Wednesday, September 26, 2018

MiriamRowan's Unofficial BC Live Report - 26th September, 2018

Presenters: Wrkshp Warrior & Masta Don

Next events: Team Brawl (5 day), then Celestial Towers (wind boss)

Halloween raid?  Syganthor raid... no, Masta Don  doesn't think the Halloween raid will be Syganthor afterall.

New update is out in the store, or will be in the next 24 hours.  Everyone will experience a forced update before the next event starts tomorrow. The next update will be shipping much sooner than BC has been releasing them, in about 4-6 weeks. BC has a better pipeline and they hope to be more efficient and grow a bit faster.

Facebook energy? Server is looking at this during their downtime. They haven't been able to figure this out yet though.

New event?  There is unlikely to be a new raid style event. BC made a new world boss, but people complained that it was yet another world boss. The old raid events used to be 10 days long and then disappeared.  New events don't seem to be as popular as match based events.  They may consider a different raid style or world boss.

More storage?  Storage has historically had issues. Ideally, BC would eliminate storage boxes and then implement a sorting system. We probably won't see anything messing about with storage for some time.

New things in the game?  Resources are currently more focussed on new monsters and vanity items (like wings).  A new event style is kind of fun for a few times but then it's just another event. Players like to earn things that they're able to collect and show off.   They're trying to make sure they have their pipeline for getting second evolutions and vanity items out.

CT will have a multi style boss. BC will stick to this for raid type events.

Exodawn glitch? Report the limb glitch please. This will how to help BC to figure it out.

Trophies are possible for world boss events, but not implemented yet. The bosses are much easier to summon, so farming isn't such a chore.

Arena won't be back until BC has lots and lots and lots of dead time to fix it.

Crowns and wings will be in rotation. These are the most popular for players. More vanity items will come with the next update.  Vanity items are mostly in the troop prizes to encourage players to work together as a troop.

Tvt is always at the same time, during the most active time zones.  The server demand requirement skyrockets during these times, so they need staff on site to make sure it runs smoothly.

Sevo (second evolution) trading?  Masta Don  isn't sure if this will happen. Trading is already problematic and enhancing the trading functionality opens that up even more.

Rewards will not have PE monsters anymore. This was to make 10 day events more bearable for players.   Giving players finished products isn't as fun, and BC would rather give you something to work on instead.  They may return for special occasions.

Halloween raid?  It won't be the Syganthor boss. It will be one that comes with the next update. It will be Barking Mad or Darking Mad, he can't quite remember which is the right event title. BC doesn't know what they'll be doing for the event monsters.  (MiriamRowan's comment, the event is Darking Mad from Halloween in October, 2016.  Event monsters were all water, so it's likely a fire boss!  BC Rank's event page is at:

Trader?  Masta Don  activated merging and the gold trader for the last event. The monster trader has a special activation and the person doing that perhaps didn't have time. Masta Don  will try to get it up for CT.

Code from last BC Live reached a redemption limit?  Last BC Live Masta Don had to set up the code himself and didn't pay attention to the redemption limit. He'll look at this for us.  This week's code will be safe as he didn't set this one up himself.

World boss monsters will not work for the Halloween raid. They only work for world boss events.

PvP event?  Players who don't like PvP, really don't like PvP.  BC would think about it, but they'd have to restructure it and remove the tokens.  It could be fun, but then all of the exploits in pvp would be even more problematic.  BC would have to fix that first.

Leader boards were displayed.

Could Dom and FFA interchange dropping specials with stones? Masta Don  will consider FFA dropping stones instead of specials.  Masta Don  is looking at it more holistically that players want more stones in the game!  Probably the players who specialize in Dominion are starving for stones and Raid event players are drowning in stones.

More Jewel spins?  Players don't seem to like these.

25 event spins?  BC limited this to players who were active during a particular time span, so they weren't old accounts and they weren't newly created accounts set up to intentionally receive these.

Variety grab will probably be back for the Halloween event.

10 energy per spin? That's a possibility for something like the Halloween event.

Halloween event monsters will probably be using old Halloween monsters, and some others.

Masta Don does play with a team of barriers, sacrifice and a venom. He prefers playing PvP, but not the farming for raid events.

Next BC Live will be in 2 weeks.

Friday, September 21, 2018

How to use merging to fix a non-PE monster

How to fix a non-PE monster using Merging.

As a simplified numerical example...

Imagine that your monster would have 1000 attack points if it was perfectly evolved (PE).

Yours wasn't PE and only has 800 attack points.

Its (attack) perfection percentage is 800/1000 = 80% and everyone knows it's not PE when you go to trade it.

You have an evolved monster of the same rarity that has 1200 attack points.

You merge it into your non-PE mob, so this now has 1200 attack points.

It's perfection percentage then becomes 1200/1000 = 120%, and everyone knows it's better than PE 🙂

Note: the trading perfection percentage is actually the average of the percentages for the three statistics. If you raise attack to 105%, health to 110% and recovery to 115%, then the trading perfection percentage will be the average of these, 110%.

(To find out what stats a 100% PE monster would have, simply look that monster up on as the stats in the catalog there are for maxed PE monsters).

A special thank you to Troublini for asking me to explain and encouraging me to share the answer with everyone. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

BC Live - 12th Sept, 2018

MiriamRowan's Unofficial BC Live Write-Up - September 12th, 2018

Presenters: Wrkshp Warrior & MastaDon

10 Energy Code: Appears to cause a redemption limit error, but is given in the image below just in case they get it working.

Next event will be Dominion.  This will be standard Dominion, not Dominion FFA. After that will be Exodawn ("Sky Boss 1"). There will not be merging or Trading during Dominion. Shield/Warrior is the likely r epic old passive in the spins. Leader boards are enhanced.  Troop Trophies will be based on points ("peer score count") at the Ranger for having claimed towers.

