Wednesday, December 6, 2017

MiriamRowan's Troop Brawl Thoughts

My intention with this blog has always been to post helpful articles about Battle Camp, that perhaps overlook the problems in the game but aim solely to help those who are keen to learn more about the game.  When Team Brawl was announced as an event, I was excited to be able to analyze a new event and to share that information ideally before the first match had even ended ended.  I had time set aside and looked forward to seeing the match... and then unfortunately quickly reached the conclusion that this wasn't an event that I wanted to help players with in its present format.

Why are players saying this is an event for spenders only?

At first glance (and second and third glance), it looked as though BC had constructed a new version of Battle Royale with the intentions of making it cost the most possible gold.  (If anyone from BC is reading this, please persist.  My constructive comments will appear later on, but I think it will be helpful to know how we saw the event as players. I understand fully from the live stream that Team Brawl hadn't been intended to look this way to us).  However, at first glance this is how it appeared to me...

  • Free refresh has gone, so gold is now required if you cannot beat your opponents or if you have run out of opponents.
  • Every refresh costs more gold up to a maximum of 50 gold per refresh.
  • Opponents only grant 1 trophy per energy after they have been defeated once. This forces players to spend gold for a refresh or to choose to earn lower trophies against other opponents.  After playing 5 battles and the match is over for you unless you pay gold to refresh.
  • Trophies have been reduced for all opponents compared to Battle Royale, however the trophy benchmarks don't seem to have been adjusted accordingly making them harder for anyone to reach now.  (See worked example at the end of this post)
  • The disparity between the trophies of the highest opponent (1000 per energy) and the lowest opponent (50 per energy) is far more extreme than during Battle Royale.
  • The match is extended to run for two hours. This forces players to keep playing for low trophies or to pay gold to refresh.
  • Event monsters are old raid monsters. They have the same overpowered boost as BR mobs, so having only one ultra event monster in the team will give you double the trophies of regular players.  Add in additional event monsters and other players simply cannot compete. This is no longer about event team building (such as BR) but the event will substantially reward anyone who is willing to spend gold on event spins each time Team Brawl comes up in the event rotation.
  • Event monsters came randomly with actives like snipe, barrier, venom, without seeming to be designated to be defensive monsters if they had a defensive ability.  It's only possible to have one venom monster on a team, so already some of those players who spun multiple times have monsters they cannot effectively use.
  • Farming initially dropped approximately 100 trophies per energy for every second or third battle, which made it more appealing than playing the lowest trophy opponent, and any opponent twice. However, this didn't count for VIP benchmarks, forcing a player to stick with the match.
Essentially it looked as though Battle Royale had been modified to completely be a spender's event by forcing players into paying gold in order to earn trophies.

Masta Don's explanation of these changes during the Livestream

During the livestream, Masta Don explained his reasoning for all of the changes he introduced. My understanding is that he had originally designed Battle Royale and then became frustrated that we didn't play it as he had intended.  He had hoped that we'd play all 5 opponents before refreshing, instead of moving on to new opponents with refreshed trophy amounts.  He removed the free refresh in hopes of forcing us to play the opponents we were presented with first.  He also wanted players to be willing to try battling the highest PR opponents, so he made the highest opponent have greater trophies.

To me, these two changes are contradictory.  By increasing the relative trophies earned by the highest PR opponent and reducing the lowest, BC has increased the incentive to refresh your opponents to get a new highest PR opponent.  With 10 energy, the top opponent gives 11000 trophies... so where is the incentive to play against the lower opponents for 5500/2750/1100 or especially the lowest at 550 trophies with 10 energy?  With a 20x difference in trophies earned from the highest and lowest opponents, the event forces us to pay gold to refresh to achieve reasonable trophies, or to accept that we simply won't do well this event.

If the intention is to have players battle against all 5 opponents, then consider bringing the trophies more closely aligned with each other to reduce the incentive to refresh.  (The opposite of what Masta Don chose to do).  If I had already battled the top opponent for 1000 trophies per energy, it's likely that I'd avoid wanting to refresh if the second opponent could give me 950 trophies, for example. I wouldn't be losing much in trophies and I'd be saving myself gold, so I'd keep playing that round, especially as gold is so hard to obtain for free in the game currently.  Where a large difference in trophies exists, the incentive to refresh to hit another top opponent is incredibly high.

Regarding the removal of the free refresh... consider a couple of scenarios.  

