Monday, March 13, 2017

How to Defeat Mortimer in Lost Temple

The battle against Mortimer in Lost Temple is a significant stumbling block for most.  It's also a battle for which there are no specific tricks to beating it, unlike Mad Tweety and the Warhog in Mt Magma.

The battle with Mortimer will cost you 5 energy. Battle Camp recommends a power rating of 200000.  The battle against Mortimer is time limited to 5 minutes and will give you 300 stones and 300 XP as a completion reward.

To defeat Mortimer, you will need a good team, element boosters to match your team and possible health/recovery boosters.  Most players don't have a strong enough team at this stage in the game to defeat Mortimer. If that's the case, be prepared to spend some gold to save yourself during the battle. (This buys you another 5 minutes with full health to continue where you left off).

There is no rush to complete this battle though.  Beyond Mortimer, there is only one last storyline quest - defeating the Architect.  To defeat the architect, you'll need to work through crystal raids with your troop.  This is the "end game" of Battle Camp as the difficulty is higher than anything you will have come across so far in the game.  If your troop is not yet raiding crystals, then take your time to build up strength to defeat Mortimer.  

What Monsters will I face?

The battle with Mortimer needs to be completed within 5 minutes.  It consists of 5 waves of monsters.  The first two waves have 3 monsters, the next two waves have 5 monsters and the last wave has one water monster.  (You won't actually be facing Mortimer himself).

Wave 1 (4500 rock surge)

Wave 2 (6500 fire surge)

Wave 3 (multiple surges)

Wave 4 (multiple surges)

Wave 5 (water surge)


The two challenges players face are either running out of health, or running out of time.  With a 5 minute battle and 5 waves, you'll need to be defeating one wave each minute on average.

If you are struggling to survive the battle, try changing your monsters to include one that heals (like group heal, big heal, or regen) or one with barrier (increases health of all monsters by 20% and reduces damage from one element by 20%).  If you have a zodiac matched team, a monster with a passive like bulwark, protector or panzer, will cause a 65/55% increase in health in that monster.  

If you have been lucky during some of your hall raids in the different map areas, you may have won health or recovery boosters.  A health booster will increase your team's base health by 50% for 30 minutes, and a recovery booster will double your team's base recovery for 30 minutes. (Recovery is a measure of how much your monster(s) will heal each time heart gems are matched or a healing active is cast).  Health boosters can be won from the final boss in the hall in Rocky Ridge. Both health and recovery boosters can be won from the final boss in the Mt Magma hall. Each of these halls can be attempted every 24 hours.

If you are struggling to finish the battle within 5 minutes, the first step is to improve your team.  Look for monsters with active abilities that are able to target multiple monsters at once. These abilities include blast, lacerate, venom and many other less popular abilities too.  Also feed your monsters up as high as you can to increase their attack, health and recovery.  

There isn't an element with a distinct advantage for this battle.  For example, you could use mostly leaf monsters as the final boss is water, however that would put you at a disadvantage against the earlier fire monsters.  Choose your team based on their active abilities and health.

The speed that you play with will also be important.  Don't take too long considering your turn.  If an attack move isn't obvious, try to quickly match 3 hearts to heal instead.  This will also bring your actives one turn closer to activating. If the right gems are available, try to match 5 gems of the same element at a time. This will make all monsters of that element attack every opponent you're facing and significantly increases the damage you can do.  If you're able to, match one set of 5 gems and then another 3 gem match of the same element in the same turn.  This will make all monsters in your team attack every opponent with twice the damage.

The next step is to make sure you have some gold available so that you can click "save me" when/if the battle is lost.  This will give you 5 minutes of extra time with fully restored health to continue the battle from where you left off.  You are able to save yourself multiple times in the one battle if you need.  How much gold you may need will depend on how many times you've clicked the "save me" button in the game so far.  Each time you do this, the amount of gold you need will double.  If it's the first time you use this option, it will cost you only 1 gold. The next time will cost 2 gold, then 4, 8, 16, etc.

In the screenshots below, my alt was defeated on the final boss. The "save me" button only cost 1 gold as it's the first time I've used it in the game so far.  This allowed me to continue battling against the final boss.  My team's health was fully restored and I was given another 5 minutes of battle time.

Using the "save me" button against the final boss

The last step before battle is to activate a booster in each of the elements that you have on your team.  Element boosters increase your base attack for 30 minutes.  You can have as many different element boosters going at the same time as you need.  If you have them, health and recovery boosters may be handy too.  Element boosters can be won from defeating the dungeon in troop hall between events.  (The element booster won will match the element of that particular dungeon that is open).  Boosters can also be purchased with pvp tokens during the weekly pvp event.

With fire and rock monsters in my team, I've activated fire and rock boosters

Defeating Mortimer will earn you 300 stones and 300 XP (plus 50XP simply for using 5 energy).

If these strategies don't work, consider spending more time improving your team. is the website most players use to negotiate trades, or you might ask your troop mates to borrow a good monster of theirs.  Click on these links for other ideas on improving your power rating and obtaining better monsters or for advice on figuring out if you have good monsters.

What's Next?

The very last quest in the game

If your troop is raiding crystals, there's a big incentive to defeat Mortimer and to join your troopmates for the best chance of earning full supers and crystals for second evolutions.  Each week your troop has the opportunity to raid against a random order of element crystals, and after defeating them you can try to defeat the architect to claim your architect badge.  This is a significantly difficult process and many troops need full participation and power ratings above 350k with a leaf and wind crush monster each. This is considered the "end game" of Battle Camp and most advanced troops work towards defeating the architect each week.  For more information on Lost Temple crystal raids, please refer to this great guide from Battle Camp Manual.

The Architect in Lost Temple

Aside from crystal raids, advanced players will be playing in the weekly events and improving their teams.

There is no storyline quest beyond defeating the architect. Congratulations on almost finishing!

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