Sunday, March 5, 2017

Introducing your Troop Pet

When your troop was created, an egg appeared in your troop hall.

By clicking on this egg, your troop founder was able to select your troop pet: Heatra (fire), Goredener (leaf), or Baygon (water).  Unfortunately your troop founder was only provided the information in the screenshot below to make their choice - a picture of the pet, their name and their element type.

Once your troop founder decided on a troop pet, it appeared in your troop hall as a level 1 pet, with 100 attack and 1 million health.

This blog post intends to explain how your troop pet grows and influences the game.
(Note: your troop pet cannot ever be changed).

Petting your Pet for Happiness

Your troop pet likes to be petted.  Every 6 hours you will be able to click on your troop pet and give it a pet.

Each time someone in your troop does this, your pet's happiness will be raised by 1%.  When your pet's happiness reaches 100%, everyone in your troop will receive a random prize in their inbox.  They'll also be able to pet again immediately as all 6 hour delays reset as the pet's happiness returns to 0%. An active troop with 25 players can be receiving prizes from petting their pet every second day.

Battle Camp's official help page states that: "The higher your pet's level, the better the reward."

Possible prizes include:
  • 5 Energy  (10 at higher pet levels)
  • 500 Stones
  • Feeding Booster
  • Stone Finder Booster
  • Health Booster
  • Luck Booster
  • XP Booster
  • Avatar Spin
  • Monster Spin
  • Special
  • Rare Monster

As an additional bonus, every time your troop pets the pet 15 times in a game day (measured from reset to reset), your troop will all receive 50 stones from the daily Troop Goals.  This may seem minor, but 50 stones each day adds up over time.

Feeding your Pet

Your pet likes to eat specials, but only fire, leaf and water specials. (It has no interest in wind or rock specials). By feeding your pet specials, you can help level your troop pet up.  For each special donated, you'll receive 25 loyalty points that you can spend in your troop shop.

To feed your pet, first click on it in troop hall then select the "Feed" tab.  Then click either the "Pick" button or the image of any of the specials shown.  This will open up a "Select Monster" screen where you can choose which of your specials you would like to feed to your pet.  Once you are happy with your selection, click "Feed".

When feeding your pet, be aware that each special will gain the same level percentage increase irrespective of whether it has been maxed or if is potent, charged or energized.  For this reason, most players feed level 1 potent specials.

It takes only 10 specials to raise your troop pet's level from 1 to 2.  However, as your pet's level increases more specials will be required to reach the next level.

In the left screenshot above, there is an (almost hidden) special grab store that can be accessed by clicking on the "Help" button from the troop pet's feeding tab. The special grab store will open up and you will have the chance to spin a special for 25 gold. Note that all elements of specials are available in this spin, however rock and wind specials cannot be fed to the troop pet.

Many advanced troops have a requirement that their player feed a certain number of specials to their pet each week to help level it up faster.  This special grab store can help you buy a special to meet these troop requirements, or to gain specials for evolutions or feeding your own monsters.

Why is your Troop Pet's level important?

Have you ever noticed your troop pet missing from troop hall?  During Troop Wars events, your troop pet disappears to fight against an opponent troop for hour long matches.

Our troop pet is busy elsewhere during a Troop Wars match

Each time your pet levels up it will gain 2.5 million health and 20 attack to better defend your troop in Troop Wars.  (Click here to read more about the Troop Wars event).  Any active abilities that your troop pet has gained when evolving (see below) will also increase in strength each level.

To view your troop pet's level, click on your troop pet and then the Feed tab. Likewise, to see your troop pet's health and attack, select the Stats tab.

Our pet is level 16 and has 400 attack and 38.5 million health

For beginners, it's likely to be more advantageous for you to use your specials to feed up or evolve your monsters in preference to feeding them to your troop pet.

Your troop pet will evolve at levels 10 and 35 and its appearance will significantly change as shown below.

Troop Pets evolve at levels 10 and 35

Your troop pet will also gain extra abilities at levels 10, 20, 35 and 50.  Each of these level 10/35/50 abilities will grow stronger each time your troop pet levels up higher.

Baygon - Water
 Level 10: Gains Big Heal
 Level 20: Resists 70% of Water Attacks
 Level 35: Gains Counter
Level 50: Gains Venom

Heatra - Fire
 Level 10: Gains Surge
(Surge is like Snipe)
 Level 20: Resists 70% of Fire Attacks
 Level 35: Gains Blast
Level 50: Gains Lacerate

Goredener - Leaf
 Level 10: Gains Leech
 Level 20: Resists 70% of Leaf Attacks
 Level 35: Gains Regen
Level 50: Gains Stun

A special thank you to Kristijan Gagulic for sharing observations about the level 50 water ability and to Ricky Hanson for confirming the existence of these level 50 abilities with BC.

At the start of October 2017 there are two troops who have reached the maximum pet level of 60, with several troops narrowly behind them.  These pets then have the strongest possible abilities and are no longer hungry for special donations.

Pet Level Leaderboard on on 5th October, 2017

Troop Pet - Health and Attack

The table below details the health and attack that your troop pet will have at any given level.

Level Health Attack Level Health Attack Level Health Attack
1 1.0 million 100 21 51.0 million 500 41 101.0 million 900
2 3.5 million 120 22 53.5 million 520 42 103.5 million 920
3 6.0 million 140 23 56.0 million 540 43 106.0 million 940
4 8.5 million 160 24 58.5 million 560 44 108.5 million 960
5 11.0 million 180 25 61.0 million 580 45 111.0 million 980
6 13.5 million 200 26 63.5 million 600 46 113.5 million 1000
7 16.0 million 220 27 66.0 million 620 47 116.0 million 1020
8 18.5 million 240 28 68.5 million 640 48 118.5 million 1040
9 21.0 million 260 29 71.0 million 660 49 121 million 1060
10 23.5 million 280 30 73.5 million 680 50 123.5 million 1080
11 26.0 million 300 31 76.0 million 700 51 126.0 million 1100
12 28.5 million 320 32 78.5 million 720 52 128.5 million 1120
13 31.0 million 340 33 81.0 million 740 53 131.0 million 1140
14 33.5 million 360 34 83.5 million 760 54 133.5 million 1160
15 36.0 million 380 35 86.0 million 780 55 136.0 million 1180
16 38.5 million 400 36 88.5 million 800 56 138.5 million 1200
17 41.0 million 420 37 91.0 million 820 57 141.0 million 1220
18 43.5 million 440 38 93.5 million 840 58 143.5 million 1240
19 46.0 million 460 39 96.0 million 860 59 146.0 million 1260
20 48.5 million 480 40 98.5 million 880 60 148.5 million 1280

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