A player is randomly allocated 5 opponents whose PRs are all above what they can defeat. The match is essentially over for them before it begins. A free refresh would give them a chance to overcome that random allocation and perhaps allow them to find an opponent that they can battle against.  As per the livestream comment about beginners disliking constantly losing in PvP, this can be happening in TB too.

Another line of thinking: A player on regen energy who isn't spending has no aspect of excitement or control in deciding to refresh their opponents and possibly face a better or worse troop.  Instead, the 5 opponents they're allocated for the 2 hour match is all they'll see. There is nothing dynamic about their event screen as nothing will possibly change for them during the match.

Masta Don's suggested solution of awarding a free refresh for those players who defeat all 5 opponents then runs into a problem if someone is randomly allocated a strong opponent team who they simply cannot beat.  See below for an example:

Example: Player on regeneration energy who isn't spending gold

At the very bottom of this post there is a mathematical worked example of how many trophies a player on regen energy who isn't willing to spend gold can achieve during a ten day Troop Brawl event.  In summary of that example, if that player hit one match every day with their VIP energy and maximum regen energy, and then hit a second match with their Facebook friend energy plus the maximum possible regen energy... and was able to defeat the top opponent (and all others) every single time, they could achieve enough trophies (277k) by the end of the event to reach the super monster benchmark prize.  If they missed a match or lost some battles, they would not be able to achieve even this.  Likewise, if they do not have active VIP, then with only 10e from Lost Temple each day they'll receive substantially less TB trophies.

Event Monsters

In contrast to the above example, consider a player who was lucky enough to spin an offensive event ultra. Their trophies will be double the player above simply by having this monster in their team. A player who can fill their team with event monsters, will receive many multiples of the player without.  It seems sensible then that a player should do event spins during Team Brawl?  However, these event monsters aren't likely to be reused for some time, so is it worth the spins for a single event?

Consider a contrast... if BR monsters had their bonus active during TB, then essentially this is simply another BR event and we might as well simply be playing BR.  However, what if TB had no event monsters at all?  No player was able to achieve an advantage over another by spending gold on event spins.  TB would then become what players seem to love most about Troop Wars... it would give a purpose to a player's main team... increasing the incentive of players to continue working on these teams that essentially are mostly only used in Lost Temple crystal raids or Troop Wars.  Yes, the higher PR players will do best in this event, but perhaps that's worth rewarding them for putting their time into their teams instead of someone who simply gets lucky on a TB event spin and instantly becomes overpowered.

Troop Pairing

In concept alone, this was an intriguing concept.  It could possibly remove the rumors of top troops colluding together to drop their defenses so they could gain easy wins.  However, in TB, with most of us not having event teams, there is little advantage to them doing this as trophies are so low without event monsters.

It could have increased communication between troops and allowed for collaborations, however the game does not offer any effective way for troops to contact each other.  The chat in the live event screen could be read by all players in that current room regardless of their troop, and can't be seen by players who were allocated other event rooms.  

If the match would instantly create a group chat for the paired opponents, then I can imagine communication might start happening, assuming we all spoke the same language.  Perhaps even increase collaborations by allowing the position bonus of one troop to affect the players of both paired troops?  So far this event is missing any involvement with the other troops, it just seems to be adding in a random distribution of opponent defense teams and gives us slightly less control of our own troop trophies since they now also depend on a random troop that we likely don't know of.

At the end of the match, the live stream had described to us that each of the four troops who played would receive different match multipliers based on their performance in the match. The trophies shown during the match only show us which pair of troops is ahead. We're unable to see if our troop is beating the troop we're paired with in order to win the higher match multiplier.  In fact, none of us are aware of what the different multipliers are because the troop trophies aren't shown anywhere, and neither are the multipliers.

In the screenshot below, I can see that our troop, CG Raiders, is currently in the winning pair of troops. However, I am unable to see if we've contributed more of those trophies than our paired troop to see which of us will get the best trophy multiplier.

The screenshot below is from my alt and I hope to replace this with a better screenshot (with earned trophies) soon. The end of match results only lists your individual trophies. Aside from the victory indicating that this account was on a winning pair of troops, there is no way to know what the troop placing was nor what multiplier was used on the troop trophies. (It can't be reversed engineered since the in game troop tiers is lagging so badly).

