Friday, March 31, 2017

Easter Eggs and Easter Shop

Reminder: Easter Egg Shop disappears at this next reset today.

Easter Eggs have returned to Battle Camp for the remainder of April!  Easter eggs were first collectible during April 2015 and long time players may still have some left over from then.

Much like the recent heart token system during February, for the Valentine's event, Easter eggs will drop randomly while you are battling (un)commons through the different map areas of the game, most likely including the Easter raid event area. When the victory screen appears, like in the screenshot below, you'll know if you've been lucky enough for an Easter egg to drop.

Your Easter eggs are stored in your inventory backpack.

Easter eggs can be traded in by clicking on Farmer Brownhare - the rabbit ranger standing to the right of Penny the Penguin in Camp. You can trade in your Easter eggs any time you choose during the promotion.

At the top of the "Easter Shop" that opens, you will see a Time Remaining announcement.  This time is rounded down to the nearest day.  The promotion is scheduled to end 30th of April when midnight GMT is reached.  The timer will count down until that point by days until 1 days is displayed for 24 hours.  The timer will then change to countdown the hours remaining in the final day. This is the time to trade in any Easter eggs that you may still have remaining!

Time Remaining is shown in the top text of the Easter Shop

All items that you trade for will be added to your game immediately. Energy will be added to your current energy, costumes will be added to your closet, your reroll will be available at and all other items will be added to your backpack or inventory.

Unless there is something a player needs in a hurry (stones for evolutions or energy for an event), most players usually wait until the trader is almost gone before deciding what they will trade their Easter Eggs in for.  This gives you the best chance at getting the bigger prizes, or wisely deciding which combination of items you most want from your total tokens.

The screenshots below show you what is available, with descriptions in case you are uncertain about what these items are.

5/10 Energy - added immediately in game

XP Booster - triple experience earned for 30 minutes 
(helps you level up faster if you have a lot of energy to use)

Luck Booster - 10% increase to special drop rate for 30 minutes

Stone Finder Booster - double stones received for 30 minutes.
Usually used when using a lot of energy in an event that
drops stone. (Troop Wars, Battle Royale, Crystal Siege).

Recovery Booster - double all monster recovery (healing) for 30 minutes

Health Booster - increase all monster health by 50% for 30 minutes

Water Booster - Double (base stat) water element attack for 30 minutes

Fire/Leaf/Wind/Rock Booster - Double (base stat)
of that element's attack for 30 minutes

Water/Fire/Leaf/Wind Special.
Will be at feeding level 1.
Potent/charged/energized is random

Rock Special - feeding level 1

Fire/Water/Leaf attack level 3 jewel -
socket jewel into equipment to increase a monster
of that element's (base stat) attack by 3%

Rock/Wind attack level 3 jewel (see last screenshot)

5000/10000 Stones - will be added immediately in game

Reroll - a chance to change a monster's active
and passive abilities into something random.
You may get something better or worse, be careful!

Easter Costumes - can be accessed by clicking "Me" at the
bottom of your screen, then the coathanger button
and then costumes. Male and Female avatars have different
gender specific costumes to choose from.

The first costume was from Easter 2016,
the second costume was from Easter 2015,
and the third costume was from Easter 2014.

(A special thank you to Roob76 and EmilyKyle for the costume screenshots)

Easter eggs are unlikely to have any value after this promotion ends, unless you're patient to see if this trader returns again in a year or two. Make sure to trade them in before the countdown ends. (After the timer gets down to "1 day" there will be an additional day where the hours remaining show instead of days).

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

XP Required for each Game Level - Draft

An updated post with more information and the below calculator is now available here.


This post is under development, but I wanted to make the table available in case it helps players to estimate the XP they need to reach each game level.  Thank you to everyone who has contributed their data to this table!  Also available is an XP/Energy calculator for reaching level 50 (when trading epic monsters becomes available).

10XP is earned for every energy used in the game, or 30XP if an XP booster is running.

How to use the Required XP/Energy Calculator:

1. Select the level you are aiming for. (Currently limited to Level 50 only)

2. Look in game to see what level you are currently at, and the amount of XP required to reach the next level (optional) by clicking on your level at the top of your game screen.

3. Enter these values as per the screenshot below.

How to enter your information in the calculator.

4. The amount of XP and energy that you will require to reach level 50 will be shown in the bottom section of the calculator, along with a possible error range due to inaccuracies of the data collected.  In case you are considering using an XP booster, the amount of energy you'll need while XP boosters are running is also shown.

Note: Where the XP required is given as "14.8k" for example, this is a rounding down by the game and refers to any of the hundred numbers in the range: 14800-14899.  Unfortunately greater accuracy can not be found from the announcements within the game when using iOS devices.

