Friday, April 7, 2017

Beginner's Guide to Raid Halls

There are two types of players that you'll find playing the Raid Halls in Battle Camps: beginner players who are required to complete the Raid Hall in each map area so that they can progress to the next part of the game; and more advanced players who are returning to the Raid Halls to try their chance at the prizes on the final boss.  After completing a Raid Hall, it will open for you again after 24 hours have passed.

For advanced players looking for a list of prizes from the Raid Halls, Pumpkabooty has created this summary table.

Raid Halls Prize Summary Chart created by Pumpkabooty
Click to Enlarge

Where are the Raid Halls?

Raid Halls are found in Teepee Hollow, Turtle Falls, Spring Clearing, Rocky Ridge and Mt Magma.  Look around the map in each of these areas for the doorway marked "Hall".  Click on the flag to enter the hall.

Raid Halls are marked as "Hall". Click to enter them.

If it has been less than 24 hours since you last completed that hall, a message will pop-up showing you the time left before you can enter that hall again.

I need to wait another 7 hours and 52 minutes to enter this hall again.

(Note that there is also a "Hall" marked in the Lost Temple map area.  This is where your troop can undertake crystal raid battles and is different to the Raid Halls discussed in this post.  For more information about Lost Temple Crystals, click here to read Battle Camp Manual's Guide.)

About the Halls

The halls and the bosses are shown in more detail at the end of this post.

The important things to know is that the raid halls become harder as you progress through the game.  Whirlwind Hall in Teepee Hollow is the easiest. Inferno Hall in Mt Magma has more total health to defeat, although Rocky Ridge tends to feel harder as the bosses have shield as an active, which reduces everyone's damage.

In line with the increasing health of the bosses, the prizes from the final boss improve as well.  More super pieces become available in Mt Magma than any other raid hall, and the list of available prizes also increases.  Stone finder boosters become available from Spring Clearing onward, whereas feeding boosters can only be won in Rocky Ridge or Mt Magma.

Another consideration should be that each hall is based on a single element.  If you are working on a leaf team, you might prefer hitting the Forest Hall to try winning more leaf supers. (I'd suggest working on all halls though and trading any won supers for the elements you need).

Inside the Halls

When you enter the hall, you'll first see an animation highlighting the final boss that you will face in the hall.  You are then free to walk around the hall.

Click on the first boss in the sequence and you'll see two buttons to choose from: "Find Group" or "Troop Raid".  The find group option will match you with up to 25 players in the game who are all wanting to work on this hall.  This is the way most players will be playing the Raid Halls.  Click this button and a ten minute timer will countdown while the game connects you with other players who are wanting to join you.  If the timer runs out, you'll be able to click it again.  It's usually safe to leave the hall and play other aspects of this game while the timer is running.  Just be sure not to leave the game during the timer as it will usually stop trying to match you with a group.  Sometimes this can be a quick process, other times it can take a while.

Click on Find Group and the game will look for a group for you to join.

Once a group has been found for you, you'll notice a purple "G" now appears in the top left corner of your screen.  An announcement will briefly display at the bottom of your screen when a group has been found for you too.  Your group will have 8 hours to complete the raid hall, with the time starting from when the first person joined the group.  Players will continue to be added while you're battling the first two bosses in the hall, unless your group has already reached the maximum of 25 players.  Note: it can be worth taking your time on the first two raid bosses so that you can have the more players helping you on the harder bosses later.

The purple "G" appears when you've been matched with a group. 

You can click on this anywhere in the game to see the progress your group is making on the raid.  There are four tabs available to you from the Group screen.  The first tab shows you the progress your group is making on the current boss.  The information shown generally doesn't say which boss you are facing unless it's the final boss, however you can check the group log to see which boss is being fought there.  From this screen you can also click the Battle button to fight the current boss.  (Be aware that there is sometimes some lag in this screen compared the the group log and its safest to click on the boss in the hall directly instead).

Battle Tab

The Chat tab is generally ignored by most players, however you can always try posting a message if you choose.  The Chat tab will announce every player that is added into your group.

Chat Tab

The Group Log will detail everyone's hits against each boss and will break down the percentage damage that each player did as each boss finishes.  Your name will need to be in this breakdown of participants for each raid in order to receive a prize from that raid.  The group log also displays which raid is currently underway and the percentage completed so far.

Group Log Tab

The Rangers tab is perhaps the most interesting.  It will show you details about the other players that are in the same group as you.  Generally the low power ratings players are the ones needing to complete the hall as part of their story line quest, and the higher power rating players are there for the prizes.

Rangers tab - shows that there are 13 players in this group currently and what their power ratings are.

Raid Halls as Troop Raids

If the admins in your troop choose, you can run any of the Raid Halls as a troop raid.  This allows all of your troop members to participate in the raid hall, provided they're not waiting for their timer to reset before they can enter that hall again.

Back in 2013-2014, the story line quests of the game required you to complete each raid hall as a troop in order to get their badge.  While this ideally worked when all of your troop was moving through the story line at the same speed, it didn't quite work as well for active players or stragglers.  The game was then updated so that you could raid with up to 25 players who were wanting to join in at the same time.

So why is this feature still in the game?  The raids that you undertake with groups are always set at "easy".  If you decide to doing a raid hall as a troop, you'll need to complete it once on "easy", but then the game will allow you to run the raids in "extreme" mode.  This increases the difficulty but adds in an ultimate spin as a prize on the final boss.  The prize of 2 uncommons also changes to an element booster matching that hall. Most troops run Inferno Hall on extreme as it's the easiest of the five halls and has the best overall prizes.