The 25 event grabs should have been dispersed to everyone by now. They were given to everyone who was active during the event, not to the multitude of alts that were created after BC's announcement that 25 event spins would be coming.

Last week the wrong PvP leader boards were processed for rewards.  BCrank informed BC, but it was too late for BC to retrieve the actual leader boards for that pvp event.  This leader board has been lost and cannot be retrieved. Prizes cannot be given out. BC is sorry. It won't happen again.

FB energy. This seems to be on FB's end. It shouldn't have issues, but BC isn't sure quite what's happening.

Arena cannot be run currently. Someone will need to rebuild it.

The next Celestial Towers will be soon.  The next boss will likely be wind, or maybe rock. Both wind and rock were requested.  There have been too many leaf bosses for CT lately.

The last troop wars was basically only the top 500 players playing it. The rest barely even logged in.

Coliseum - MastaDon isn't promising anything with this. TW is more popular than Coliseum.

Players who sell pets?  BC investigates these, as when BC bans too easily, then the hackers retaliate and spoofs accounts to pretend to be other people who are actually innocent.  BC is very careful to hit the right player and ban them.  It's often a slow process to identify them, however whenever they find one, usually there is a spider web of other players also identified doing the same.

Can we vote on events? No, it's a Facebook rule that BC can't have a video to simply encourage players to vote.  Even if there it was to happen, MastaDon couldn't guarantee to follow the votes as BC is trying to spread all repeating events out as far as they can from each other, and the voting system will force some to be closer together and others further apart.

Raid event monsters?  BC released a bunch of raid event monsters for Slick Tricks to help to bring them into the rotation, similar to what they did in Coliseum. These monsters rarely get any use. Participation in Slick Tricks was higher as a result.

If your damage cap isn't fixed, please put a ticket in detailing all of your monsters and team.  This will help support to figure out what is going on. They haven't had many tickets recently so these are likely to be a specific monster or set up triggering the damage cap still.

Leader boards were shown for Slick Tricks.

Events will be back on a Thursday-Tuesday rotation from here on, instead of the recent Friday-Wednesday.

10 energy per u-spin? This won't be happening for a while. The economy of energy needs to be balanced, especially with a lot of alts in the system.

Crystal Siege?  BC can look into a possible stop loss for the crystals.  BC doesn't want to create a set rotation for which players only log on for their element. 

Old benchmarks won't return. Benchmarks are problematic. BC is only keeping them because we're used to them. MastaDon would prefer to remove them from being trophy based as it's too easy for established players to earn them. In a perfect world, MastaDon would change this to attacks so that it was fairer for newer players who really need the prizes. It's too late to do this as BC knows that it's part of the value of  having an event team now.

Why is damage on monsters different during  in Arena compared with PvP on a monster without any equipment?  There is probably something in the old code that is possibly messing with things. Similar to how BC has extra health during PvP, they possibly could have something affecting attack or defense.

Jewel spins don't often get out because players rarely use them or want them.

Avatar spins? It's on BC's docket to look at one day but other things are still a priority.

Update will come out next week (if approved by Apple and Google) and will have new monsters and everything.  This is where a lot of BC's time is going currently - new monsters (second evolutions), rotations of daily rewards, events, etc.  Another update will come out in October and this will have even more second evolution monsters in it.  BC hopes to have more frequent updates from here on.

Wrkshp Warrior may play pvp against us next week, but definitely not this week.

Increase stones? MastaDon admits that there is very little in the game that helps players to earn more stones. They'd like to see it increased for things that aren't well rewarded currently, like Arena battles, where newer players don't see the purpose of playing this for runes. They may consider adjusting things so that lower PR players can get more stone boosters, or increasing the stones that drop for players farming during raid events, as these are usually low PR players. BC has an imbalance where some players (high PR) have millions of stones and nothing to spend them on, or other players (lower PR) who have no stones but really need them.

Rune drop rate in Arena? BC can look at this again. This isn't likely to be a priority though.

Halloween? There will be a different type of raid event, probably not a Halloween raid from the past, as these have been run a few different times already. The raid events that have been rarely run are more likely.

Wrkshp Warrior couldn't give us a code as the code person has been gone recently. MastaDon will send server a message and they hope to have one released soon.  Yulun may comment the code in the comment section of the BC Live video.

Barrier doesn't not stack if they are in the same element, only the strongest one counts. Therefore it's important to have one in each element on your team.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Tips for Crystal Siege

🔸First guardian has 22.5 million health and gives 1 trophy per 1000 damage.

🔸Second guardian will be a different element, has 125 million health and gives 1.5 trophies per 1000 damage.

🔸Crystal will be in the same element as the second guardian, has unlimited health, and gives 2 trophies per 1000 damage.

🔸If your troop defeats a guardian, anyone who had a hit on that guardian will have a special/candy/crystal drop into their inventory. Dropped specials and crystals match the element of the guardian (candies are random).

🔸The players who make the killing attack on either of the guardians will receive an extra 10% bonus on their total match trophies. (If the same player kills both, then they get both 10% bonuses for a total of 20%)

🔸The player who earns the most trophies during the match will also receive an extra 10% bonus on their match trophies (additive to any guardian bonus if it's the same player).

🔸Event monsters only receive a bonus against the one element they're strongest against. For example, water event monsters only receive an event bonus when they're hitting a fire guardian or crystal.

🔸Crystal Siege drops stones from battles. If you're using a lot of energy, consider using a stone finder booster to earn double stones.

🔸Troop trophies are equal to 2x individual trophies if you win, or 0.75x individual trophies if you lose (25% reduction).

If you'd like more information, a beginner's guide to Crystal Siege is available at:…/beginners-guide-to-crystal-sie…