Thursday, July 27, 2017

Celestial Towers - July 2017 Update

For anyone looking to understand how Celestial Towers (CT) works, please take a look at this beginner's guide. You will need to return here though for the correct floor towers.

CT Floor Levels

This CT, Battle Camp is trying something new.  The maximum number of emblems to be donated to start the boss has been reduce from 200 down to 50.  At the same time, the amount of emblems received from farming has also been reduced.  It used to be that the higher you went in the tower the better the emblems that you received per energy.  This CT however, aside from floor 10, all other floors that you finish will give you 1 emblem per energy you used.  For this reason, most players are farming floor 6, where 5 energy gives you 5 emblems for the easiest possible match.  For those unable to complete floor 6, floor 3 will be your alternative as the easiest way to win 3 emblems for 3 energy.

The elements of each floor remain the same as May 2017's CT.

Click to Enlarge

Raid Boss: 4 hour raids. Maximum donation of emblems is now only 50. Single leaf boss, 60 seconds to battle. Danger bar goes up with leaf and down with fire. When triggered, the danger bar sets of invincible, stun or shield depending on whether you are playing on extreme or hard.  Ideally, avoid using any leaf monsters and the danger bar won't go up.  If you need to use leaf, make sure to have a leaf crush and don't make any leaf attack moves or actives until leaf crush has activated.

Boss casts a 6 turn poison onto your highest health monster after your first turn. Damage is  9.6k per turn on enraged extreme, 6k per turn on hard.  Medium raids don't face a danger bar or the poison active.  Enraged bosses seem to experience a random 60-100% increase in health, as well as the double trophies you'll receive.

Extreme raids have a chance of crystals dropping. The five players in your troop who did the most damage on any given extreme raid will have twice the drop rate.

Note: in the boss health listed below, I've rounded up to the nearest 1 million health.  Technically each raid will have 5k or 10k health points less than the numbers shown below.  There seems to be no maximum health limit on any difficulty level, the bosses continue to grow stronger every raid.

Extreme Boss Health:
1st: 50 million
2nd: 150 million
3rd+ : keep adding 100 million for each successive raid.

Hard Boss Health:
1st: 10 million
2nd: 20 million
3rd+: keep adding 10 million for each successive raid.

Medium Boss Health:
1st: 1 million
2nd: 2 million
3rd+: keep adding 1 million for each successive raid.

Easy Boss Health:
1st: 100k
2nd: 200k
3rd: keep adding 100k for each successive raid.
(Note: this is a bit of guesswork here. We accidentally ran a 9th raid as easy and it had about 900k health)

Remember, enraged bosses may add 60-100% health onto the normal boss health!

Deciding which level to play?

Most troops start at the hardest possible level boss that they feel they can achieve.  As their raids become close for time, they drop down to a lower level.  Our troop starts questioning the difficulty level based on the numbers above and whether we'd be able to finish an enraged boss within the 4 hour time limit.

The boss health as shown above applies to however many raids you've run at any difficulty level.  If you tried to run a hard raid first and decided that 10 million health (unenraged) was too easy and you were considering running an extreme raid, the extreme raid would have 150 million health (unenraged) as it is the second raid your troop has run.

If you're uncertain as to the boss health at any time, take a look at the event log in your troop to see the trophies you received for the last raid.  Ideally if that raid had been enraged, see if you can find the raid before it further in the log if that was a normal boss. Multiply the total trophies by 1000 and you'll see the boss health.

Note: the bonuses that your troop will have received by hitting while a position was active will also be included in this total.  In these cases, round your trophies down to the nearest thousand (for those doing medium+ raids).

The screenshow below shows my troop's total trophies for our 16th raid, which was now down to a medium setting.  The boss was not enraged.  Our trophies, rounded up to the nearest 1000, were 16k.  Each trophy is awarded for 1k damage, meaning that the boss had almost 16 million health.

For our 17th raid, we anticipated that the boss would have almost 17 million health, or 17k trophies.  Instead our boss was enraged and had 28 million health. (The extra trophies above this were from positions being active during that raid)

Our 18th medium raid was not enraged and had the expected 18 million health. (If by chance we had changed back to hard raids, the boss would have had 180 million health).

Daily Event Goals

Instead of alternating days rewarding players farming different levels of the tower, and those raiding, this CT the daily event goals for days 1-4 have all rewarded participation in raids.  Days 1-2 rewarded medium+ raids, day 3 rewarded hard+ raids and day 4 is currently rewarding extreme+ raids.  As the difficulty requirement is increasing, the prizes are improving (from specials and element crystals for the medium+ raids, to elemental crystals and super/ultra/epic crystals for extreme+ daily goal raids).

Please see the above information about changing to a more difficult raid level before trying this so that you can make an informed decision on the likely boss health.

Event Trader

This CT, the event trader is not offering either event supers (usually 250 tokens) or energy, or specials, or boosters.  An increased amount of trophies are available (1000 for 50 emblems or 2500 for 100 emblems) and the costume selection has been expanded to include more recently released costumes.

CT Trophy Benchmarks

I've received some inquiries from players curious about what the benchmarks were the previous time an event was run.  So that information will be available to players when CT is run again, screenshots are included below.

(For anyone new to BC events, these are the prizes that you'll receive in your inbox when your trophies reach these particular levels).

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