For players seeking the zodiacs for each tower, here's the list to save you searching below!
Leaf Tower - Autumn: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Fire Tower - Spring: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Water Tower - Winter: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Wind Tower - Summer: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Rock Tower: No zodiac bonus
Beginner's Guide to Dominion
Dominion is an event that relies heavily on teamwork within your troop. One hour matches occur every four hours throughout the event. For each match your troop will be matched against a troop with similar troop trophies - power ratings are not taken into account.
How Dominion Works
When you enter the Dominion match, you'll notice that event area contains five towers, one for each element, and a Ranger down at the bottom of the screen.
You have the choice of which tower you wish to battle and how many energy you want to use.
For each tower that your troop has done more damage than the other troop, your troop is considered to have "claimed" that tower. A blue flag will appear above the towers that your troop has claimed and a red flag appears above those that the enemy troop has claimed. You can keep attacking a tower claimed by the enemy troop to try to beat their damage and claim the tower back for your troop. Keep an eye on the towers as the changes are dynamic!
When your troop has claimed 3 towers, your troop will receive double trophies for each attack while you hold these towers. Trophies are normally earned at 1 trophy per 1000 attack, but this will double to 2 trophies per 1000 attack once 3 towers are claimed.
For each tower that your troop has claimed, you'll earn 1 point per second. The tally of points won by each troop can be seen by clicking on the Ranger at the bottom of the event screen. Whichever troop has the most points (not collective damage!) at the end of the match will be declared the winner.
Clicking on the Ranger will show you the points earned by both troops
However many energy you choose to use in a battle against a tower, you will have a chance for the same number of specials in that tower's element to drop at the end of your battle. This can be helpful in advanced troops to give players an opportunity to activate a shield on that tower if they choose.
Screenshot shows double trophies being awarded
as 3 towers were claimed. (17560512/100*2 = 25120)
5 water specials dropped by using 5 energy on the water tower
Troop Trophies
Troop trophies count towards the troop tier rankings and prizes and are awarded to all members of your troop.
There are two different styles to how troop trophies may be determined during Dominion. It is not generally announced ahead of time which method will be used, however the most common system is based on the points gained by claiming and holding towers, as shown by the Dominion Ranger (in the screenshots above). If your troop has won, your troop will be awarded twice the number of points your troop earned as trophies. If your troop loses, your troop trophies will only be 70% of the points that your troop earned. This system favors troops that have strong teamwork to claim as many towers as possible in as many matches as they can. It's an advantage to having global players in your troop as you'll then have troop members claiming towers and points around the clock.
Within this points based system, the maximum number of troop trophies you can earn in a match is just less than 35.4k. This makes the unrealistic assumptions that your troop had five players entering the match right at the beginning, claimed all 5 towers 60 seconds later and kept them claimed until the very end of the match. However, if your troop is coming up to the last match of the event and you find yourselves more than 35.4k ahead of the next lowest tier, you'll know that you are safe within that tier regardless of the match result.
The alternative method to earning troop trophies is based on individual trophies. This system is how Dominion originally was run and occasionally makes a reappearance. In this system, the winning troop will receive troop trophies equal to 2x the individually earned trophies. The losing troop receives a 30% reduction in the individually earned trophies. This system strongly favors spenders and those with event monsters who can gain a high number of trophies during the event.
General Troop Strategies
As points accumulate as soon as damage has been made on each tower, the key to success in Dominion is to have as many active players at the start of each match as possible. Ideally, arrange to have different players attack a different tower each with 1 energy to claim as many towers as possible as soon as the match begins. With luck, you may have claimed 3+ towers so that your troop begins earning double trophies for the rest of their energy. Keep an eye on the other troop's activity and concentrate on claiming three towers as early as possible. These three towers will win you the match as you'll gain the majority of points available, and your troop will gain double trophies for each attack.
Achieving a quick solid claim on three towers often deters the enemy troop from using saved energy or spending as it may "cost" them too much to win double trophies (claim 3 towers) for themselves, and they may wait for an easier match. Early energy use by as many troop members as possible is the key to winning matches.
Troops with teams of event monsters, or high power ratings, will have an advantage as they will naturally have higher attacks to make claiming towers easier.
How to read tower information
Example 1: A tower claimed by your troop
The first indication that your troop is holding this tower is the damage bar between the two troop flags above the tower itself. Your troop's damage is shown as a percentage in blue and the enemy troop's damage percentage is red. Our troop claimed this tower (more blue damage than red) and this is indicated by the blue castle showing on the left of this bar.
Clicking on the tower brings up the information shown above. The actual damage is now shown above the damage bar. The tower is listed as "Claimed" below the damage bar, and the blue castle icon now appears on our flag.
Both shields are off in the example above, as seen by the shield button below each troop's flag.
