Raid event only runs for 5 days. Boss has a chance to be enraged from the first day of the event. Boss health looks to be the same progression as in August 2017 (detailed below), but raids are now 8 hours long.
9 turns per battle on the raid boss, no time limit.
August 2017 Raid Details:
60 second battle. Single Fire boss. 8 hour raids.
Danger bar goes up with fire and down with water. Avoid fire monsters and it won't go up.
Extreme raids: First boss has 50 million health as per recent events, second has 150 million. It's likely that each raid goes up by 100 million health as per last raid event.
15.75k surge as active after your 3rd turn and every second turn from then on.
Hard raids are likely to start at 10-20 million and go up by 10 million. Medium raids start at 2 million health an are likely to go up by 1 million each raid.
Troop trophies equal individual trophies.
iOS users with a white event screen: delete and reinstall your game
WARNING: mini-boss reset time is 8 hours! Choose a setting you feel confident you can beat
June 2017 Changes:
Raids have returned to 8 hour duration. Single water boss only. 1 minute battle (it's no longer turn based!)
Extreme: Danger bar goes up with water and down with leaf, when triggered boss gains shield. Avoid using water monsters and you'll be safe.
22.3k surge attack after your 3rd turn and then after every 2nd turn.
Boss health:
1st extreme - 50 million
2nd extreme - 150 million (approx)
Progression looks to be the same as April 2017, but with 8 hours to complete the raids instead of 2.
June 2017 Raid Boss
New Costumes available at the Trader
All other components of the raid event follow the guide below.
April 2017 Changes - No longer applicable!
Raids need to be completed in only 2 hours.
Extreme raid boss health
1st: 50 million
2nd: 150 million
3rd: 250 million
Hard raid boss health
1st: unknown (likely 10 million)
2nd: 20 million
3rd: 30 million
4th: 40 million
In the past, raids ran for 8 hours. Extreme raids started at 40-50 million health and went up by approx 40 million each raid, and then remained at constant health after the 10th raid.
Information for Advanced Players for July 2016 event: - No longer applicable!
- Two sets of individual & troop tier prizes will be awarded during the event. One will be based on your trophies when the event is half finished (5 days remaining), and one will be awarded on your final event tier. Note that BC has stressed that the halfway tiers will be awarded according to their server time and the trophies at that point, which may not have yet updated in the game.
- Halfway through the event the individual trophies from the raid boss will be doubled.
- Troop trophies are won at a set amount per completed raid: 20000 for an extreme raid, 3750 for a hard raid, 750 for a medium raid and 150 for an easy raid.
- Players only have 6 turns against the raid boss, and the danger bar alternatives between "up with time and down with rock" and "up with wind and down with rock".
- Special donations required to start the raid boss increment slower than usual.
Beginner's Guide:
The Event Zone is the most common location for 10 day raids. (They used to also appear at River Crossing and Winter Peak). The appearance, raid bosses and event monsters change each time a raid is held here, however the format remains constant.
Key Features of the Event:
- Common monsters to battle
- Mini-boss
- Raid boss
- Tvt Ranger
- Trader & Event Tokens
- Event Monsters
- Event Specials
Common Monsters
Around the event screen, you'll see three common monsters at various locations. Battling these will open up the opportunity to play the mini-boss to earn event specials that can then be donated to start raiding against the main boss.
The common battles are the same as you'll have encountered elsewhere in the game. There will be multiple common monsters, perhaps a special or event special, and maybe a rare monster. All of these can drop from winning your battle (note that rare monsters only drop pieces), along with stone, trophies and possibly event tokens if you're lucky.
When you click on a common monster, you will have the opportunity to select how many energy to use against the common. Whatever prizes you would have won from that battle will be multiplied by the amount of energy that you used. For example, using 4 energy may get you all 4 needed pieces of a rare monster, or 4 specials if they dropped. It's considered to be a gamble as players usually love to see a lot of specials dropping, but there's no guarantee that a special will be in your battle or that it will drop. Using a luck booster will increase the drop rate of specials by 10%.