With the in game tiers lagging so far behind, even once a match starts, the in game tiers don't correspond to the troops being matched. No one is quite sure whether the matching is being done correctly as some troops paired are next to each other in the tiers, others are substantially far apart.  Most of us are hoping that the game servers are doing this correctly for us and that we're really all bunched together on the real troop tier chart, but this take a lot of trust from us and we're really not sure it's working as described.  Example is shown in the screenshots below of the 4 troops who played in the same match, and also their troop tiers as per the in game tiers.  Troops 75 and 76 seemed to be playing against troops 88 and 78. This wasn't the even balance described in the live stream (if teams 10-13 played, then 10 and 13 would be paired and 11 and 12 would be paired). Either the tiers are lagging or the matching isn't happening fairly.

Troops 75 and 76 were paired against troops 88 and 78

The troop pairing does seem to give a more consistent blend of opponents - some high and some low.  In a way though this removes our excitement when we used to occasionally be paired with a troop who only had common teams, or the challenge and/or grumblings when we faced a well prepared troop with all high PR teams. Many of us used to look up the defense teams of the troop we were likely to be paired with in BR and we'd be able to plan ahead for a troop strategy depending on the difficulty levels.

Event Screen

Unfortunately with all the opponent monsters placed so close together in the event screen, it's often difficult to see them due as the larger monsters (higher rarities and evolutions) overlap each other due to their in game size.   Once you add other players to the event screen, looking at the opponent monsters becomes impossible.  This is demonstrated in the screenshots below.  The left screenshot only 5 players between the stumps. The right screenshot has an unknown number of players.  When larger (high rarity sevo) monsters are involved, it can be challenging to click exactly on the "Enemy" pointer instead of their monsters.

5 players (left) and  unknown players (right) crowded into the event screen

Match Duration

I've heard both sides of the argument regarding the match being 2 hours long and 8 hours apart.  Well, more specifically, I haven't heard much about the 2 hour long match, but I have heard a lot about the 8 hours in between matches.

For some players, this has worked very well. Their troop has longer to play LT or farm between matches.  Players going hard in the event have a chance to get a longer period of sleep overnight before hitting all three possible matches.

For other players, the 8 hour gap has been a disadvantage to them.  Many of us have a real life that takes precedent over playing the game.  When the matches were spaced out for an hour every 4 hours, then if we were stuck in a meeting/class/sport for that one hour, we knew that we could simply play the next match.  Now that there are only 3 long matches each day, a long meeting/class/sport can entirely cause you to miss 2 hours of event play.  Regarding lost temple, for those who still need a lot of time to play against the crystals, we now have to take into account a gap of 3+ hours when no one will be able to hit a running crystal raid. (1 hour regen, 2 hours of the match, then time for energy to regenerate).  I'm also seeing a reduction in the frequency in which players are active in the game.

In Battle Royale, a player has the ability to hit twice per hour with regeneration energy, and can face different opponents each time without paying gold for a refresh.  In Team Brawl, we can only hit three times over 2 hours and are faced with the same opponents throughout, unless we pay gold.

The 8 hour rotation has potential - perhaps consider running TvT in raid events every 8 hours so that each timezone has a fair chance of playing 2 out of 3 matches each day.  (My Tvt times are 1pm and 1am, meaning that I can only play once unless I'm willing to miss out on sleep).

Event Duration

For a new and untested event, a 5 day duration would have been sufficient to receive feedback on what worked and what could be improved.  10 days is getting tedious for those of us who aren't enjoying the event. ;)

Glitched Match - 8am PST, December 7th

The troop tiers did not update from the 0.00am PST match and troops were matched with the same opponents.  (Time stamps in the screenshot below are EST).

Glitched match
(We were ranked 113 and facing different opponents each match normally)

VIP Benchmarks

The glitch in the VIP benchmarks could easily have been avoided by BC either through more thorough Quality Assurance testing of the event (likewise for the incorrect gold taken while refreshing for the first 3 days), or quite simply through communication with us players.  QA could have tested the prizes, but also would have noticed that Cool Luke wasn't indicating what the next prize was over 500e, so every player was completely in the dark.  (Cool Luke also wasn't talking in terms of energy this event either).

If we had been shown at the start of the event what the VIP benchmarks we could aim for were, if we received 100 spins instead of the expected 1 spin, players would be aware that there was a glitch in the game.  Any spending from there would be done with the known risk that the spins weren't intentional and would likely be taken away.  However, by keeping the benchmarks disclosed, players had no way of telling if this was a glitch or intentional. The live stream had told use that the VIP benchmarks had been extended and had been "buffed". That's a little open to interpretation.  While veteran players are likely to know that BC isn't usually that generous with spins, it has to be accepted that newer player may have legitimately believed that those spins were earned by them.  The removal of their spins and monsters after spending real money in the game is causing a lot of anger among those players.

