10 gold.

The only information provided to your opposing troop about your defensive team will be the avatar of your defensive "leader" and the Power Rating (PR) of your team.  It can be a good idea to attract people to fight your team by making your "leader" (first monster submitted in your defensive team) the one that looks least intimidating.  Some people take this to the extreme of making their leader a Cromagma (fire common used to represent default common teams) in the hopes that people won't check the PR and will assume it'll be an easy match.  Lots of people are aware of this trick now though!  The power rating of your defensive team can be viewed at the time you're submitting it (click on "stats" above the row of monsters in your team) or by ordering your troop members by "Defensive Team" once the servers update the listing.  There is an advantage of having a higher PR defensive team (see below), setting it too high above your teammates though may result in people choosing to fight easier teams.

All defensive monsters will have doubled health during the BR matches.

(Cromagma - Found in Camp)

4. Battle Royale Environment

When you walk into the Battle Royale area at match time, you will see a circle of five possible opponent defensive teams before you, each represented by the avatar of that team's leader.  Clicking on any of these leaders will display the Power Rating of that defensive team and the amount of trophies you will win if successful.

The five teams have been drawn randomly from the opposing troop.  Initially, the defensive team with the highest PR of these five will award 3000 trophies/energy for a win, the next highest will award 2000, with the lowest three awarding 1250, 1000 and 750 trophies respectively.  Note: if you have a Battle Royale offensive monster in your regular team, these base trophy levels will be increased accordingly.

For maximum trophies, play against the team with the highest power rating that you feel you can beat.  (A common rule of thumb is to choose one roughly 30% lower than your attack team's power rating, but this depends on your playing ability). If you win, you'll be awarded the stated number of trophies. If you lose, you'll be given a small percentage of that number and your opponent will be awarded a larger percentage of trophies.

After your first win, then number of trophies available for playing that same defensive team reduces down the scale by one position. e.g. 3000 trophies reduces to 2000 trophies. After playing that team again, the trophies reduce further and until after the third win only 1 trophy can be won.  General strategies are to use the most energy you can against one defensive team in a single match to get the maximum number of trophies and never hit the same team more than twice.

You can change your selection of defensive teams by clicking on the Ranger to the left of the screen.  The first "refresh" is free, subsequent refreshes will cost 10 gold.  Refreshes are useful to reset the maximum amount of trophies that can be won from each team, or to swap opponents.

Element boosters work during Battle Royale to increase your attack.  As far as I'm aware they won't help your defensive team during that time though.

5. Attacking

If you have offensive event monsters, make sure to place them on your current team before selecting a defensive opponent.  Your maximum amount of trophies won per energy will increase accordingly in the display when you click on an opponent team.

Once you select an opponent, you'll be matched against them for a 60 second battle with Battle Camp automatically playing the defensive team.  Your goal is to defeat all five monsters before 60 seconds are exactly up.  The battle will be declared as a loss for you if any defensive monster remains when time is up - even if you have a combo bonus animating that would have destroyed them.

Within a 60 second match against a defensive team, most people concentrate on filling their team with attacking monsters.  Useful abilities: blast/wound will attack all 5 monsters for maximum total damage; lacerate/wound will prevent defensive monsters from healing; vampire will heal as it attacks.

Basic gameplay: Match 5 gems (in a straight line, "L" or "T" shape) whenever possible to attack all defensive monsters at the same time.  Matching another 3-combo of the same element in the same move will double this attack.  Once a monster reaches 0 health, it no longer contributes to the match - keep your monsters alive while taking out each of theirs in turn (you can direct your attack by clicking a monster prior to matching gems each turn).

6. Results from your Defensive Team

To see how your defensive team is performing, click on the "E" for event in the top left corner of your game screen.  Then click the log button on the top right of the screen that appears.  If the log says "empty" then no one has chosen to play against your defensive team yet.

7. Troop Matching

As per troop wars, your opponents will be matched according to the troop trophy tally prior to the match.  For the first match, everyone has 0 trophies and the matching will be random.  Note: This matching system does not take the power ratings of each troop into account, only the trophies they've each won.

8. Match Results

The amount of trophies won by both troops can be viewed by clicking on the Ranger on the left of the screen.