The zodiacs that receive the 25% bonus attack are displayed here.
At the bottom of this screen, you can choose how many energy to use against the tower - your regular damage will be multiplied by this factor.
Example 2: A tower claimed by the enemy troop
This screen can be read as per the previous example. The enemy troop has more damage against this tower, indicated by the significant red percentage of the bar and the red castle icon shown on both damage bars.
Tower Shields
When you click on a tower, an option exists for your troop to donate 10 specials of the same element as the tower in order to activate a shield. This shield will reduce the enemy's attacks on that tower by 25%, making it harder for them to claim the tower.
The only way you will be able to tell that a shield is active is click on a tower and look for the 25% shield to be indicated below your opponents flag. In the screenshot below, our troop (CG Raiders) has our shield off, however our enemy troop does have their shield turned on. All of our attacks against this tower for the remainder of the match will be reduced by 25%.
CG Raiders has their shield off (default)
Renouveau has donated specials to turn their shield on.
Unless the match is particularly significant to win, most troops don't use specials in this manner. To donate specials, click on the tower of interest, then the shield button below your troop's flag. A special donation screen will open up. Click on the specials that you wish to donate and then click the "Donate" button.
Click on the Shield button below your troop's flag to donate specials
Which tower should I attack?
There are two factors to take into account in determining where you'll achieve the highest damage: element and zodiac.
Each tower takes on the element of the tower. For example, the leaf tower will behave as a leaf monster, giving fire monsters an attack boost and water monsters will do reduced damage. If you have a fire mono team, you'll achieve the highest attacks against the leaf tower.
Every tower, except rock, also has a zodiac boost of 25%. These zodiac boosts are static and remain constant between Dominion events. Any monster in your team with the same zodiac as the tower will receive a 25% attack bonus. Please be aware that the tower bonus is only applied to your base attack stat. It does not increase your passive or event bonus at all! For more information please refer to the Damage Calculation section towards the end of this post.
Leaf Tower - Autumn: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Fire Tower - Spring: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Water Tower - Winter: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Wind Tower - Summer: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Rock Tower: No zodiac bonus
An ideal team matches the element bonus with the zodiac bonus. e.g. Sagittarius fire team against the leaf tower.
Aside from taking into account the element and zodiacs of the tower you want to attack, the next consideration is the actives of your team's monsters. The towers do not attack your team, so no healers or defensive monsters are needed. The tower is also a single target, making actives like snipe and bane (single target attack) more effective than actives like blast and vampire (multi-target attack).
If the zodiac(s) or element(s) of your team don't match a specific tower, try a single energy against the towers that are likely to be good for your team and compare the damage that you can achieve.
Event Monsters
Event monsters have a significant bonus against their opposite element. A fire event monster will only have a bonus against the leaf tower, for example. Event monsters can be spun from within the Event tab (click the "E" on the top left corner of your screen and then click "Event Spin") for 50 gold/spin. After attacking within the event screen you may be randomly offered a "lucky spin" that will have 3x the drop rate of event epics, again at a cost of 50 gold/spin. Dominion monsters have a high value among traders.
If you happen to have spun a lot of event monsters that you are unlikely to use as you already have stronger monsters or teams, keep an eye out in Troop Hall after the first game day reset after the event has begun. The Monster Trader has started to make an appearance there during Dominion and can help you turn your possibly unwanted lower rarity monsters into a higher tier. Examples of the Monster Trader's offerings are shown in the screenshots below.
The Monster Trader will have a random selection of elements available to trade in each rarity, and her selection changes at the game day reset. She will offer you a monster of the next highest rarity to those your trading in, but they will always be of the same element. She does not mind what level your event monster is, nor what active/passive it has. Note that evolved monsters cannot be traded at the Monster Trader though. Click on a trade that you have the right number of monsters for and she will give you an option to select them individually to make sure she takes the right monsters. When you confirm the trade, your monsters will disappear and a monster of the next highest rarity will appear in your inventory. All Dominion Monster Trader event monsters will have snipe as their active, but their passives are random (anticipate that feeders will most often be received). They all will be low level monsters (levels 1-7 normally) and will need feeding up before they are fully useful to you.
Whether the trader is a good option for you is subjective. In the example trade below, I could have placed 5 of these claytures on a team and hit the wind tower with a total event bonus of 2500%. If I had used the six of them to create 3 evolved clayons, their collective event bonus would have been 3300%. In contrast, the single ultra onyzzard that I received from the trade only has an event bonus of 900%. In my case, I can use this as a feeder to evolve a tier 1 ultra I have on an almost complete Dominion team. For that reason, the trade is worthwhile to me, whereas someone developing a Dominion team may prefer to have kept the supers instead.