Prizes for Sinferno when Inferno Hall is run on Extreme with a troop

Quick Questions...

Do I need to hit all the bosses to get my badge?

No. As long as you have hit at least once, you'll be considered to have defeated the hall with your group.

What happens if it goes too fast and I don't hit any boss?

If you have made no hits on any boss in a raid hall, the game will allow you to leave the completed group.  You'll then be able to click on the raid hall again and find another group to play with.

A number of advanced players intentionally use this method.  They are only playing for the final prize, but sometimes the group moves so quickly that they can't get a hit on their final boss.  These players avoid hitting the earlier bosses so that if they miss the final boss (with the good prizes), the game will let them start again.  (If they had hit an earlier boss, the game will make them wait 24 hours to try again).

Do I get better prizes if I do more of the damage? Or if I used more energy?

No. Prizes are randomly distributed regardless of how much energy was used or how much damage was done.  For that reason, many advanced players only use one energy on each raid boss, as there is no benefit to them hitting more often than that.  Advanced players may wish to consider giving beginner players a chance to hit the final boss before they hit too hard.

However, many beginner players need to finish the hall in order to move to the next part of the game and most will continue to use all of their energy to finish the hall.  If you are doing this, just be sure to keep an energy spare for the final boss in particular so that you have a chance at the best prizes.

Why do high power rating players keep finishing off the final boss?

How a player works within a group is often a matter of their personality and their motivation for playing the raid hall.  Some players are self-focused and are trying to complete as many raid halls as they can as fast as possible.  Unfortunately there isn't a way around this, just keep a close eye on the raid hall when the second to last boss is close to finishing.

We finished a boss but the game won't let me battle the next one?

Occasionally there is a lag in the game catching up with your group/troop's progress.  There is a way around this though.  Click on the "Me" button and then the open door button and choose another room.  This will refresh your groups progress and the game will now allow you to hit the next boss.

When the game is lagging, click on the Me button, then the open door button

Then choose a new room to enter, and the game will refresh your progress

Can I play other parts of the game while my group/troop is running?

Yes, click on the "exit" button in the hall to return to the rest of the game.  Alternatively click the map button to jump to wherever you wish to go.  You can return to the hall whenever you choose.

When I added up the damage for a boss, the number is higher than your list below?

The troop log records all damage done on a boss. The percentage completed is correct until the final player hits, usually recording damage beyond the health of the boss, especially if multiple players are hitting at once.  As such, the actual boss health doesn't include this overrun or overlap.

I finished the hall but didn't get my badge?

Check the goals for your story line quest as some quests require you to talk to a Ranger in the main map area before they give you your badge.

However, sometimes the hall in Mt Magma has been known to have a bug while an event is running.  If that happens to you, click here to write a support ticket to Battle Camp.  They make take a few days to respond, and you'll be able to try the hall again in 24 hours, possibly with success.  The ticket will ensure that you pass through that part of the quest either way in minimal time.

Where are my prizes?

All prizes are sent to your game inbox.

Yes, it is possible to win a full super from Hall Raids!

What supers could the super pieces be?

The super pieces will be from one of the two supers available in that raid.  For example, super pieces from Sinferno (final boss in Mt Magma) will be either from a Magmadon or a Firebat. You can choose to keep them in your inbox until you have all 6 pieces needed for a full super, of you can claim them and they'll move to your inventory.

Super pieces from Sinferno are Magmadon in this example

More information about the Halls...

Whirlwind Hall - Teepee Hollow

"Whirlwind Hall is said to be a place of great spiritual power on the Island."

Prize Element: Wind
Bosses: 4
Boss Element: Rock (1 & 3) and Wind (2 & 4)
Active: Surge (attacks)

Click to Enlarge

Shadow Stalker - 100000 Health

Soarceror - 300000 Health

Animus - 460000 Health

Windigo - 660000 Health

Waterfall Hall -  Turtle Falls

"Waterfall Hall was originally carved into an Ice Giant, but eventually things melt."

Prize Element: Water
Bosses: 3
Boss Element: All Water
Active: Big Heal (heals bosses)

Click to Enlarge

 Freeztop - 680000 Health

Nuclearwyvern - 830000 Health

Poseithon - 1000000 Health

Forest Hall - Spring Clearing

"Forest Hall is a source of great power for Leaf Monsters making it a perfect place for powerful ones to make their home."

Prize Element: Leaf
Bosses: 4
Boss Element: All Leaf
Active: Regen (heals bosses each turn)

Click to Enlarge

Spryggansaurus - 300000 Health

Grandzooka - 600000 Health

Soldier Ent - 850000 Health

Witherslither - 1750000 Health

 Boulder Hall - Rocky Ridge - all pics done

"Boulder Hall is filled with precious gems making it very appealing to both people and monsters."

Prize Element: Rock
Bosses: 4
Boss Element: All Rock
Active: Shield (reduces damage against bosses)

Click to Enlarge

Iggyrock - 400000 Health

Shalemost - 600000 Health

Viggo - 1000000 Health

Quakemaker - 2000000 Health

Sinferno Hall - Mt Magma
 "Inferno Hall was dangerous enough before monsters started living here, now it's much worse."

Prize Element: Fire
Bosses: 5
Boss Element: Fire, Rock, Wind, Rock, Fire
Active: Burst (attacks)

Click to Enlarge

 Skullcano - 400000 Health

Singfangfoom - 550000 Health

Tuffpuff - 700000 Health

Quellion - 1000000 Health

Sinferno - 2000000 Health