1 N/A 21 1010 41 5.9k 61 18462
2 50 22 1020 42 6.4k 62 19.2k
3 90 23 1035? 43 6938 63 20.0k
4 205 24 1045+ 44 7453+ 64 20.6k
5 255 25 1050+ 45 8.0k 65 21.4k?
6 315 26 1075? 46 8520+ 66 22.4k
7 365 27 1.1k 47 8954+ 67 23235
8 415? 28 1105+ 48 9.7k 68 24064
9 475 29 1145 49 10.32k 69 24930
10 525? 30 1333 50 10927 70 25.8k
11 575? 31 1.5k 51 11548
12 625? 32 1.9k 52 12181
13 675? 33 2.3k? 53 12.8k?
14 725? 34 2.7k 54 13.4k
15 775 35 3141 55 14.0k
16 825 36 3571 56 14.8k
17 860? 37 4014 57 15.5k
18 895+ 38 4.4k 58 16.1k
19 905+ 39 4884+ 59 17.0k
20 1.0k 40 5.4k 60 17.7k

The chart below shows the progressions of the XP (y-axis) required to reach each level (x-axis).

Click to Enlarge

Monday, March 20, 2017

Beginner's Guide to Exodawn - March 2017 Update

New for June/July 2017 Exodawn - World boss has changed to rock. New event monsters will be available.

Updated after the event started:

Other changes during June/July event:

If you're farming for event specials, changing rooms no longer refreshes the common monsters that you can battle. Instead you will need to move to a different map location and then return to Exodawn.

A new table showing the event commons to battle to have a chance at the right event special dropping has been created by SpikeTanner.

(Click to enlarge)

Exodawn is a recent addition to the Battle Camp event rotation.  It first appeared in December, 2016 and is currently repeating in March, 2017.  Exodawn had previously been a world/global boss that had occasionally appeared in between regular events for the entire army of BC players to battle this world boss together for 2-4 hours.  It then disappeared entirely for over a year and has now been reformatted into a regular 5 day event.

Summary Table (created by Jen BC)

T-R = Top Right
T-L = Top Left
L-R = Lower Right
L-L = Lower Left
Body is also considered the Head

Where is Exodawn?

Exodawn can be found on the upper left of your map screen.  (It is the old location for past global boss events).

Exodawn boss

The exodawn boss is a wind boss that is comprised for 5 different raids, each corresponding to a limb or it's main body section.

The boss has an upper left, lower left, body, lower right and upper right components/raids to consider.

In order to raid each section, your troop must collect and donate 10 event specials to the 5 raid locations.  Each raid location requires a different event special. Each raid location will also have a different active when you battle them. (A special thank you to Jenn W. for sharing this information!)

Upper left - leaf special - Stun
Lower left - rock special - Burst
Body - fire special - Surge
Lower right - water special - Shield
Upper right - wind special - Lacerate

Upper Left - leaf specials    Lower Left - rock specials

 Body - Fire Specials

Lower Right - Water Specials    Upper Right - Wind Specials

The each set of raids will require 10 specials to be donated at each limb/body component of the boss. Unlike other raid styled events, the number of specials required does not increase throughout the event, but remains constant at 10.

As each raid is ready, your troop admins can start that raid.  Your troop will need to complete each of the 5 raid components before you can donate to, or run raids, for the defeated components.  

Note: This event is different to the Santiflyer event and there is no time constraint on finishing all the raids within 3 hours of each other.  Each raid can safely be run separately and you can take as long as you like before starting the next one.

Each raid has a maximum duration of 4 hours.  If you fail to complete the raid within this time, it will reset to the special donations stage and you won't receive any trophies for the incomplete attempt.  You will however receive trophies if/when you complete this raid at a later time for the damage done within that successful raid.

Screens admins see to start each raid

All raids are preset to run in Medium difficulty and this cannot be adjusted by the troop admins.  The first raid has 1 million health. The second has 1.5 million health and hits slightly harder.  The third has 2.25 million health and the fourth has 3.375 million. (Special thanks to Bo S. for this information). Each raid will become progressively harder to finish, with a 1.5x difficulty multiplier predicted at this time. 

Damage calculations provided by Bo S. using the 1.5x multiplier
Boss health now stops increasing at 2 billion unlike this table!

For advanced troops, anticipate that the early raids will be finished incredibly quickly!  Once your troop cannot defeat a raid, you'll need to try it again or decide that your troop can no longer progress any further.  (Alternatively some players are joining another troop who is still able to raid at an easier level.  You can only leave one troop during an event and will be locked into the next troop you join).  

In March, 2017, the boss has a maximum health of only 2 billion (2 million trophies), with further raids beyond this eventually having a reduced amount of time to complete each raid.  Top troops have experienced the timer slowly reducing each round until they only had 30 minutes to complete their raids.  It's not known if the timer continues to reduce beyond this.  (A special thank you to Rojer F. for providing the information about the reduced timer).

[In contrast, when exodawn was held in December, 2016, the boss had a maximum health of 200 billion (200 million trophies) and raids beyond this point had increasingly difficult actives. (Thank you Kit N. for providing this information so early!)]

Maximum available raid trophies - March 2017

Battling each component runs the same as a regular raid with one minute to do as much damage as you can. Each component of the boss has a different active, as listed below (and repeated above).