Slider can be adjusted to use multiple energy in common battles
By using two energy, I received two specials and double trophies.
Normally 20XP would show as well,
however at level 70 no more XP can be earned.
Normally 20XP would show as well,
however at level 70 no more XP can be earned.
How to identify the mini-boss and raid boss.
Within the event screen you will find two monsters labelled as "Boss".
The mini-boss is usually the smaller of the two, and clicking on it will bring up a message about how many common monster battles you need to finish before you can next play the mini-boss.
Within the event screen you will find two monsters labelled as "Boss".
The mini-boss is usually the smaller of the two, and clicking on it will bring up a message about how many common monster battles you need to finish before you can next play the mini-boss.
Mini boss (left) and the mini-boss raid engagement screen (right)
The raid boss will be bigger in size and clicking on it will bring up a screen to show how many event specials your troop needs to donate in order to be able to battle the raid boss.
Raid boss with the event special donation screen open
More about the mini-boss
Usually in raid events, when you first start playing the event, you'll need to defeat two common monsters within the event screen before you can play the mini-boss. The next mini-boss will require you to have defeated another four common monsters in the event screens. Each time you defeat the mini-boss the number of common monster battles will increase by two until the maximum of ten is reached.
Mini-boss battles vary between events, however there are always a number of waves of monsters to defeat. Defeating the mini-boss waves will give you the prize of an event special, 5 event tokens and a number of trophies determined by the difficulty level you selected. The event specials can then be donated to the main raid boss so that your troop can begin a raid.
Mini-boss battles vary between events, however there are always a number of waves of monsters to defeat. Defeating the mini-boss waves will give you the prize of an event special, 5 event tokens and a number of trophies determined by the difficulty level you selected. The event specials can then be donated to the main raid boss so that your troop can begin a raid.
Victory screen from defeating the mini-boss on hard
If you're unable to complete the battle on a the level you chose, you can either replay the same level when you have the energy or after 30 minutes the difficulty level will reset and you can choose an easier level.
More about the raid boss
Every event held in the event zone will have a different raid boss, changing in appearance, element, actives and its danger bar too. Each troop battles against the raid boss together to earn both individual and troop trophies.
Troop trophies for this event are awarded at a set amount for each completed raid: 20000 for extreme raids; 3750 for hard raids; 750 for medium raids; and 150 for easy raids.
Individual trophies are allocated at a rate of 1 trophy per 1000 points of damage against the raid boss during the first 5 days of the event. For the second half of the event, 2 trophies will be awarded per 1000 points of damage. An enraged boss in the last half of the event is likely to provide 4 trophies per 1000 points of damage (to be confirmed).
Before your troop can start a raid, they will first need to donate event specials to the raid boss. (Event specials can be earned from the mini-boss or sometimes from common monster battles too). At the beginning of the event, only one event special will need to be donated for a raid to begin. Each raid thereafter requires an additional one special compared to the previous raid. (Usually in raid events this starts at 2 and increases by 2 each raid up to a maximum of 40 specials).
When the raid boss has received sufficient donations, your troop's admins will be able to engage the raid boss. They will choose the difficulty level that they want the raid set at, and will then engage the boss at a time of their choosing. It's advisable that the troop admins inform their troop of which difficulty level they chose.
Individual trophies are allocated at a rate of 1 trophy per 1000 points of damage against the raid boss during the first 5 days of the event. For the second half of the event, 2 trophies will be awarded per 1000 points of damage. An enraged boss in the last half of the event is likely to provide 4 trophies per 1000 points of damage (to be confirmed).
Before your troop can start a raid, they will first need to donate event specials to the raid boss. (Event specials can be earned from the mini-boss or sometimes from common monster battles too). At the beginning of the event, only one event special will need to be donated for a raid to begin. Each raid thereafter requires an additional one special compared to the previous raid. (Usually in raid events this starts at 2 and increases by 2 each raid up to a maximum of 40 specials).
When the raid boss has received sufficient donations, your troop's admins will be able to engage the raid boss. They will choose the difficulty level that they want the raid set at, and will then engage the boss at a time of their choosing. It's advisable that the troop admins inform their troop of which difficulty level they chose.