Note: The trader can see into your inventory and storages and will often set her trading offer to be one more monster than she can see that you have. For example, if you have the 6 event supers that she's looking for in the below trades, she instead would have made you a deal for 7 event supers. This increases until you reach her maximum monster offer. There are two known ways around this. Both involve keeping one less than the trader wants in your inventory and storages. Have a friend (or alt account) look after the last monsters and after the Monster Trader shows you an offer you want, trade back your monster to meet her requirements. The second method is to "hide" your monster in your Arena defense team or possibly send it on a dig site mission (untested method but likely to work). These methods may be subject to change if BC decides to allow the Monster Trader to view your monsters in these locations. For this reason, trading one monster to a friend is the safest option.
Advanced team/gem-matching strategy
Which tower should I attack?
There are two factors to take into account in determining where you'll achieve the highest damage: element and zodiac.
Each tower takes on the element of the tower. For example, the leaf tower will behave as a leaf monster, giving fire monsters an attack boost and water monsters will do reduced damage. If you have a fire mono team, you'll achieve the highest attacks against the leaf tower.
Every tower, except rock, also has a zodiac boost of 25%. These zodiac boosts are static and remain constant between Dominion events. Any monster in your team with the same zodiac as the tower will receive a 25% attack bonus. Please be aware that the tower bonus is only applied to your base attack stat. It does not increase your passive or event bonus at all! For more information please refer to the Damage Calculation section towards the end of this post.
Leaf Tower - Autumn: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Fire Tower - Spring: Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Water Tower - Winter: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Wind Tower - Summer: Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Rock Tower: No zodiac bonus
An ideal team matches the element bonus with the zodiac bonus. e.g. Sagittarius fire team against the leaf tower.
Aside from taking into account the element and zodiacs of the tower you want to attack, the next consideration is the actives of your team's monsters. The towers do not attack your team, so no healers or defensive monsters are needed. The tower is also a single target, making actives like snipe and bane (single target attack) more effective than actives like blast and vampire (multi-target attack).
If the zodiac(s) or element(s) of your team don't match a specific tower, try a single energy against the towers that are likely to be good for your team and compare the damage that you can achieve.
Event Monsters
Event monsters have a significant bonus against their opposite element. A fire event monster will only have a bonus against the leaf tower, for example. Event monsters can be spun from within the Event tab (click the "E" on the top left corner of your screen and then click "Event Spin") for 50 gold/spin. After attacking within the event screen you may be randomly offered a "lucky spin" that will have 3x the drop rate of event epics, again at a cost of 50 gold/spin. Dominion monsters have a high value among traders.
The damage of this event epic will be multiplied by 12 against the leaf tower only
Dominion Event Monsters
Information from
The image below contains every Dominion event monster and their evolved versions. The event bonus for each monster is shown directly below that monster's picture. Keep in mind that the event bonus will only be against the tower that each monster's element is strongest against. (For example, water event monsters have a bonus against the fire tower).
Dominion Event Monsters
Information from
The Monster Trader will have a random selection of elements available to trade in each rarity, and her selection changes at the game day reset. She will offer you a monster of the next highest rarity to those your trading in, but they will always be of the same element. She does not mind what level your event monster is, nor what active/passive it has. Note that evolved monsters cannot be traded at the Monster Trader though. Click on a trade that you have the right number of monsters for and she will give you an option to select them individually to make sure she takes the right monsters. When you confirm the trade, your monsters will disappear and a monster of the next highest rarity will appear in your inventory. All Dominion Monster Trader event monsters will have snipe as their active, but their passives are random (anticipate that feeders will most often be received). They all will be low level monsters (levels 1-7 normally) and will need feeding up before they are fully useful to you.
Whether the trader is a good option for you is subjective. In the example trade below, I could have placed 5 of these claytures on a team and hit the wind tower with a total event bonus of 2500%. If I had used the six of them to create 3 evolved clayons, their collective event bonus would have been 3300%. In contrast, the single ultra onyzzard that I received from the trade only has an event bonus of 900%. In my case, I can use this as a feeder to evolve a tier 1 ultra I have on an almost complete Dominion team. For that reason, the trade is worthwhile to me, whereas someone developing a Dominion team may prefer to have kept the supers instead.
Selecting monsters to trade with the Monster Trader
Received rock ultra from the above trade
Note: The trader can see into your inventory and storages and will often set her trading offer to be one more monster than she can see that you have. For example, if you have the 6 event supers that she's looking for in the below trades, she instead would have made you a deal for 7 event supers. This increases until you reach her maximum monster offer. There are two known ways around this. Both involve keeping one less than the trader wants in your inventory and storages. Have a friend (or alt account) look after the last monsters and after the Monster Trader shows you an offer you want, trade back your monster to meet her requirements. The second method is to "hide" your monster in your Arena defense team or possibly send it on a dig site mission (untested method but likely to work). These methods may be subject to change if BC decides to allow the Monster Trader to view your monsters in these locations. For this reason, trading one monster to a friend is the safest option.