Upper left - leaf special - Stun
Lower left - rock special - Burst
Body - fire special - Surge
Lower right - water special - Shield
Upper right - wind special - Lacerate

Upper left arm with Stun Active

After your troop has completed their raid against a boss component, you will no longer be able to donate specials or raid against that component until you have completed all of the other parts of the raid boss.

Upper left arm can no longer be raided/donated to

Be prepared to farm a lot of event specials! Joseph G. has calculated that it will take 660 event specials until the raids have 128 million health (about the level of the third extreme raid in most events).

Event Specials

There are five different element event specials used for Exodawn, as shown in the screenshot from below.

Exodawn Event Specials

Around the event screen you will notice three common monsters that you can also battle.  Each battle will give you a chance for an event special to drop of the same element as the common that you chose to fight against.  Choosing to fight a water common will give you the chance to earn a water special for the lower right arm.  

All water commons will give you a chance to win a water special.

If you choose to fight with multiple energy and a special drops, you will win the same multiple of these specials.

Fighting with 1 energy gives you a chance to win 1 special.

If by chance the element you're needing doesn't appear as one of the three available commons, you can always change rooms to renew the selection.  To do this, click on the 'Me' button to the right of the store button at the bottom of your screen.  Then click the door button on the left.  Select any of the rooms shown to refresh your event screen.

To change rooms, click the Me button, then the door button

Select any room for a chance to refresh your common monster selection

These event specials have limited purpose outside of their event.  A regular special has a feeding value of 800. Event specials only have feeding values of 100, the same as any common monster, and won't level up your monsters well.  (The lantern fire special appear to still have 400 feeding value from their appearance in a previous event).

Click to Enlarge
Lantern has 400 feeding value, Key Lime has 100
Regular glohawk special has 800 feeding value

Other Ways to Get Trophies

Aside from using energy in Exodawn raids, the only other way to earn trophies is by farming in map areas around the game. This only gives a small amount of trophies per energy though.  Note that farming in the Exodawn event area does not earn you trophies.

Trophies earned by farming in Lost Temple

Event Monsters

Event monsters can be spun from the Event Grab in the store or through Lucky Grab opportunities that may randomly pop up while you're playing in the event screen.  Event monsters receive an attack bonus against all raids within Exodawn.  These event monsters are reused each time Exodawn has run so far.  (They have also had their bonus active for the January 2017 Sanctiflyer event, although it hasn't been confirmed if this will always be the case).

 Exodawn Event Monsters - Unevolved and Evolved
Click to Enlarge any Rarity
Screenshots taken directly from

Leader and Vice Leader Bonuses

Exodawn and Sanctiflyer have been designed such that the leader and vice bonus runs differently than most other events.  If either/both of these bonuses are running when the last hit of a raid takes place, these bonuses are applied to every hit made during the entire raid. 

It's rumored that you can also run these bonuses for during the raid for their 15 minute effect, but the majority of troops are choosing to wait with clever timing for the very end of the raid. This takes teamwork to coordinate though!

This following example comes from Cat Tidbits.  Their troop coordinated their leader bonus (13%) and their vice bonus (6.5%) with the end of their raid and received 19.5% bonus trophies on all the damage they did during that raid.

19.5% bonus trophies applied to the total damage from the raid
when the leader (13%) and vice (6.5%) bonuses were running
when the raid was completed.

Without activating the leader/vice bonus at the end of the raid, your troop's trophy pop-up screens won't have the "Bonus Trophies" line.  Marcus H. has provided the screenshot example below of his trophies when no bonus was running at the conclusion of the raid.

Trophy pop-up screen without any leader/vice bonus being active at the end of the raid.

Troop Strategies

As all raids need to be completed before your boss entirely resets to the new difficulty with 50% more health, there is the freedom to choose to start each component raid individually or together.

For the purpose of activating the leader and vice over as many raids as possible, many troops are initially running all raids together and finishing them together in the 15 minutes that they choose to run their leader/vice bonus.  (See above section).

The daily event goals reward players with specials for the number of raids they have been involved in.  At the beginning of the event when raids run so quickly, it can be worth limiting players energy during the raids to increase troop participation so that more people receive these event goal prizes.  Note that a player must hit a raid themselves for it to be counted for their daily event goals.

Specials and Crystals can be won from the daily event goals

 As the health of the boss increases, the shield and stun raids tend to be the slowest to complete as shield reduces the damage your monsters can do and stun reduces the number of turns you can make.  Lacerate, burst and surge can be easier raids if your troop is struggling to finish within the time limit.  On the other hand, if you're not having time constraint issues, the damage from lacerate, burst and surge can add up significantly at the higher raid round levels.

When the raids become too hard for your troop, some troops are resorting to farming in map areas for the small amount of extra trophies they bring.  However, some top troops are disbanding so that they can start a new troop to begin raiding from the beginning again for the individual trophies that can be earned.  Players can only leave one troop during an event and will not be able to leave the troop they next join until the event prizes have been distributed.  Also be aware that you cannot completely disband a troop during an event, at least one player will need to remain in that troop.