Only admins will be able to engage the raid boss
Each raid gives you 8 hours to defeat the raid boss. No trophies will be awarded if you cannot finish within this time, and event specials will need to be donated again before another raid can be started. Each successfully completed raid will cause the boss to have higher health in the next raid, making it harder to complete but more individual trophies will be available. (Troop trophies stay the same regardless of how many times the raid boss has been defeated). Most troops will start the raid boss on the hardest setting they can manage at the beginning of the event, and will then drop down to an easier setting when the boss becomes too difficult to finish.
Halfway through the event, the raid boss will have a chance to become enraged. These enraged boss will give you double the usual trophy rate but have higher health and are harder to defeat. Your admins will be able to see whether the boss is enraged by checking the pop-up screen after they have finished the first battle of the raid. The boss will change in appearance and generally looks larger and more menacing.
When you click on the raid boss while your troop is in the middle of a raid, the screen below will appear. On the top right you'll see how much time your troop has remaining to complete the battle in red. Below this you'll see a damage percentage bar showing you how much of the raid has been completed by your troop so far. In small font below this, you'll see the Combo bonus that may be in effect - as long as someone in your troop hits within 15 minutes of the last person, then the combo bonus will go up and you'll be able to do bonus damage. (The combo bonus will reset to 0 if more than 15 minutes elapses without your troop hitting the boss). The coloured bar below this will announce which zodiac monsters receive a +25% damage bonus to their base attack stats (not including event bonus, passives or other zodiac bonuses). The slider at the bottom of the screen will let you select how many energy to use in your battle, with energy use above 5 receiving a small bonus.
Raid boss battle screen. Left shows 1x Damage for 1 energy,
Right shows 11x damage for using 10 energy.
Halfway through the event, the raid boss will have a chance to become enraged. These enraged boss will give you double the usual trophy rate but have higher health and are harder to defeat. Your admins will be able to see whether the boss is enraged by checking the pop-up screen after they have finished the first battle of the raid. The boss will change in appearance and generally looks larger and more menacing.
When you click on the raid boss while your troop is in the middle of a raid, the screen below will appear. On the top right you'll see how much time your troop has remaining to complete the battle in red. Below this you'll see a damage percentage bar showing you how much of the raid has been completed by your troop so far. In small font below this, you'll see the Combo bonus that may be in effect - as long as someone in your troop hits within 15 minutes of the last person, then the combo bonus will go up and you'll be able to do bonus damage. (The combo bonus will reset to 0 if more than 15 minutes elapses without your troop hitting the boss). The coloured bar below this will announce which zodiac monsters receive a +25% damage bonus to their base attack stats (not including event bonus, passives or other zodiac bonuses). The slider at the bottom of the screen will let you select how many energy to use in your battle, with energy use above 5 receiving a small bonus.
Raid boss battle screen. Left shows 1x Damage for 1 energy,
Right shows 11x damage for using 10 energy.
While attacking the raid boss, you will have only 6 turns (not the usual 60 second battle, nor the alternative 7 turn battle). Assuming that you don't have a timer danger bar, take your time to consider your turn before moving any gems and attempt to make as many combinations as you can during your turn.
The two different danger bars during extreme raids
Completing a raid boss on the extreme setting will give your troop's raid participants a chance for a crystal or candy to be gifted to them in their inbox. The players with the top 5 percentage damaged will have twice the drop rate for receiving these. There is usually a (much smaller) chance for epics to drop in the same manner.
TvT Ranger
In all raid events, the TvT Ranger will be somewhere within the event screen with a "black wolf" style appearance. Click on this ranger to be told how long it will be before the next troop vs troop (TvT) match. These matches run for 1 hour every 12 hours throughout the event. Note that your troop needs to have earned 1000 troop trophies before your troop will be eligible to participate in TvT (7 easy raids, 2 medium raids or 1 hard/extreme raid).