Advanced team/gem-matching strategy
For players working on teams that only contain Dominion event monsters, the general consensus (from Battle Camp Global on Facebook) on team building is to either play with 5 snipes, or 4 snipes and one swap/eswap. In both cases, the aim is to rely on the damage of your actives (snipes) alone. Each turn, make one 3 gem match in an element you don't have - no combinations and no actual attacks. This single match is enough to bring your actives closer to activating without taking up any time animating an attack. The idea is that most damage will come from the high powered snipes with the event bonus, and if you try attacking in between the snipes you'll lose time and will reduce the number of snipes you can fit into your minute.
In the last few seconds of either method, aim for one really long turn (generally going into overtime) using up as many attack combinations as you can. If you're using a 5 snipe team, match the attack element gems that you need which have accumulated within your minute. If you're using the 4 snipe and 1 swap/eswap method, manually activate the swap only in these last few seconds so that you can have a really big attack turn at the end (to make up for the missing snipe monster).
The reason for avoiding using both a swap and an eswap is that you're aiming to only have a single long turn at the end. Activating both at once is likely to fill your board with interconnecting patterns of gems reducing the individual combos and damage done. Activating them over 2 separate turns takes too much time away from the snipe activations that you're aiming for.
Damage Calculations - Event bonuses and Boosters in Dominion
The bonuses applied to the base attack statistic throughout the game are all additive, not multiplicative as most of us intuitively assume.
Let's consider a Dominion event super as an example. This monster has a 500% event bonus against the right tower. For the purpose of this example, let's give this event super: an extra +55% attack from having Lethal as it's passive; 25% bonus from the zodiac boost on the tower it will be hitting; 15% bonus from your zodiac leveling in the Arena map area using runes. Furthermore, let's add an element booster as well for an extra +100% damage.
List of bonuses:
Event bonus +500%
Passive bonus +55%
Tower bonus +25%
Zodiac/rune bonus +15%
Element booster bonus +100%
The total attack bonus this monster will experience is 695%.
Note in particular that the effects of all of these bonuses is small compared to the event bonus. In particular, the element booster does not double all other bonuses.
If the monster in the above example was now changed to an evolved Dominion event epic with event bonus of 2700%, the total attack bonus for this monster would be 2895%. The effects of the tower bonus, passive and element booster are almost negligible compared to the event bonus.
More details about the Damage Calculations within Battle Camp can be read below in the screenshot taken from the game's official help page at

The bonuses applied to the base attack statistic throughout the game are all additive, not multiplicative as most of us intuitively assume.
Let's consider a Dominion event super as an example. This monster has a 500% event bonus against the right tower. For the purpose of this example, let's give this event super: an extra +55% attack from having Lethal as it's passive; 25% bonus from the zodiac boost on the tower it will be hitting; 15% bonus from your zodiac leveling in the Arena map area using runes. Furthermore, let's add an element booster as well for an extra +100% damage.
List of bonuses:
Event bonus +500%
Passive bonus +55%
Tower bonus +25%
Zodiac/rune bonus +15%
Element booster bonus +100%
The total attack bonus this monster will experience is 695%.
Note in particular that the effects of all of these bonuses is small compared to the event bonus. In particular, the element booster does not double all other bonuses.
If the monster in the above example was now changed to an evolved Dominion event epic with event bonus of 2700%, the total attack bonus for this monster would be 2895%. The effects of the tower bonus, passive and element booster are almost negligible compared to the event bonus.
More details about the Damage Calculations within Battle Camp can be read below in the screenshot taken from the game's official help page at

Just for Fun - Places to sit within the Dominion Map area.
Within the different map areas of the game, you have most likely discovered that there are various places for your avatar to sit. Usually they are obvious like tree stumps or benches, but others include the pvp bear head and cannons. Dominion has various seats available to you if you know where to click. These screenshots don't include the duplicate neighboring seating. If you know of a different seat that I've missed in the Dominion area, please let me know. (There is no actual purpose to sitting within the game... this is just for fun).
Rock Tower
Fire Tower
Water and Wind Tower
Official Pennypop Guide to Dominion:
Hi, I want to translate some of this to Vietnamese to share with the players that don't speak English. Is it ok with you?
ReplyDeleteDo you know how they determine a tie? What if you are matched against a troop that doesn't participate? I won all towers and attacked for an hour and it said I tied with the troop that didn't even play.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any information regarding specials drops from the tower? What is the chance any strategies for it?
ReplyDeleteis it possible that the simulation for teams is not correct?
ReplyDeleteit seams that the passive is not added like you stated.
The results seam to high...
Hola, a que se debe que las torres entregen pets especiales? Es al azar? De que depende?