The troop with the highest amount of individual trophies will be awarded three times this amount for troop trophies.  The troop that loses, will be awarded only 70% of the individual trophy tally as troop trophies.  Note: Troop trophies affect only the troop tier for prizes.  (Leaving a troop mid-event will leave behind your earned troop trophies).

9. Event Monsters

Event monsters from Battle Royale are (so far) recurring from one event to the next.  They can be won through the event spin or the 3x lucky event spins that pop up sometimes during the matches - these will either be leveled up fully or halfway when won.  Defensive event monsters have barrier or group heal as their active and award you bonus trophies each time your defensive team (containing that monster) wins.  Offensive event monsters have blast or lacerate and give you bonus trophies each time your offensive team (containing that monster) wins.  You can use any number of event monsters on your respective teams.  Battle Royale monsters currently have high trading value, especially the offensive event monsters.

10. Spending

Battle Royale is the event that favors spenders more than any other event.  Choose to spend on energy in matches where your opponent troop is sufficiently weak that you feel you can beat the highest trophy defensive teams repeatedly.

If you're choosing to spend on energy there are two common strategies to consider...

Method 1: Use 10 energy against the opponent with the highest trophies, then pay to refresh the opponents (10 gold) and hit the opponent with the highest trophies with another 10 energy.  Repeat.

Method 2: Use 10 energy against the opponent with the highest trophies, then use 10 energy against the opponent with the next highest trophies (or the team that you just beat as the trophies will now be the same). Then pay to refresh the opponents (10 gold) and repeat.

Simulations published by a troop on BC Global showed that in the long run (5k gold) these two strategies provide almost the same number of trophies, with the first strategy slightly ahead on trophies with less energy used.  A third simulation, where method 2 was expanded to hit both teams with the second highest trophies, performed noticeably worse on trophies and energy used.

Spending on event spins (50 gold/spin) can be beneficial if you win event monsters, as they will retain their event bonus each Battle Royale.

Useful Battle Camp Links

Pennypop's Official Help File

Pennypop Support Page
Use this main page to write support requests, or use the Facebook login to access Battle Camp Trading or to submit a code for the game.

Lost Temple Guide by BattleCampManual
Amazing detail about each of the crystal raids in lost temple, and how lost temple itself functions as the end game of Battle Camp

Saturday, June 13, 2015

How to Help your Troop

Easy ways to help your troop...

1. Pet your pet as often as possible (resets every 6 hours or when 100 pets are reached)

2. Send a monster on a mission at the dig site each day to earn Troop XP. Raising your troop level will give you all attack bonuses, more missions and more selection in the troop shop.

3. Participate actively on event raids, troop hall raids and crystal raids.

4. Add new troop members as friends in game to start the 12 day trade delay window.

5. Add troop members as Facebook friends to enable daily mystery eggs and energy gifts.

6. Gift energy daily if possible. (There is no advantage in gifting more often than this)

7. Let everyone know if you need a particular monster/special/zodiac for your team, evolving or passive feeding. The more the troop can help you to raise your PR, the stronger our troop will become.

8. If awarded a troop position through event participation, it's useful to announce in channel when you activate your bonus. During event raids, activate at a time that suits you. During Troop Wars and Battle Royale, it's considered best to activate in either the first or last 15 minutes when most members are active.

9. Work on a defensive team. This will help your troop during Battle Royale, and you personally as a submitted Arena defense team during normal game times.  (It can also be used for PvP)

10. Let an admin know if you will be unable to play for a few days. (May be a shorter time window depending on your troop's rules).

11. Like other troop member's achievements on your troop newsfeed to help them earn prizes.
12. Contribute information/tips/strategies/announcements in troop chat, or on your troop's facebook page if it has one.

13. Feed your pet specials to help level it up. (No advantage to using anything more than a Level 1 Potent)

14. Donate stone on your troop home screen to help level your troop up. 1 Troop XP is earned per 10 stone donated.

Supers with Second Evolutions

The following is a chart displaying the second, first and original super monsters for which second evolutions are possible.  It's a little outdated - Fuzzbats (wind) and Kappakids (leaf) now have second evolutions too.

Edited to add: Billygoatkids also have a second evolution since this was first written.

