Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Battle Camp Translations & Tier Charts (Multiple Languages)

A new project is underway to translate our BC Tier Chart into as many different languages as possible.  For each language, all actives and passives will remain in identical locations so that the English term can always be found by comparing to the English chart.

We currently have Spanish (Latin America) and German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Dutch and Bahasa Indonesian currently completed.  If you are interested in creating a chart in your natural language, please visit our Facebook page and send me a message.  Thank you to those who are helping in this project!


Click to Enlarge

Bahasa Indonesia

Click to Enlarge

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Portuguese (Brazilian)

Click to Enlarge

Spanish (Latin America)

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Hi can you do it in Italy PLS English Tò Italy
