Wednesday, April 5, 2017

List of Daily Rewards - Updated April 2017

The daily rewards of Battle Camp have changed with the April 2017 game update.  The popular feeding booster remains on day 17, five specials have been added, 200 extra stone (comparing monthly totals) and there are now two boosters for each element every month.  Monster spins, avatar spins and a stone finder booster have all been removed completely from the sequence. (See below on where you can still obtain these in the game).

For every day that you log into Battle Camp, you'll see a red gift box labelled "Daily" in the top right corner below the Map, Goals and Sales buttons.  You'll see a new daily gift available at every game day reset (Midnight GMT) and it's up to you when you choose to click to accept the gift during the 24 hours that it will be available for.

When you click on this box, you'll see a Daily Reward screen like in the screenshot below showing you what you have received today.  These items are added directly into your inventory, or added to your current energy or stones respectively.  You can swipe along the rewards to see which ones are coming up for you soon.

If you miss logging into the game for a few days, you'll still receive the next prize in sequence regardless of how long you were out of the game for.  After 30 days, the daily rewards will reset to the first prize again.  If you've missed days during that month, you won't progress as far through the list of rewards.

What is the rare monster on day 2?

The rare monster in the sequence used to be a reward hoverborg.  This has been replaced with a Soarnado.  The soarnado was an event monster from the Arena event held back in April 2015. It has not had an event bonus in game since then.  If you choose not to keep it, you can salvage it for a rare treat and some rare essence.

Where can I get the items that are no longer daily rewards?

The most significant items missing from the daily rewards now are monster spins, avatar spins and a stone finder booster.  These can all be found elsewhere in the game if they are important to you.

Monster Spins: early bosses in the raid halls; troop hall dungeons; petting the troop pet prizes; most daily goals.

Avatar Spins: troop hall dungeons; petting the troop pet prizes, "Ranger Showdown" daily goal.

Stone finder booster: pvp trader, petting the troop pet prizes, final boss in Forest/Boulder/Inferno hall raids.

Table of new Daily Rewards

Day Reward Day Reward
1 5 Energy 16 1 Wind Booster
2 1 Rare 17 Feeding Booster
3 500 Stones 18 5 Energy
4 1 Wind Special 19 1 Rock Booster
5 5 Energy 20 500 Stones
6 1 Wind Special 21 1 Fire Booster
7 500 Stones 22 10 Energy
8 1 Rare 23 1 Water Booster
9 1 Luck Booster 24 1 Special (random)
10 1 Wind Special 25 5 Energy
11 1 Fire Booster 26 1 Leaf Booster
12 1 Wind Special 27 500 Stones
13 1 Water Booster 28 1 Wind Booster
14 5 Energy 29 10 Energy
15 1 Leaf Booster 30 1 Rock Booster

Chart of new Daily Rewards 

Created by NWLZCH85 - Click to Enlarge

Old Daily Rewards

For anyone curious to compare the changes, the old daily rewards list is presented below.

  • 50 Stones
  • 1 Rare (Hoverborg)
  • 5 Energy
  • 1 Avatar Spin
  • 5 Energy
  • 250 Stones
  • 1 Stone Finder Booster
  • 5 Energy
  • 1 Monster Spin
  • 1 Special
  • 1 Luck Booster
  • 5 Energy
  • 1 Avatar Spin
  • 2 Monster Spins
  • 250 Stone
  • 1 Monster Spin
  • 1 Feeding Booster
  • 5 Energy
  • 1 Rock Booster
  • 250 Stones
  • 1 Fire Booster
  • 10 Energy
  • 1 Water Booster
  • 1 Monster Spin
  • 1 Leaf Booster
  • 2 Monster Spins
  • 500 Stone
  • 1 Wind Booster
  • 10 Energy
  • 1 Avatar Spin
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