Offensive and Defensive Teams Question

"Hello Battle Campers, hope y'all are enjoying troop wars?
Little question for you, what would a Healing and offensive team look like?
Keep in mind I don't have many supers or Ultras, or other master monsters so think more about Rates etc?
Which elements?
Which specialities like Big Heal etc...
Look forward to your nice positive responses! ;0)" - Asy B.

Most elements have both. There are three standard supers for each element, one defensive and two offensive. eg Leaf has Powerplant with blast, Yggdrassic with snipe and Treepir with barrier.

Offensives are anything that attacks: snipe, blast, crush, wound, pound, etc

Defensives are anything that heals or reduces attacks: counter, barrier, group/big heal

Vampire/leech/drain can perhaps be considered both as they Attack and heal at the same time.

For me, my defensive teams are rainbow (mix of elements). That comes in handy when using multiple barriers as you can protect from different elements. Defensive teams only tend to matter for battle Royale and arena (and pvp) so most people put their biggest effort in offensive teams.

For offensive teams, most mono teams are set up for their opposite element's Crystal raid. The major boss has different actives and danger bars so the monsters added usually have specially chosen abilities. e.g. Lacerate/wound can prevent the leaf Crystal from healing, crush can prevent the water Crystal from becoming invincible with venom/toxic able to penetrate the that of it happens.

If you're starting out, an offensive team can be absolutely anything you have already. Just be careful to only have one venom/toxic on the team as the ability doesn't stack (only works once). Play with different combinations until you find what works best for your playing style... ideally with the flexibility to mix and match for varying event raid bosses

How to defeat War Hog in Mt Magma

This post is significantly outdated. For a more up-to-date guide, with screenshots to demonstrate how to use either fire crush or fire pounds to beat the War Hog, please click here for the 2017 guide.

For <troop member> and anyone else who may get stuck at the War Hog in Mt Magma...

Suggestions collated from the internet. (I haven't tested these myself... War Hog wasn't in the storyline when I went through Mt Magma).

* Max the brainfreeze to reduce the War Hog's snipe. Consider matching the brainfreeze's zodiac to your own to help your other passives activate.

* Water monsters have a 30% bonus against War Hog's fire element

* Have a healer or barrier on your team.

* Match hearts as often as possible during the attacks. Focus on mostly healing while gradually wearing down the War Hog's health.

* Take your healers off of autocast so that you can heal manually after each War Hog snipe. (Click the monster during battle to turn off autocast, then click on it whenever it's charged and you want to activate it. You'll later need to reset the autocast during another battle).

* Use boosters.

* Most popular suggestion: Use 3 Smokeybears (found in Turtle Falls) on your team because they will stun the war hog. Take them off autoactivation so that you can manually stun the war hog with one of these each turn. (Other monsters with stun/pound/crush will have the same benefit as long as they stun fire monsters. One fire crush monster will do the work of the 3 smokeybears by keeping the war hog stunned)

Trading Tier Charts - What is a fair trade?

This post is significantly outdated. To see the March 2017 updated tier chart, click to see this post. If you're looking for a better understanding of the value of your monsters, try clicking to read this post instead.

Here are the trading tier charts. They show a method for determining what's generally considered to be a fair trade. Tier 1's are considered to be the best as their passive greatly enhances the active ability. e.g. Lethal increases Attack by 55% which will be an advantage for Attack actives like snipe/blast/etc.
The second table is for monsters that occasionally pop up with "old" actives and passives. The trade value of these is determined only by their passive.

How to trade

1. Use facebook login at

2. Select Trading from top menu

3. Find the username of the person you're trading with on your friends list (chronological order) and click the select button next to their name.

4. The monsters in their current inventory (not in storage and not with equipment wielded) will be listed. Click the Info button of the monster you're interested in.

5. The details of that monster will appear. If it's the one you want to trade for, click select.

6. The listing of available monsters (of the same rarity) in your directory will be displayed. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to select the monster you're offering to trade.

7. A summary of both monsters for trading will appear. Click submit if you're happy with it.

8. Contact the person you're trading with to let them know that the trade has been submitted. That person will need to go to the trading page where your offer will be listed. They then have the choice of accepting or rejecting it. If they accept, as soon as you each move to a new map location, your new monster will be in your inventory.

9. You can make 2 trades per BC day. Each trade must be for the same rarity: supers for supers, specials for specials, etc. (Note: candy's count as specials for trading and crystals cannot be traded at all)