Perhaps mistakes in the game by BC should penalize BC (and not the players) for not running sufficient Quality Assurance on the event, encouraging them to make sure this never happens again.

Disclaimer:  I wasn't personally affected as I have yet to claim my free VIP prize. I'm waiting until later in the event so that it won't run out before the next event begins.  Anyone who claimed it on day one of the event will unfortunately have a gap in their VIP before the next event begins.

Celebrating the aspects of BR/TB that frustrate players

It's common knowledge among players that towards the end of Battle Royale, and also now Team Brawl, many high spenders leave their troops to join low tier troops or to start their own troops. This changes them from playing against difficult defense teams to very low PR defense teams (possibly all common teams for their first match).  This is an element of BR that has long frustrated many players who stay loyal to their troops.  While this strategy is legal in the game, I'm hoping it's not the kind of game play that BC wants to publicly celebrate?

The top two troops there have only been created during this Team Brawl event, and each only contain one player. It's highly likely that this is exactly the strategy those two players have used.  (I haven't taken the time to check the other 3 troops).

Celebrate players who are making wonderful achievements that we would all like to get behind, instead of the players who are intentionally making the event easier for themselves please.

Worked Example: Player on regen energy who isn't spending

Consider a player on regen who isn't spending.  At the start of most matches, they'll come in with 5 energy. They'll hit the top player they think they can beat, hopefully the best player for 5000 trophies.  50 minutes later, they return to the match and they then hit the second best player for 2500 trophies.  50 minutes later, their energy has again recharged and they can hit the third best player for 1250 trophies.  At this point, many are wondering if those low trophies will make a difference or whether to simply skip them.  That player may gain an extra energy or two before the match ends, but is it worth them hitting the fourth best opponents for 100 trophies per energy?  Ideally they may use their 5 fb friend energy to gain an extra 500 trophies at the end from the fourth best opponent. Total trophies: 9250 

At best, a regen player who isn't spending will come into the match with 5e recharged. They'll plan ahead and use that against the third highest opponent for 1250 trophies. They'll then go and claim their 20 VIP energy from Lost Temple and return to face the top and second top opponents with 10e for a total of 16500 trophies.  An hour later they play the fourth highest for 500 trophies (5e), and most likely they may not bother to come back at the end of the match as their last opponent will only give them 250 trophies.  Total trophies: 18500 trophies.

For the third match, that player is hopefully sleeping. Total trophies:  27750 per day (maximum).  By the end of the 10 day event, that player will have just reached the super monster in the benchmark prizes, if they can maintain this precision in timing all of their regenerated energy in the event.  If that player doesn't have active VIP and only receives 10e from Lost Temple each day, they will not be able to reach even this benchmark. Likewise if they missed one of these matches or couldn't defeat the top opponent, this benchmark goal is unreachable.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Unofficial Livestream Summary, 5th December 2017

Players, if you agree/disagree with BC's expressed views below, please make sure to constructive and thorough feedback in their survey, by their request.  Instead of saying something is "horrible" or "doesn't work", take the time to explain why to them so they can understand fully.  Survey link is still to come.

BC is happy to see that there is a large amount of engagement of players with their new event, Team Brawl, and they believe this means that the event is going really well and that we're enjoying it.  Only about 100 players reached high enough activity level to claim the VIP glitch, but tends of thousands of players are actively playing the event and BC sees this level of activity as a sign of success.

VIP glitch with hundreds of spins was a mistake and BC patched it and took back the excess spins from player. Only one spin was intended, not one hundred.  BC's (second) analogy is that if an ATM was bugged and gave you more money than you should have received, then the bank has the right to take that extra cash back as it was never yours to begin with.

BC believes that Team Brawl monsters all have snipe for this event, both offensive and defensive.  This will change in future TB events.  (Comments were not answered citing where players had received barrier or venom, for example)

Matching in the event is your troop's admin responsibility to schedule your troop, and not a problem from BC's end.

Masta Don originally designed Battle Royale however we didn't play it the way that he intended.  He changed Team Brawl to have no free refresh in order to force players to hit all of the opponents.  By increasing the cost of the gold refresh, the intention was to force players to play the entire set of opponents.  BC understands that it feels like a penalty to the players and perhaps Masta Don should have programmed in a free refresh if all opponents were defeated to reward players instead.  They also wanted to force players into attacking the higher PR opponents with higher trophies available for attacking the best teams.

