Friday, March 10, 2017

Battle Camp VIP Membership

What is Battle Camp VIP?

VIP points are a way of rewarding players over time for being actively involved in the game.   Among other benefits, VIP members have slightly faster energy recharge, increased passive leveling chance, decreased waiting times in the game (for example the time to craft a salvaged egg), reduced wait time to trade with a new friends, and at higher levels VIP members gain more daily trades and can even receive rerolls monthly.

When the VIP program was introduced in 2015, Battle Camp decided to "back pay" players with VIP points based on how long they had been playing but especially rewarded past spending in the game with significantly more points.  This gave the VIP program a quick starting boost.  Nowadays, VIP points can be earned through daily event goals and trophy benchmark prizes.  The more active you are in events, the more VIP points you will earn.

VIP points can be won through daily event goals (left)
or reaching trophy benchmarks in events (right)

There is a catch though. VIP membership is not free.  It costs 100 gold to activate it for 30 days.  While active, you will gain the benefits of your VIP level, including bonuses like reduced energy recharge time, increased daily trades, shorter delay before you can trade with a new friend, monthly rerolls, and lots more. While your VIP membership is inactive though, you will lose 10 points each day and you may drop to lower VIP levels as your points reduce through each level's threshold.

Official BC description: "Here at Battle Camp, we realize people are important. In fact, you might say they're very important. Which is why we host a VIP Program where you can win additional perks by buying VIP points or by winning them when opportunities appear in-game."

What VIP level am I? How many VIP points do I have?

At the very top left corner of your screen you will see the words VIP followed by a number. That number is the VIP level corresponding to your current VIP points.  If these words have a grey background, your VIP is inactive and you will be losing 10 VIP points every day.  If these words instead have an orange background, your VIP is active and you are receiving the benefits of your VIP level.

 Inactive VIP, Level 1

 Active VIP, Level 5

Click on the words "VIP" at the top of your screen to open up more information about your VIP points.

If your VIP is inactive, your screen will look like the left screenshot below. You have the option to activate your membership by pressing the orange button, or you can view the VIP benefits by clicking "Preview Benefits". For simplicity, screenshots of these appear in a later section of this post.

If your VIP is active you'll see a screen similar to the right screenshot below. You can also see how many days your membership will still be active for.  While you can activate for 30 days, the game will allow you to activate again anytime you have less than 30 days remaining. As such, the maximum duration shown can be 60 days. (I keep mine above 30 so that I don't risk it running out if I forget).

Inside the VIP screens for inactive (left) and active (right) memberships

Whether your VIP is active or inactive, you will be able to see how many VIP points you currently have and how many are needed to reach the next level.  Note that VIP points accumulate over the lifetime of your playing and don't reset to 0 when you reach the next level.  In the above left screenshot, my main account has 18480 VIP points, is at level 5 (active) and needs to reach 30000 VIP points before I will reach level 6.  In the right screenshot, my alt has 380 VIP points, is level 1 (inactive) and needs to reach 1000 points for level 2.

Below this you will see a slider where you can buy VIP points for 1 gold each. The higher you level up the more you will need to buy at a time.  The majority of players do not spend gold on raising their VIP level, although some might when they are very close to the next level and want to gain the benefits of the next level immediately.

How many points are needed for each level?

VIP points are accumulated over the lifetime of your playing.  As you reach each level, your points continue to accumulate. Reaching a new level does not reduce your points to 0, instead you're simply set a higher level of points to reach the next level.

Level Points Required
1 0
2 1000
3 2500
4 10000
5 17500
6 30000
7 50000
8 ?
9 ?
10 ?

What are the benefits of activating VIP?

Activating VIP membership costs 100 gold (10 will be gifted back to you at level 1, with higher gold refund gifts above level 6) and only lasts for 30 days.

In my honest opinion, at the low levels of VIP, there may be little advantage in activating VIP aside from preventing the daily loss of 10 points so that you can reach higher levels over time.  VIP3 gives you an energy recharge 1 minute faster than a player without VIP, and VIP5 gives you a reroll with every activation.  These two levels tend to be targets that many players want to reach.  Activating VIP is a personal choice.

As your VIP level increases, the benefits of having VIP also increase.  Your energy recharge time reduces, your trading delay/window reduces, you can make more trades each day, eventually you'll receive monthly rerolls, and many more advantages.  Some of these are detailed more closely below.

