September 2017 Major changes:
June 2016 Major changes:
Coliseum was a brand new event that was launched for the first time in December, 2015. It's made a return in June 2016. The event brings back to life eleven old raid bosses and their corresponding event monsters. The event takes place within the Troop Wars part of the Battle Camp map, however the format more closely resembles the TvT (troop vs troop) component of those old raid events. Each three hourly match will bring out one of the eleven raid bosses and you'll compete against another troop to do the most damage against that boss within the hour match.
- This event is in a new format and feedback surveys will come out through Battle Camp Global on Facebook.
- All event monsters in the entire game will have a bonus during this Coliseum event, and all event monsters can be won through the event grab. Their bonus will be the standard used recently in events: Super 500%, Ultra 900%, Epic 1200%, PE Ultra 2100%, PE Epic 2700%.
- There will be special Coliseum event monsters in the spins. 5 will be event epics (one per element) with a 1900% bonus unevolved or 4000% if evolved.
- All event monsters will have their bonus against every boss. There will be an elemental advantage/reduction as per normal raids. (For example, Fire receives a bonus against leaf boss but a reduction against water bosses).
- Matches will be every 4 hours as per most scheduled events.
June 2016 Major changes:
- 3 hourly matches
- 8am/pm PST matches have 20 energy slider
- New event boss/monsters from Dating and Dragons event
- New event boss/monsters from Hoppin' Mad event
- New event boss/monsters from Wrath of Faun event
- Trading is unavailable while a Coliseum match is in progress
- Trophies can be earned through farming in regular map areas
- Event grab only contains event monsters
- New Event Boss/Monsters chart created by Stéphanie Desjardins (see below section)
Coliseum was a brand new event that was launched for the first time in December, 2015. It's made a return in June 2016. The event brings back to life eleven old raid bosses and their corresponding event monsters. The event takes place within the Troop Wars part of the Battle Camp map, however the format more closely resembles the TvT (troop vs troop) component of those old raid events. Each three hourly match will bring out one of the eleven raid bosses and you'll compete against another troop to do the most damage against that boss within the hour match.
Coliseum is located in the Troop Wars area
Understanding the Coliseum Environment
While the coliseum event is being held in the troop wars environment, the troop flags remain however nothing happens if you click on them. The important features are that in the middle of the screen you'll find the raid boss for your current match, and to the right of the screen you'll find a Ranger who is keeping count of each troop's trophies.
Coliseum event environment with a boss in the middle and a ranger on the right.
To find out how many trophies the two troops currently have, click on the Ranger on the right and a pop-up will appear with the current tally.
Troop trophies are earned differently to your troop's individual trophies. The troop with the most trophies at the completion of the match will receive troop trophies equal to double the individual trophies collected earned during the match. The losing troop will receive troop trophies equal to only 75% of their individual trophies (a 25% trophy penalty).
Matches are made between troops who have similar levels of troop trophies. They'll either be ranked one tier above you or one tier below you. The exception is the first match when everyone has 0 trophies and the matching is done randomly.
How to battle the Raid Boss
The raid boss will be randomly selected from eight past raid bosses each match. (Not every troop faces the same raid boss in any given match). The raid bosses seem to be set at a "hard" difficultly level for everyone as each boss has a danger bar. (See previous post on how to understand danger bars if these are new to you). The raids may unfortunately be too difficult for lower power rating players to achieve many trophies.
Once you've selected your team (see below for more information), click on the raid boss and select how much energy you'd like to use during your one minute battle. If you're using more than 5 energy, you'll receive a slight bonus damage multiplier that rises up to 10% for using 10 energy (equivalent to using 11 energy). During the 8am/pm PST matches, a 20 energy slider will be available giving you the equivalent damage to using 23 energy.
If this is your first try against a raid boss, try 1 energy at a time until you get a feel for which monsters you need in your team and the best battle strategy.
Click on the raid boss and set the slider for how many energy to use at once
Click on the "Battle" button to begin your one minute battle. During this time you'll need to do as much damage as you can against the raid boss, while ideally surviving until the end of the minute. If you've used multiple energy in the one battle, each of your monster's damage will be multiplied by that amount. Trophies are awarded at a rate of 1 trophy per 1000 damage.
Each raid boss has a known element and they will have a danger bar that goes up with the same element monsters and down with the element that is strongest against this element. For example, in the screenshot below, Princess Lily is a fire monster and the danger bar goes up with fire and down with water attacks. A good strategy is to use water monsters for their 30% element bonus and avoid fire monsters (or fire attacks) so you won't trigger the danger bar. Triggering the danger bar will cause the boss to release an active that is best avoided! (The boss may attack, heal, both attack and heal, stun you or become invincible).
Princess Lily is a fire monster.
Danger bar goes down with water (left) and up with fire (right)
Danger bar goes down with water (left) and up with fire (right)
Earning Trophies while Farming
"Farming" is a term used in this context to describe battling (un)commons around the general map areas of the game. During the June 2016 event, it is possible to earn event trophies while doing this. Whether you earn trophies with each energy, and how many trophies you'll earn, are both completely random.
Trophies earned while farming
Event Monsters
Many older players may still have event monster in their inventories from when each of these raid bosses were first released in events. To check whether you have any of these, once the Coliseum event begins, look in your inventory for monsters that have their blue event "E" in the top left corner. Click on them to open up their information screen and then click on the blue event bonus percentage description at the bottom of its image to bring up a pop-up letting you know which raid boss your monster will have its bonus against.