BC intends for Team Brawl to repeat in the future, but possibly with changes. 

Merging - BC does not have a definitive time line on this. They still need to work on the ramifications on how it interacts with bound equipment mobs and the dual element mobs too.  QA has been busy testing the new events and haven't had time to go back and test merging, which is only an optional feature.

Who in the community asked for Dual Element monsters?  BC did not get this idea from the community but was something they saw in another game and thought was a cool avenue to bring to BC too.

Multi element mob with bane will only hit 1 element?  That's correct. The second element will work with gem match attacks

Dominion is not officially next, but will be coming soon.  The timing is too tight for them fit it in before the holiday event.

Multi-day PvP events?  It's a negative experience for newer players to continually lose, and they may become disgruntled and unhappy.  With such a wide player base, some of who never play PvP, it's too hard to force players into an event that they may not want to play.

Why does the monster trader know how many monsters you have and then add more to that number? BC has designed it with a dynamic range with a minimum or maximum.  BC doesn't believe that it always asks for one more monster than you have.  It is meant to fluctuate with your previous monster trader purchases, so that the price is higher if you've traded those mobs in before or lower if you haven't.  BC asks players to send them proof that their trader really asks for one more monster than you have.  Enough people have backed this claim up in the comments on the live stream that BC will now investigate this, but they have not previously been aware or intended for this to be the way the trader worked.

Next event is the Christmas raid event. BC is considering making this a 5 day event because of the amount of players asking for TB to be shortened during the live stream.

Monday, December 4, 2017

VIP Benchmarks - Team Brawl, December 2017

Additional prizes beyond 500 energy have been added to the
VIP Benchmarks during the current Team Brawl event.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Unofficial Live stream Summary - November 28th, 2017

Survey Link:
New event. Clarification of the name - it's "Team Brawl", not "elemental clash" as mentioned last livestream. It's a 10 day event that starts on Friday. 2 troops versus 2 troops, inspired by Battle Royale "a little bit". Together you will need to work together to defeat the enemy. This event will have 3 matches, each for 2 hours, spread evenly throughout the day, to help make it less intense for players. One of the reward monsters will have dual elements. Evolved monsters are returning to the tiers ("leader boards") and will be very "generous". VIP will also be "buffed" and benchmarks rewards will be expanded as appropriate for a ten day event. Virtual world chests will be new too. Monster trader will still be there for this event.
Troops matched together will be different each round, because it would be unfair to be matched with an inactive troop. The matching will be based on tier ranks throughout the event. If the four troops playing were 10, 11, 12 and 13, then 10 and 13 would be paired together and the middle two troops 11 and 12 would be paired together, for example. This will keep the matches balanced for power.
Event monsters have been selected. These will be old monsters and we will discover what they are when the event begins. BC will post an update after the stream to let us know which event monsters will have an active bonus.
19:30-20:30 Two dual element rock/fire legendary and epic monsters were shown in the live stream. Only one will be released per event. Screenshots below

21:40-22:02 Sneak peak of the event zone. It's held in the Battle R event area, but looks different. 5 opponent teams plus Ranger shown, as per Battle Royale. Screenshot below

Defenses? Like BR, each player will need to set a defense team. You'll then face a selection of 5 opponents from either of the two troops you're facing (a possibility of 50 different defense teams instead of 25 in BR). Points (trophies?) will be awarded for defense wins. Trophy amounts have been reduced though as there will be up to 50 players playing against the defense teams. Top match bonus multiplier goes to the winning troop on the winning side, who won the most trophies. If you were "carried", in that the other troop you were paired with won more trophies than you, you will receive a reduced bonus multiplier. From the losing troop pairing, the troop with the most trophies will get the third highest multiplier and the other troop will get the lowest multiplier.
Questions from last week's survey:
1. Players ideas about t-shirts. They don't have the capacity to "bring these to life" currently, but displayed Richard's design in the live stream.
2. Hacks and cheating have been shared by players in the surveys. BC is aware and are investigating and have found some perpetrators but are still watching others. Two specific cheats have been uncovered. BC advises everyone to stop using these loopholes and exploits, consequences will be forthcoming and BC is aware.
3. Players are asking for revamp of VIP benchmark rewards. This will be happening during this 10 day event with new rewards.
Answers given to players during live stream:
* Can gold/energy be returned to event benchmarks? Cool Luke instead has energy and gold in VIP benchmarks, along with free VIP.
* Second evolution updates? The new dual element monsters are coming out this event. Other second evolutions may be coming if/when they have time. Most likely one released every x weeks instead of all at once. BC's priorities are new features first though.
* Bring back monster merging? BC is still waiting for QA to sign off on it to make sure it doesn't affect anything with bound equipment. This has been delayed by the holiday weekend in USA.
* Price of gold is too expensive in relative to earnings in Asian countries? BC can't change the prices based on geography. This is controlled by the app stores and they convert BC's set US currency prices into the different currencies around the world.
* Can 5e refill be changed to 10e refills? BC can consider that but it will need to be in relation to balance in the game.
* BC is constantly iterating the deals and being more multi-faceted with chests and grab bonuses and gold offers.
* Will bound equipment monsters be able to be merged? For now, BC wants to be sure that this cannot happen. This is the delay on bringing back merging. The power level would be too massive.
* Dominion is coming up soon, and it has been fixed.
* Arena intentionally gets more difficult to level up your zodiac with runes.
* No, BC will not publish the odds of each grab. If BC legally needs to do this then they will comply, but for now they are following best business practices as they need to stay secretive in relation to their other competitors. It's unfortunate that the industry is like this. If everyone has to do this, then BC will too.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Live stream summary - 21st November 2017

