Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Unofficial Live stream Summary - November 28th, 2017

Survey Link: http://bit.ly/2zOi7E5
New event. Clarification of the name - it's "Team Brawl", not "elemental clash" as mentioned last livestream. It's a 10 day event that starts on Friday. 2 troops versus 2 troops, inspired by Battle Royale "a little bit". Together you will need to work together to defeat the enemy. This event will have 3 matches, each for 2 hours, spread evenly throughout the day, to help make it less intense for players. One of the reward monsters will have dual elements. Evolved monsters are returning to the tiers ("leader boards") and will be very "generous". VIP will also be "buffed" and benchmarks rewards will be expanded as appropriate for a ten day event. Virtual world chests will be new too. Monster trader will still be there for this event.
Troops matched together will be different each round, because it would be unfair to be matched with an inactive troop. The matching will be based on tier ranks throughout the event. If the four troops playing were 10, 11, 12 and 13, then 10 and 13 would be paired together and the middle two troops 11 and 12 would be paired together, for example. This will keep the matches balanced for power.
Event monsters have been selected. These will be old monsters and we will discover what they are when the event begins. BC will post an update after the stream to let us know which event monsters will have an active bonus.
19:30-20:30 Two dual element rock/fire legendary and epic monsters were shown in the live stream. Only one will be released per event. Screenshots below

21:40-22:02 Sneak peak of the event zone. It's held in the Battle R event area, but looks different. 5 opponent teams plus Ranger shown, as per Battle Royale. Screenshot below

Defenses? Like BR, each player will need to set a defense team. You'll then face a selection of 5 opponents from either of the two troops you're facing (a possibility of 50 different defense teams instead of 25 in BR). Points (trophies?) will be awarded for defense wins. Trophy amounts have been reduced though as there will be up to 50 players playing against the defense teams. Top match bonus multiplier goes to the winning troop on the winning side, who won the most trophies. If you were "carried", in that the other troop you were paired with won more trophies than you, you will receive a reduced bonus multiplier. From the losing troop pairing, the troop with the most trophies will get the third highest multiplier and the other troop will get the lowest multiplier.
Questions from last week's survey:
1. Players ideas about t-shirts. They don't have the capacity to "bring these to life" currently, but displayed Richard's design in the live stream.
2. Hacks and cheating have been shared by players in the surveys. BC is aware and are investigating and have found some perpetrators but are still watching others. Two specific cheats have been uncovered. BC advises everyone to stop using these loopholes and exploits, consequences will be forthcoming and BC is aware.
3. Players are asking for revamp of VIP benchmark rewards. This will be happening during this 10 day event with new rewards.
Answers given to players during live stream:
* Can gold/energy be returned to event benchmarks? Cool Luke instead has energy and gold in VIP benchmarks, along with free VIP.
* Second evolution updates? The new dual element monsters are coming out this event. Other second evolutions may be coming if/when they have time. Most likely one released every x weeks instead of all at once. BC's priorities are new features first though.
* Bring back monster merging? BC is still waiting for QA to sign off on it to make sure it doesn't affect anything with bound equipment. This has been delayed by the holiday weekend in USA.
* Price of gold is too expensive in relative to earnings in Asian countries? BC can't change the prices based on geography. This is controlled by the app stores and they convert BC's set US currency prices into the different currencies around the world.
* Can 5e refill be changed to 10e refills? BC can consider that but it will need to be in relation to balance in the game.
* BC is constantly iterating the deals and being more multi-faceted with chests and grab bonuses and gold offers.
* Will bound equipment monsters be able to be merged? For now, BC wants to be sure that this cannot happen. This is the delay on bringing back merging. The power level would be too massive.
* Dominion is coming up soon, and it has been fixed.
* Arena intentionally gets more difficult to level up your zodiac with runes.
* No, BC will not publish the odds of each grab. If BC legally needs to do this then they will comply, but for now they are following best business practices as they need to stay secretive in relation to their other competitors. It's unfortunate that the industry is like this. If everyone has to do this, then BC will too.

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