My Cleocatra will receive a 700% damage bonus against King Tough only
If you'd like a chance to spin a new event monster, click on Store button on the bottom of your screen and the Event Grab will appear as the first item. Event spins cost 50 gold per spin and you may receive an event monster from any one of the 11 raid bosses. When deciding on whether to spin, be aware that in the June 2016 event there will be 40 matches rotating through the 11 raid bosses, so you're only likely to gain a bonus on 4 matches, for which you may be asleep for some of these! ;)
After using energy within the Coliseum you may also receive the opportunity for a lucky spin where the drop rate is improved by a factor of three. The monsters available in this spin will be the same as for the event grab.
Please note that the numbers below are not indicative of the order in which the raid bosses will appear.
A special thank you to Jin Sunhee, Priyank Gadani, Michi Köstli, Spencer Peterson and various others from the Battle Camp Global facebook group who have contributed in some way to identifying the names of the original events and the event monsters listed below.
1. Princess Lily - Confirmed June 2016 boss
Element: Fire
Danger Bar: Down with Water, Up with Fire, Activates Shield when triggered.
(Thank you whitesiut and Jessica Waddell for filling in the active)
Original Event: 02-16-2015 Love At War
Event Monsters:
Information from
2. King Tough - Confirmed June 2016 boss
Element: Rock
Danger Bar: Down with Wind, Up with Rock, Activates 2 turn stun when triggered.
(Thank you Brandon Goldwax for the danger bar triggered active)
Original Event: 12-01-2015 The Dummy's Curse
Event Monsters:
Information from
3. Scream Bee - Confirmed June 2016 boss
(Thank you Anonymous commenter!)
Danger Bar: down with leaf and up with water, stuns for 3 turns.
(Thank you Nickakins)
Original Event: 08-11-2014 Doomsdae
Event Monsters:
Information from
4. Schmooples - Confirmed June 2016 boss
(Thank you Thymur and remoted)
Screenshot by Thymur
Element: Water
Danger Bar: Down with water, up with fire, activates 5k surge
(Thank you Thymur and whitesiut!)
Original Event: 06-01-2015 Star Fetch
Event Monsters:
Information from
Screenshot by Thymur
Danger Bar: down with rock and up with wind, activates 65k surge attack when triggered
Original Events: 08-17-2015 Steampunk Willy 2
& 09-22-2014 Steampunk Willy
Event Monsters:
Information from
6. Guya - Confirmed June 2016 boss
Element: Fire (Thank you Budi Hysong)
Danger Bar: Down with water, up with fire, triggers with 3 turns invincible
(Thank you whitesiut for the trigger information)
Original Event: 04-06-2015 Creative Destruction
Event Monsters:
Information from
(Thank you Thymur)
Danger Bar: Down with fire, up with leaf
Original Event: 09-01-2015 & 01-20-2015 Celestial Towers
Event Monsters:
Information from
8. Cdr. Cupid - Confirmed June 2016 boss
Element: Wind
Danger Bar: Down with rock and up with time
(Thank you Anonymous commenter!)
Original Event: 02-17-2014 Cupid's Last Stand
Event Monsters:
Information from
Screenshot from XiaoShuai
Element: Rock
Danger Bar: Up with rock, down with wind
Original Event: 02-22-2016 Dating & Dragons
Event Monsters: Halfheart, Lovemonkey, Sugarcrane, Snugslug
Information from
10. Gen. Hoppy - Confirmed June 2016 boss
(Thank you Christina B and Terry S)
Screenshot from Alyssa L.
Element: Rock
Danger Bar: Up with Rock, Down with Wind
Original Event: 04-4-2016 Hoppin' Mad
Event Monsters: Sugarkitty, Canbee, Leolet and Roosberry
Information from
Screenshot from Akat O.
Element: LeafDanger Bar: Up with Leaf, Down with Fire
Original Event: 10-05-2015 - Wrath of Faun (Thank you Christina B)
Event Monsters:
Image Compilation of all Bosses and Event Monsters for June 2016
The image below was compiled by Stéphanie Desjardins with all of the bosses and corresponding event monsters. It's a useful reference to save and refer to during the event. Thanks for all the work you put into this, Stéphanie!
Created by Stéphanie Desjardins
Other Event Information
Other event information can be found by clicking on the event "E" in the top left hand corner of your screen. Clicking the first button, "Enter Event", will open the map with a big orange button showing you where the Coliseum event is taking place. The following button, "Manage Schedule" is used by admins to schedule your troop for the event matches. This will usually be available an hour or two earlier than the first event match. The majority of troops will sign up for every match.
Left: The start of the event "E" screen
Right: The war schedule appears after clicking the "Manage Schedule" button
Next you'll find the rules for the current event along with a description of the active/passive combination for the event prize monsters.
Rules for the June 2016 event
The benchmark trophy rewards are then listed. As soon as you receive the required number of trophies within the event, you'll receive the corresponding gift in your inbox.
Lastly you'll see a list of the event prizes available at the end of the event.
(December 2015 Prizes)
Clicking on the "Individual" tab will bring up your current trophies and tier prizes. Note that the tiers may take up to 4 hours to update, however your trophy count will be correct.
(December 2015 Prizes)
(December 2015 Prizes)