Unofficial live stream summary:
* Next event is Crystal Siege.
* Live streams will continue to be at this same time of 3.30pm PST each Tuesday. Live streams will now aim to also address a couple of questions raised in the previous week's survey.
* Monster trader will be back at the start of Crystal Siege on Thursday.
* Dominion hasn't been skipped, but didn't receive the highest number of votes in last week's survey. It may come back in the next few events if requested.
* Question from Survey - Damage Cap Issues (and Sacrifice glitch in PvP). BC has reached out to players for video proof. Quality assurance will try to recreate these issues and will then send them to their Engineers to fix.
* Question from Survey - Can we bring Monster Trader in between events? BC believes more players are in the game during events so this is the time they'd like to have the Monster Trader available. It's suggested that we use the time when the Monster Trader isn't there to stockpile our monsters for the best chance of getting an offer. They may consider it in between events in the future.
* Toxic hasn't been in rewards very often as most players only want one of these for their team(s).
* Merging should return soon. QA needs to test that it still works smoothly and prevents bound equipment mobs from being merged. (Bound equipment mobs won't be able to be merged until the newer reward monsters start receiving equipment.
* It's possible to socket jewels onto bound equipment, but the jewels must be removed before trading.
* Currently non-spenders are unable to reach the highest VIP benchmarks, even if they used all energy in 6 matches per day. This is intentional by BC to encourage players to stretch their aims and to spend for the rewards.
* When you report a bug in a support ticket, please make sure that you can repeat the bug consistently. Write down all the steps and include as many screenshots or videos as you can.
* New event will be after Crystal Siege. It's called "Elemental Clash" as multi element monsters will be introduced as event monsters and reward monsters. A Frequently Asked Questions information post will be made by BC on Monday. These new styled monsters will be released a few at a time to see how they function.
There will be surprise additions to the leaderboard, new chests and grab sales (including some at discount prices). There will be a "big bonus package".
EC will be a matched based event. It will last 10 days and have three two-hour matches evenly spaced throughout each day. BC intends that this will make the event less intensive on players time requirements. Each match, a "big troop" will be paired with a "little troop" to compete against two other troops.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sanctiflyer - November 2017 Update

November update:  Limbs definitely will not regenerate this Santiflyier, unlike the bug that occurred back in August. This was confirmed on the livestream on 11/14/17.  Sanctiflyer will run as per the blog post below, but with a better leaderboard and new promotions. :)  If anything changes from the expected format described below, this blog post will be updated.


Sanctiflyer was a new event that was introduced by Battle Camp in January, 2017.  Previously Santiflyer had run as a global boss, and like the Exodawn global boss, it's since been converted into a five day event.

When Santiflyer first ran as a five day event in January, it had a conditional raid system: all three raids of the boss needed to be finishing within a particular amount of time after the first raid had finished. Without meeting this condition, the boss reset itself.  When your troop attempted the three raids again, any raid that had previously given trophies no longer did until you met the condition and could move to a fresh round of raids.  A significant catch was that iOS users couldn't see the regeneration timer and many troops missed out on receiving trophies without knowing why.  This system is luckily no longer in place and the event runs in the same manner as Exodawn.

Sanctiflyer can be found at the very top of your game map screen, above Celestial Towers.