Examples of Significant Benefits

Each VIP level that you gain will reduce your energy recharge time by 20 seconds.  At VIP3, for example, your energy will recharge every 9 minutes instead of 10 minutes.  This may seem small, but it often means an extra 1 energy hit during a one hour match in an event.

VIP Level Energy Recharge Time
No VIP 10 mins
1 9 mins 40 secs
2 9 mins 20 secs
3 9 mins
4 8 mins 40 secs
5 8 mins 20 secs
6 8 mins
7 7 mins 40 secs
8 7 mins 20 secs
9 7 mins
10 6 mins 40 secs

VIP reduces the time you need to be friends with a player before you can trade with them. This is usually a 12 day delay.  The reduction of the trading delay (also called "trading window") is shown in the table below.  Within a trade, your VIP trading window will apply for both players even if the other person doesn't have VIP active or is at a lower VIP level.  Similarly, if you're trading with someone with a higher VIP level you'll gain the benefits of the faster trade with them.

If you happen to activate VIP while waiting for a trade, the new trading window will immediately come into effect, allowing you to trade faster.

VIP Level Trading Delay
No VIP 12 days
1 11 days
2 10 days
3 10 days
4 9 days
5 9 days
6 8 days
7 8 days
8 7 days
9 6 days
10 3 days

The number of trades you are able to make each day also increases as you level up your VIP.

VIP Level Number of
Daily Trades
No VIP 2
1 2
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 3
6 3
7 3
8 4
9 4
10 5

From VIP5, players will also receive a reroll each time they activate their VIP membership for another 30 days.  At VIP10, this increases to 2 rerolls. (Rerolls allow you to randomly change a monster's active and passive abilities. For more information, please refer to this post).

You will also be gifted a bronze/silver/gold package each time you activate for 30 days.  These packages send a small gift to every player in your troop when you activate.  For example, bronze gifts include 2 energy, a scroll, a jewel, or another small item.  Silver and gold packages will gift your troop members something a little more valued.

 Additionally, the amount of gold you will be immediately gifted to back in your inbox increases, reducing the cost of your monthly activation.  For example, at VIP10, 50 gold will be gifted to you as soon as you pay the 100 gold for the next 30 days of activation, reducing your total monthly cost to only 50 gold.

VIP Level Gold Gift
each activation
1 10
2 10
3 10
4 10
5 10
6 15
7 20
8 25
9 30
10 50

Warning - Not all is as it seems!

There are many misunderstandings that arise from the wording BC has chosen to use in its descriptions of the VIP benefits.  Every listed bonus is compared to a player without active VIP, not compared to the previous VIP level.  Additionally the way the percentage increases are applied is not intuitive and is less than most players imagine.

As an example of the way percentage increases are applied, lets consider the increased passive leveling chance.

VIP Level Increased Passive
Leveling Chance
No VIP 0%
1 5%
2 10%
3 20%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 100%

VIP10 gives an 100% increased passive leveling chance.  Many players interpret this as meaning all passive leveling will be successful every single time. Instead that 100% increase only doubles your passive level chance.

As another example, VIP5 gives a 50% increased passive leveling chance. Without VIP, if you have a 10% chance of a successful passive leveling, and you activated VIP5, you would now have a 15% chance of being successful (an additional 50% of the current 10%) and not 60% (10+50%) that many players interpret this bonus as.

For all the other listed VIP bonuses, all percentages work in this manner and their effects in the game are often much lower than players anticipate.

Other benefits are also open to misinterpretation. As an example, VIP2 says "max friends increase 5 more". VIP3 says "max friends increases 7 more". Both of these are relative to an inactive VIP, so that when you level up from VIP2 to VIP3 you will actually only gain 2 extra friends (7 more than an inactive VIP player though).

Lists of benefits for each VIP level

The following screenshots display the benefits you will receive at each level.  As per in the section above, please not that these benefits are always as compared to a completely inactive VIP player and do not accumulate as you level up.  Also be aware that the percentage increases shown in these screenshots are smaller than they may seem.

Click to enlarge any image.

VIP 1 and 2

VIP 3 and 4

VIP 5 and 6

VIP 7 and 8

VIP 9 and 10


  1. What's inside the Silver package?

  2. How i can get my bronze package because i cant find it ( while i activated my VIP )

  3. Me neither, do you only get the package prize and gold if you active with gold because im on via 2 but I just do it by get vip points but I'm not getting the prize