At the start of your TvT match, your troop will be matched against a troop with similar troop trophies (either one place higher or lower than your troop on the troop tier rankings). Within that hour, your troop can battle the TvT boss as many times as they choose with their energy. At the end of the hour, whichever troop did the most damage (equal to the most trophies) will be declared the winner. If your troop won, then you'll receive an extra 1.5x bonus trophies to that which you earned during the hour. If your troop lost, then you'll receive 1.25x bonus trophies. In both cases, this is more than you will earn during even an enraged boss and is considered to be the easiest way to earn individual trophies. Many spenders concentrate on TvT as a result.
The TvT battle is 6 turns against a single boss at a medium difficulty level without a danger bar. The TvT boss is of the same element and active ability as the regular raid boss.
The TvT battle is 6 turns against a single boss at a medium difficulty level without a danger bar. The TvT boss is of the same element and active ability as the regular raid boss.
Trader & Event tokens
During 10 day raid events, Arena events and Celestial Towers events, you'll always find a Trader on the event screen. Their appearance sometimes changes between events but they'll always be identified by a "Trader" title above their avatar.
The trader will allow you to exchange your event tokens for various prizes of your choosing: trophies, energy, an event super, a costume, and sometimes specials (not available in this current July 2016 event). Event tokens that you've earned will remain in your backpack to use at a future event of your choosing.
For players with lower power ratings (PR), event tokens can be a good way to buy yourself an event super. Note however that the event super will begin at level 1 and will need to be fed before it will be very helpful to you! Event supers bought with tokens have venom as their active and a random passive ability. Note that only one venom will work on your team at a time as the ability does not stack. Many players will save up 500 tokens and come to the event prepared with maxed specials. In this way they can buy 2 event supers and quickly feed and perfectly evolve them.
For higher PR players who don't have a need for an event super, the event tokens can also be used to buy event costumes. Each raid event will add a new costume to those available from the trader.
For higher PR players who don't have a need for an event super, the event tokens can also be used to buy event costumes. Each raid event will add a new costume to those available from the trader.
It's not common to buy trophies or energy with event tokens, although some people still do.
Event Monsters
Event monsters have an additional event bonus during the raid event they were bought/spun in. The bonus increases your attacks against the raid boss, mini boss and the tvt boss. This event bonus will disappear at the end of the event and will only reoccur if a raid boss is reused in a future event or in the Coliseum event. As there's usually only a small chance of this happening, it's usually best to assume that the bonus won't be repeated and then be happily surprised if it does.
While event supers can be purchased from the Trader with event tokens (see above section), most people obtain event monsters by buying spins during the event for 50 gold/spin. The event grab is available at any time during the event and can be reached either through the store or by clicking the "Event Spin" button on the event information screen (click the blue "E" in the top left corner of your screen).
Event spin can be accessed from the store or the event information screen
While battling in the event screen, you may also be offered an opportunity to buy a "Lucky Grab". These spins also cost 50 gold/spin but they have a 3x increased drop rate. Note that you must be in the event screen in order for your lucky grab to include event monsters.
In both spinning methods, event epics will only become available halfway through the event. All event monsters won from both the event spin and the lucky spin will come either at their maximum feeding level, or at half of their maximum level.
Event Specials
Each raid event will have a different event special to win and to then donate to the raid boss.
These event specials do not have a purpose outside of the event. Do not consider leveling them up to use them to feed your other monsters. Despite them coming in potent/charged/energized abilities, their feeding value is the same as common monsters (feeding value 100) and doesn't have the feeding bonus that regular specials do for feeding (feeding value 800).
These event specials do not have a purpose outside of the event. Do not consider leveling them up to use them to feed your other monsters. Despite them coming in potent/charged/energized abilities, their feeding value is the same as common monsters (feeding value 100) and doesn't have the feeding bonus that regular specials do for feeding (feeding value 800).
More information about the current event can be found by clicking on the event "E" button on your screen and scrolling through the rules and information provided. The leaderboards are also available here so that you can see the prize that you are in the running to receive individually and for your troop. Benchmark prizes for winning certain amounts of trophies are also listed here.