Location of Sanctiflyer event

Around the Event Screen

Within the event screen you'll notice a giant boss that has a central body and two limbs (left and right).  Each of these is labelled with the word "boss" and indicate that there are three possible raids that you can run.  Each raid is 4 hours long against a wind boss. Raids will allow you to earn trophies to win prizes.  

Note that unlike exodawn, there is no correlation between the element of the common you battle and the type of event special that may appear. It's completely random which special you will see in battle.

Look to the top of these screens to locate the three "Boss" 
indicators on the body and two limbs.

Around the event screen you'll find three common monsters that you can battle with 1-10 energy.  Each time you fight a common battle, there will be a chance for an event special to drop. There are three types of event specials, and collecting and donating 10 identical specials will let your troop begin one of the raid components.  During Exodawn, the type of common that you play determines which element special you'll receive. However, in Sanctiflyer there is no correlation between elements and the special you may find in a battle is completely random.

Coal - Donate to left arm
Devil - Donate to body
Light - Donate to right arm
(Left refers to the left side of your screen)

Click to Enlarge

If you used one energy, there's a chance for 1 special to drop. If you used 10 energy, there's a chance for 10 identical specials to drop. 

Use the energy slider to adjust how many specials may drop

While these specials seem like regular specials in that they come in the same formats of being "potent", "charged" or "energized", be aware that regular specials come with a feeding value of 800 and these event specials have a feeding value of 100.  This is unfortunately the same feeding value as commons (100) in the game and this makes these specials very weak for feeding up your monsters. Their purpose is only to be donated the the boss.  (Some players like to keep them for trading after the event or to use in pvp teams to reduce their power rating too).

 Fighting a common battle with a chance to win an event special

Once your troop has started a raid, you'll be able to use energy to start a one minute battle against that component of the raid boss.  Your troop has 4 hours to finish a raid once it's engaged.  The raid boss is wind and each limb now has surge as it's ability. (Previously each limb/head had a different active).

Both wind and rock event monsters can be spun that will give you an attack bonus against the raid boss in both Sanctiflyer and Exodawn events.  Keep in mind that when you use a rock monster against the wind boss in Santiflyer, it will receive a 30% element bonus on every attack.  For this reason some players are still creating both wind and rock event monster teams for Exodawn and Sanctiflyer respectively.

A table of the Exodawn and Santiflyer event monsters is shown below.  This link will take you to the search I ran on to take these screenshots.  On their website you will be able to click any of these monsters to see their statistics and their evolved versions.  BCrank currently doesn't list any event bonus for the wind monsters, but they are identical to the rock monster of the same rarity.  For example, both the Psychoiron and Garishgoyle have the same 1200% attack bonus during Exodawn and Santiflyer.

Event Monsters for Exodawn and Sanctiflyer
Click to enlarge

At the beginning of the event, the boss for each of the three available raids will have only 1 million health.  There is no way to change this or to increase the difficulty of these raids.  After you've completed all three raids, the next round of raid bosses will become available.  These bosses will now have 1.5 million health and require 10 specials to be donated before you can begin to raid.  This pattern continues with each round of raids having a boss with 1.5x the health of the previous boss.  There is a maximum boss health of 2 billion, once you reach the 20th round of raids.  Beyond this the boss health no longer increases, but the strength of the surge of the boss will.

All raids show only an Engage button. 

There is no way to adjust the difficulty or health of the boss.

Wave NumberBoss HealthWave NumberBoss Health
1038,443,359202,000,000,000 (MAX)

When the health of the boss becomes too difficult for your troop, there is no way to continue forwards in the event.  Changing to farming in the map areas (not the sanctiflyer event area) can still earn you about 100 trophies per energy used.

Leader/Vice Position Bonus

The leader and vice leader positions work differently in Santiflyer and Exodawn compared to every other event.  To receive the benefits of the positions, the bonus must be active when a raid is finished.  The bonus then applies to every hit that was made throughout the raid.  (Attack, defense and support positions work in the regular way in that they only affect hits made during the 15 minutes that their bonus is active).

It's also possible to bring all three limbs close to being finished before activating the positions, and then send a player with an event team in to finish each raid while the bonuses are running. This way all three raids can benefit from a single activation of the position(s).

11% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position (11%) was active as the raid ended.

16.5% damage applied to my entire trophies for the raid because the leader position (11%) and vice leader position (5.5%) were active as the raid ended.  Note: Attack position was also active here but had no effect on trophies.

The bonus trophies from any positions during sanctiflyer affect only your individual trophies, and are not added onto your troop's trophies.  The screenshot below shows troops who have reached the maximum health level of the boss, and they are receiving exactly 2 million trophies for each raid.  The troops with identical troop trophies have completed the exact same number of raids.  For these troops, the first troop to reach that trophy level will be higher up in the tiers than those who reach that trophy level by completing the same number of raids at a later time.  If you have a choice between running a raid sooner or later, it's advisable to run it at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure the highest tier placing for tied troops.

In the screenshot above, my troop is listed as number 85, CG Raiders. We've completed the same number of raids as Invictus, but they finished their last raid before we did and so they are one place higher than us on the troop tier chart.  The four troops at 80-83 have completed one more raid that us as their trophies are 2 million higher than ours. (Maximum boss health is 2 billion, giving 2 million trophies each raid).

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Battle Camp Manual's Feeding Guide

Data taken from a cached copy of a page on Battle Camp Manual's website. Their domain name has expired and the information has been removed from the internet for now. If anyone knows who the original author was, please let me know!

All credit for this work goes to the original author of Battle Camp Manual.

Battle Camp Feeding Guide

XP required to max level a mob
approximate values

1st Evo-767,000964,8001,355,200
2nd Evo-968,0001,160,0001,560,000

SPECIAL level required to max a crystal/special
with feeding booster

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)1013
Charged (x3)1621
Potent (x2)2431

ELEMENTAL CRYSTAL level required to max a crystal/special
with feeding booster

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)810
Charged (x3)1317
Potent (x2)1925

SUPER CRYSTAL level required to max a crystal/special
with feeding booster

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)79
Charged (x3)1215
Potent (x2)1722

ULTRA CRYSTAL level required to max a crystal/special
with feeding booster

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)79
Charged (x3)1114
Potent (x2)1621

EPIC CRYSTAL level required to max a crystal/special
with feeding booster

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)68
Charged (x3)1013
Potent (x2)1519

XP from maxed SPECIAL

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)416,000320,000
Charged (x3)249,600192,000
Potent (x2)166,400128,000

XP from maxed CRYSTAL

Same ElementDifferent Element
Energized (x5)520,000400,000
Charged (x3)312,000240,000
Potent (x2)208,000160,000

XP Feed Values

Elemental Crystal1000
Super Crystal1100
Ultra Crystal1200
Epic Crystal1300

  • Multipy the level of the mob by it's feed value to determine the XP it will give. Add 30% to this total for same element bonus.
  • e.g. if you used a max level energized Brainfreeze on a Freezaur with a feeding booster it would give:
    40 (level) * 800 (feed value) = 32,000 * 5 (energized bonus) = 160,000 + 30% (element bonus) = 208,000 * 2 (feeding booster) = 416,000 XP


Preparing a SPECIAL for feeding

  • Charged:
    • A level 16 charged requires 9,200 XP - one level 11 plus one level 10 same element Uncommons will achieve this (no feeding booster)
    • A level 21 charged requires 19,000 XP - three level 15 same element Uncommons will achieve this (no feeding booster)
  • Potent:
    • A level 24 potent requires approx. 26,800 XP (four level 15 same element Uncommons will achieve this)
    • A level 31 potent requires 52,000 XP - two level 20 plus four level 19 same element Uncommons will achieve this (no feeding booster)

Maxing a SUPER
with feeding booster

  • non-Evo: 1 x Different Element Energized Special OR 1 x Different Element Charged Special + 1 x Different Element Potent Special OR 2 x Same Element Potent Specials
  • 1st Evo: 2 x Different Element Energized Special + 1 x Different Element Charged Special OR 2 x Same Element Energized Special
  • 2nd Evo: 2 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Same Element Potent Special

Maxing an ULTRA
with feeding booster

  • non-Evo: 1 x Same Element Energized Special OR 1 x Different Element Energized Crystal
  • 1st Evo: 2 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Different Element Potent Special + 1 level 16 Uncommon OR 3 x Different Element Energized Special + 1 level 7 Uncommon
  • 2nd Evo: 2 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Different Element Energized Special + 1 level 12 Same Element Uncommon

Maxing an EPIC
with feeding booster

  • non-Evo: 1 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Same Element Charged Special OR 1 x Different Element Energized Crystal + 1 x Same Element Charged Special OR 2 x Different Element Energized Specials
  • 1st Evo: 3 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Different Element Potent Special
  • 2nd Evo: 3 x Same Element Energized Special + 1 x Different Element Energized Special OR 3 x Same Element Energized Crystal